Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Go placidly amid the noise and haste....Solar Eclipse & New Moon

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Virgo, on Thursday, September 1st, at 5:03 a.m., edt.

Click this video to prepare yourself for this magnificent event...

This is the beginning of eclipse season.  A solar eclipse, physically, means the Moon will block out the Sun briefly.  Metaphysically, the spiritual moon hides the light, or the ego, or the truth as we perceive it.  We may experience confusion, doubt, fearfulness, "blindness", which ultimately results to a greater awareness, an enlightened reality.  It is also a time for "tough love".  It sets in motion a renewed path or journey, sometimes different than what we expected.  The eclipse effects last for months.  It is an extremely dramatic phenomenon that has proven to be quite transforming in human lives.  For example, it is believed the death of Jesus Christ occurred at a solar eclipse.  It is believed Einstein's Theory of Relativity was confirmed at a solar eclipse.  All of us can look back at certain eclipses in our lives and pinpoint dramatic events, to be sure.

Not only is it the Solar Eclipse, but it is also the New Moon!  New moons are a time to start fresh on new projects or renew old projects or goals in our lives.  Because of Mercury retrograde, this of course will be pronounced.  Everything will need to be re-done.  Well, almost everything.

There is an extremely tense square aspect happening that will lead to the need for patience and awareness.  Of course, there are amazing aspects, as well, that allow for excellent opportunities to pursue humanitarian causes, spiritual journeys, karmic rewards, and a renewed awakening to the justices of personal enlightenment and global evolution.   With Virgo richly activated, cleansing the personal psyche and physical body are highly encouraged, as well as being of service to those that could use our help!!

The complicated aspects of this moon offer many suggestions for coping and/or jumpstarting your eclipse season...

-Relationships may be tense or strained, so proceed with caution.  Be careful before you commit.
-I wouldn't make any major decisions or engage in any transactions regarding home and property unless you absolutely must.
-Don't believe everything you hear (or see), especially in matters of the heart.
-Allow transformation as a result of intense purging, due to the placements of  Mars, Saturn, Neptune, the Moon, and the Sun.   I know, right?  By the way, Pluto is encouraging all this, so here's hoping. After all, it is meant to be for the good.
-It is a very good time for PLANNING travel.  (I wouldn't get on a plane right now unless you have to, though, at least until some time goes by.)
-However it IS a good time for studying, philosophizing, getting involved in religious or spiritual pursuits.
-Ironically, this is a great time to polish up improvements in any home business you may have.  Entrepreneurs, businesses of healing, service, comfort, etc. can flourish with fresh ideas and clean ups.
-The North Node is very close to the Moon and Sun, so this can, again, be very intense, karmically.  It all depends on where it lands in your personal chart.

You can set your intentions and activate your New Moon/Eclipse ritual right after the New Moon becomes exact, but you can also wait for the energy to settle, and re-do it on September 3rd.  Of course avoid "void-of-course" moons, especially for this eclipse.  Lay low, stick to yourself, go about your business of cleansing and re-newing quietly.  Over the weeks, it will make sense.  There are good things to come.

Of course, with this earthy energy, it is perfect for cleaning up in nature, working in the garden, tending to plant and animal life.  Starting a new exercise program is a great idea, as well as going to the spa.  Get an Angel treatment or a Reiki treatment.  Meditate and do yoga!!  These things can work magic for the healing of soul and body.

Although idealism is a good and right concept to pursue, one must also beware of disenchantment.  However, always keep the faith, because it is still a "beautiful world".

And in the words of The Moody Blues

"We decide which is right...and which is an illusion"

Happy New Moon, Happy Solar Eclipse.

Photo by Melissa Heslep, Photographer

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Full Moon in Aquarius, Let The Sunshine In!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!          

Hello, and welcome to the preview to eclipse season.  This is a near miss lunar eclipse and an extremely bold and brazen Full Moon in Aquarius, on Thursday, August 18th, at 5:26 a.m., edt.

The Moon in Aquarius boldly presents an opposition to the Sun in Leo.  The ego, self-love, showmanship, pride, and a sense of individual entitlement, will confront the need to merge with the needs and concerns of community, relationships, the world, and the universe.  Yes.  The.  Universe.  This is a time to look out for the evolution of humanity and the unknown vastness of  creation...if you dare.  The challenge of spirituality merging with metaphysicality and humanness is knocking at your door.  Take all your issues at heart and blend them with the big picture of your life.

