Saturday, April 4, 2015

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse...Pluto's last Stand!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!
We have a spectacular Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 8:06 a.m., Saturday, April 4th.

The moon is in the sign of Libra and is, naturally, activating necessary conditions for balance, justice, peace, harmony, stability, strength.  We are also saying goodbye to the Pluto Uranus transit that is ushering us into a new age, an age of progress, change, resolution, and transformation.  It will also change us on a personal level.  You know that you know that the wind of change is blowing.  We enlightened souls will feel refreshed, renewed.  We will feel a sense of anticipation, excitement for a new way of being.

We have left behind the dark night of the soul.  Do not fear if you feel troubled, anxious, insecure.  It is just a mirage of Neptune square Saturn.  It is meant to help you.  You must be strong and control your mind.  There is nothing to fear, but fear itself.  Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good luck, is benevolent on this day, causing us to seek a lighter vibration.  Venus, also, is helping us at this time to feel love and see beauty. The moon is in an air sign, and this is so appropriate.  Allow the wind to sweep away the dust of your soul.  The time has come to cleanse the spirit and the body of infectious toxins.

Pluto and Uranus will briefly activate one last chance to face your shadow, confront your self.   See yourself in truth.  And then know, beyond this plutonian shadow of possible doubt, that you will walk into the light.  The eclipse is meant to trailblaze a new path. As the moon appears to pass in the Earth's shadow, we are moving out of our own shadows.  Look to your past to revise your future. The last eclipse in this exact transit was in 1996.  What were you doing?  How can you refresh that aura? Look to the soul's transformation since then.  We have come so, so far.  And we have so far to go....

The vibrations of this moon and eclipse will last for a while.  We may feel "aftershocks" in a few days, or a few weeks.  The eclipses follow each other as cosmic travelers on a metaphysical mission. In March, the Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse gave us the vision, the hope, the inspiration.  This full moon confronts us one last time..... are you sure?  Are you ready?  Did you learn from your higher self the lessons you were given by yourself?

The journey was given to you by a faraway little planet, often disregarded, a powerful, potent planet of darkness, and formidable strength and transformation.  You have been challenged beyond belief.  Don't resist.   This is Pluto's last stand....
Release your fears and doubts this full moon....

If you would like a personal consultation, email me at
I can check your birth moon and transiting moon, your birthchart and transiting chart.  Much of what happens depends on your personal transits, so detailed advice is more personal and tailored individually.

Welcome the springtime elementals.  Give thanks for the safety and glory of the cosmos, especially our little moon.  Greet your spirit guides, departed souls, angels. Dance under the moon, allow the wind to blow through your soul.  Harm no one in thought, word, and deed.  Shield yourself.  Bless the needy, abused, sick, elderly, and thought, word, and deed.

May the Lunar Eclipse be with you....