Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Creative Visualization!

Greetings fellow metaphysicians!!

Today I feel the necessity of  communicating my experiences of  the ecstasies  and adventures of  "creative visualization".  I will be doing a workshop later this month on this very topic.  I thought about and thought about what I wanted to offer my guests for 1 whole hour!!   The topic that struck me the most was my experience with creative visualization.  I have tried it... and....  I have successfully experienced the euphoric results of blissful manifestation.  It works.  No doubt about it.  Some people, including me, have used it by default for many years.  Whether, by default or design, it is, I have found, the BEST way to manifest a life, or in some cases, a day, an hour, a year, or a century, of "dreaming till your dreams come true" (in the words of the Aerosomith song, "Dream On").  The quantum physics of the law of attraction simply and bluntly tells us, "thoughts are things", and "you create your own reality", "you are what you think", etc., etc.  Well, hot dog, and blow me down.  Really???  Yes, REALLY!!  Huh, who would have thought all those crazy wackos (including me, ahem!) would have coined such a simplistic cliche that has stuck like glue to all of humanity for God knows how long??  Well, guess what?  The band plays on.....

You absolutely, without a doubt, can change your life, your way of thinking, feeling, being and manifesting, by changing what you VISUALIZE!!  Call it daydreaming, call it imagining, call it meditating, call it psychotic (hee, hee, :)), call it anything you want!!  All it takes is a simple shift of thought and attitude to dream up what you really want to have and be in your daily reality.  Sometimes they are little things.  Sometimes they are big things.  I know.  I have done it.  If you LOVE it, if you WANT it, if you FEEL it, it's completely possible, no matter what the obstacles you think there are.

There is only one catch, and it's a good one.  My favorite bit of advice and what I love to tell anyone when I tell my stories is, "harm noone in thought word or deed."  And only you, in your heart, know what that means to you.  If it makes you happy, if it is good for you and your loved ones (by extension), if noone will be hurt down the line by your creation, then go for the full blown creation of exactly what you want.

I have been able to manifest things as small as a fun filled day trip shopping, and eating, and dancing, to a trip around the world to Europe on a first class level.  I have been able to manifest little trinkets and things for me or my environment, to actually the house I live in today, against seemingly insurmountable odds.  A skeptic can be as skeptical as they feel necessary.  It doesn't matter.  It is true, it is real, there are NO OBSTACLES!!  ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!  

In this era of advanced technology, which was predicted  by the astrologers long ago,  there are oodles and oodles of methods to use for visualizing.  You have instagram, pinterest, photography, digital vision boards, etc., etc.  But the AMAZING things is this.  You only need your mind.  You can close your eyes and see what you desire.  The technology is just the next step in manifesting it.  And really technology is just an extension of metaphysicality.  Putting your thoughts and mental visions into 3D form.  Amazing.

When I return I will list methods, strategies, a "to do" list to help get started on this amazing journey, that is, if you haven't already started.  First thing's first!  Ditch the pessimism.  Ditch the negativity.  Ditch the doubt. Ditch the bad experiences, especially.  Ditch the depression.  There is NO ROOM for any of that.  You don't want that anyway.  Right??

I'll be back.....


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