Where are you going?  Why are you going?  How can you help?  What is the bigger picture of your life?  For months, and years, we have been dealing with massive personal and universal challenges and changes on a personal level.  You may have it figured out by now.  If so, let's pay it forward.  The ego of  the Sun in Leo the Lion really does have a big heart, you know.  Aquarius, the sign of impersonal progression at a human level, in a very lunar placement,  challenges us to step up with all that bravado and make a difference in the big picture.  Yes.  I know.  What about me?  You may be saying....  This time let's take a break from "me" and see how we can assist those other souls and beings out there in the world and the cosmos.

This is a great opportunity.  This is a significant challenge.  Full moons always give us an emotional challenge.  Eclipses always trigger insecurities and shadows.  With a few tough aspects to this moon, as well as some amazing opportunities, we can let the sun shine through to brighten up that glow of the Aquarius moon.

Click it.  Dig it.  It's a groovy song.....

Be a leader (Leo) in a revolution (Aquarius) of bringing energy (Uranus) and light (Sun) into the darkness of the world and your community.  You don't have to do much.

Just. Shine.

Care for the beasts and animals.  Care for the abandoned and wounded.  Feed the hungry.  Heal the sick.  Step out of the box.  Step away from yourself.

Shine on....

Monday, August 1, 2016

Brilliant New Moon in Leo, Good Day Sunshine!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

There will be a New Moon in Leo, on Tuesday, August 2nd, at 4:43:55 p.m., edt.  With the Sun and Moon both in Leo, this will be a dramatic and brilliant energy to kick off the cycle. There are so many good things about this  New Moon.

With Leo taking center stage, there will be fun, drama, slap-happy entertainment, antics galore, showmanship, over-the-top theatricality, and just good old-fashioned solid friendship.  Also, there will be plenty of hopeful dreams and wishes, love, happiness, caring, sharing, and giving. Leo is also a very "royal" sign, allowing for majesty, glamour, and center stage.

The only thing to watch out for, of course, as we know, is getting so far lost in dreamland or party city, that we can't seem to find our way back. This wonderful configuration of the sun and moon has an element of caution in aspect to Neptune.  Keep your feet on the ground (Saturn), be careful to not drift away to "never-never land" (Neptune).  If you can do this with the party boy Leo in action, you will be just fine.  You should be able to enjoy it all.

Love and romance can be very exciting, just be careful not to ignite the Mars in the mix.  You don't want fights and brawls to ruin this very good energy.  Although, with Mars leaving Scorpio, it's easier to accomplish that feat.  Jupiter will want to go on an adventure far and wide, and has no problem allowing Leo to be the ringmaster. Definitely find a Leo to hook up with.  Someone with a Leo Sun, Rising, or Moon, or prominent Leo in their chart.  I, myself, have a Leo Rising, and I know for a fact I will be a blast to hang around with.  (Leos are also known for their pride and vanity!)

Remember the moon is very spiritual and mystical, as you know, and Leo loves the Sun.  Of course, this can make for a very rare, glowing, glistening cycle for this moon.

A glow party or date is in order.  That would be the perfect mix.  Pluto has to, of course, get in on everything, and so he does. He looks semi-cooperative, for now, but be oh-so-careful.  There's an element of internal explosion, if not handled with care.  Mercury is looking for mischief and trouble, so avoid any hints of mis-communications involving emotions, speech, and/or social media.

This New Moon is definitely ripe for setting bold and wishful intentions, especially rock solid, long standing, "forever" type dreams and goals.  You can continue on with the tried and true past missions, or create new dreams with the fiery and optimistic Leo energy.  You can set your intentions right away when the moon becomes exact.  Write them down, recite, rehearse, and play them out with the theatrical and fiery energy of  Leo.

Click to hear Paul McCartney dedicate a song to the space shuttle Atlantis years ago!
Planetary travel is always worth singing about....
Good Day Sunshine!

Check your personal chart for the location of your personal moon transit.  Visit my website at if you need help, or have any questions.  You can email me at

Don't forget about the animals.  Leo is the sign of the animal kingdom, so take extra time to do something to care for wildlife.  Reach out to abandoned and abused souls, or the sick, or elderly. Leo is a sign of hope and optimism.  Help others to feel the light.   With Jupiter preparing to leave Virgo soon, NOW is your chance to take care of others.  Reach out and help someone.  Don't fear the reaper.

Build a fire, have a party, dance to the music, make romance, go on an adventure with a Leo!

 Enjoy the Leo sunshine and moonshine!  
Keep your feet on the ground.  
Happy New Moon in Leo!