Sunday, February 21, 2016

Full Moon! Everybody's got their dues in life to pay....

 Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have another incredible Full Moon in Virgo, on Monday, February 22nd, at 1:19 p.m., edt.  

The full moon will floodlight, in brazen, blazing brightness, our hopes, dreams, and wishes, with the challenge of that good old-fashioned earthly wake-up call of "reality".  Ah...but do not be dismayed.  It's kind of like a check-point-charlie, ya know.  

What I see is this.  The Moon in Virgo is opposing and squaring our dreamy visions of the blissful world of Neptune and the Sun in Pisces, and the imperfection of romantic love (Venus) , with the jolt of  a Uranian shock.  We were instructed months ago to get those dreams flowing, the goals growing, and the action moving.  Now we are under the cosmic microscope.  Not to worry.  

Enter Jupiter.

Da ta da da!  This is just a routine check-up by the concerned, particular, fussy, master of practical detail herself (or himself), Virgo the Virgin, of the Zodiac.  Now, now.  We have to inspect, examine, double check, clean up, tune up, and realistically assess all the many details.  The resurrected dreams of our youthful soul have grown up and matured, see.  

Don't be discouraged.  I know it sometimes feels impossibly hard to pull it all off.  In the words of Steven Tyler, "Everybody's got the dues in life to pay", and "You got to lose to know how to win."  And with a full moon, well, you know how it is. But at the end of the day, the lord of optimistic action, Jupiter, is on the scene.  Click it and sing it...

I do spy with my little eye, love will find a way with Venus, this time around.  It may be a needle in a haystack, but it's there.  Keep looking.  You'll get there.  I see it.  I feel it.   And with Mars going gung-ho the last couple weeks and months, if you have been damaged or bruised in mind, body, or soul, now is not the time to give up.  It may not be exactly what you thought it would be, but that's what this full moon is here for, to clean it up and make it right.  The soon to be Solar Eclipse in Pisces that will take place next month, in March, will help clear up much of what needs to be from this full moon, in time.

The full moon is here for our strength and replenishing.  Go out in the moonlight and soak up the rays.  Charge yourself with all that glorious white light.  Release your fears and frustrations.  Perform your favorite magic spell,  with your favorite magic wand.  Talk to the animals and the faeries.  Give thanks to God for the blessings of the universe.   The moon is in an earth sign, so walk the earth, sit under a tree, commune with nature, the stars, the sky, the sun, and the night.  Start the day of the full moon and go all week long. Clean up your mind, your soul, your body, your life. 

At the end of the day, the light of the Pisces Sun will adore the love and care of the Virgo Moon!  

May the full moon shine brightly upon you,

Sunday, February 7, 2016

New Moon in Aquarius, Baby You're a Firework!!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a fantastic New Moon in Aquarius on Monday, February 8th, at 9:39 a.m., edt.

All I can see on the chart line-up for this moon is a laser light show pointing from Jupiter and Uranus, to the Sun and Moon, and Mercury,Venus, Pluto, and Mars!  Wow!!  Boom, Boom, Boom! There are oppositions, squares, and trines for aspects that make for an electrical, powerful, dangerous, but amazing, glorious new moon. 

Jupiter expands this supersonic energy coming from Uranus to create incredible challenges and opportunities in the area should I put it....EVERYTHING!! 

 "Baby, you're a firework, c'mon show them what you're worth."  Katy Perry

In matters of career and creativity, "show them what you're worth".  In matters of love.... "boom, boom, boom, you're even brighter than the moon, moon, moon".  This is the energy that has been offered to us in the last few moon cycles, even though it's now ready to explode in our lives.  

The moon leaves void- of- course on Tuesday, February 9th,  at 3:31 a.m.  Begin setting those intentions until the next void on February 10th, at 11:25 p.m.  Make them big and beautiful, powerful and confident.  You need to poise yourself for a challenge, so gear up and buckle down. With the Sun and Moon in Aquarius, a stellium in Capricorn, Mars in Scorpio, you just know that this can be cataclysmic energy!  These planetary aspects combined make for unique, high energy, lofty goal and achievement oriented, aggressive spiritual, earthly,  and carnal undertakings.

Mars is all about relationships right now, and Venus is thinking about career.  So, combine the two, and you can create fireworks in both!  Show your lover and your boss what you're all about, but remember, control thyself, lest you overdo the Aquarian, Mars, Jupiter expansion.....then that expansion just may turn out to be an explosion!  Yikes!  

Click on the video to be inspired for this amazing energy!  It's  a high voltage moon.

This is also great energy to give back to the universe and all those worthy causes!!  Aquarius is a humanitarian, for sure.  Channel that awesome energy to the needy, the abandoned, the underprivileged, and the abused.  Don't forget the animals and the earth.  The faeries will be migrating soon, so let's give them a hearty welcome back to the up and coming faerie holidays.  

You definitely want to check your personal chart for specifics, that make for a unique new moon for you, and only you.  You can email me at for specific help and questions.  Also, visit my website at for further information and to see what it's all about...

Have a most excellent high voltage New Moon in Aquarius!
