Thursday, July 26, 2018

Epic Full Moon & Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, I Will Transform!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

There will be an Epic Full Moon & Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, on Friday, July 27th, 2018, exact at 4:20 p.m., eastern time.

The eclipse begins at 1:15 p.m. on Friday, but we have all been feeling it already. The physical phenomenon affects our lives unmistakably, and our souls undeniably.  Try not to fight it.  Let it in, because we all really have no choice.  The eclipse may cause epic events in the universe, our earth, and of course our personal lives.  My advice is to ride the wave and enjoy the wonder.

The sensational and mysterious physical process of the eclipse will cause dramatic results on earth, and of course, our physical bodies and minds.  Because the alignment of  the earth's shadow blocks the moon from receiving the sun's light, and the moon normally acts like a mirror reflecting this light, the gravitational anomaly could cause some unusual (or bizarre) occurrences.  These strange happenings, as we have been familiar with all our lives, can be personal, physical, in the natural and metaphysical world.  Depending on the planetary placements metaphysically, in this case Mars and Uranus are very strong, the results can be dramatically soul transforming.
The big star of this show is Mars retrograde.  This little fireball, so close to the earth, is causing quite a stir with us humans.  He (male energy) will have his glorious day on the cosmic stage during this lunar event, meant to last for many weeks.  Mars is aggression, ambition, energy, leadership, egotistic, strong, will-power, stubborn, protective, forceful, passionate, and dynamic.  These can be very, very positive traits.  However, Mars, especially turned inward through a retrograde, can be hostile, violent, uncontrollable, abusive, threatening, explosive, and savage.  The physical movement of this incredible ecliptic phenomenon can cause natural occurrences on earth.  There can be news of wildfires, explosions, violence (all Mars traits).  The touchy lunar eclipse energy in Aquarius can trigger protests, revolutions, uprisings, rebellions.  The Moon, Mars, and Sun square to Uranus can cause all these potential events, including electrical, internet, sudden, shocking, astounding, and jaw-dropping natural, physical, and metaphysical happenings.  In our personal lives, we may be so stunned by changes or happenings, it can leave us, at best, confused, at worst, in shock.  Let us all, through the light of divine love and goodness, pray this potential harsh energy will dissipate.  And it can.  And it shall....

The drama is very intensified with the retrograde planets. Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, Mars, Mercury are ALL retrograde!  Uranus is due to go back on August 7th.  That's a lot of going back and re-living the about the past coming back to haunt you.  It is now timely to dig deep into your soul and life's journey, and allow for the transformation to ascend...

                                                          from The Great Gatsby
.Also, the smaller planets of  Mercury and Mars will make known the daily life, mundane, changes that will take place.  As I always say, it is best to check your transit charts to know where and how these movements will occur.  However...I think we all will know...beyond a shadow of a doubt, where these things are happening in our individual lives.

Spiritually speaking, Mars retrograde is tightly conjunct the moon in Aquarius. There is nowhere to run.  There is nowhere to hide.  You may face one of many things in your soul...your inner demons...your inner angst...your ultimate challenge...Although the full moon always whispers to let it go, you may feel that this is the impossible quest.  Aquarius is a very detached, independent energy, although quite honest, fair, (all depending on the deserving), and very revolutionary.  Coupled with Mars retrograde, auspicious energy is ripe for the taking.  Although you may feel struggle and/or angst, and the struggle is very real, the positive aspects of this energy can propel you forward in your endeavors with the power of Mars and the vision of Aquarius and Uranus. 


The transits that activate at the 100% mark of a moon, whether it's new, full, or ecliptic, indicate the trend of the weeks and/or months to come, regardless of how the transits, degrees, and signs may change (even though, yes, these do impact the energy as it moves and flows, secondarily).
Despite all the serious warnings, I am pleased to give you some fantastic news here!  Neptune, Jupiter, and Pluto are making a strong creative, deeply mystical, profoundly spiritual, as well as very intense sensual configuration.Yaaayyy!!!  This is for the artists, the musicians, the poets, the entertainers, the healers, the creators!  This energy has been hovering in the background, secretly inviting us to be part of the euphoria.  With Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Scorpio, the eclipse and the full moon, we have access to a portal (or rather many portals) to the spiritual world and other dimensions. Angels are near.  Spirit guides are close by.  The un-explainable souls of  other worlds are here for us.  Just relax into it...and be surprised. 

 The opposition of the Moon and Mars in Aquarius to the Sun in Leo is quite palpable right now.  The ego may struggle with the pull between spirituality, compassion, love, and that of angst, self, obsession, aggression. This is all part of the big picture and underscores the movement in the cosmos, trickling down to the human psyche. We don't want to let go of what we don't want to, we don't want to embrace what we're unsure of, we don't want to give up on those well laid we?  Do we??

If you find yourself questioning some things....or rather everything...don't be surprised.  The events of the cosmos reminds us we don't live in a linear existence.  Just when we think things are the same, or humming along, or comfortable....we get a jolt and an awakening.  It's called expansion.  Conversely, if we feel trapped, confused, alone, abandoned, have no fear...We are not meant to keep walking a line...without perspective.  We need to visit the past (retrogrades) and accept the metamorphoses (eclipses) of the present and future. If you are true to your soul, and honor the souls of others, with honor, dignity, integrity, love, you will embrace these changes and be able to let go of what chains you, and welcome what awaits you.
                              video created by

Finally, for all my girl-friends and boy-friends, here is the forecast for Love, Love, Love!!  Well....things can get very steamy indeed in the coming days and weeks.  The sultry pull of the Venus and Pluto trine, along with all that lunar action, can make for some very sensual and carnal intimacy.  I caution you to be careful. The Pluto and Venus combination can be very lethal, in good ways and not so good ways.  Venus is also squaring the Moon, Neptune, and Uranus.  If you find yourself in a precarious or unsettling situation, the best advice is to exit the scene.  After all, what is best for your soul and ultimately your future, must be carefully guarded and protected.

As with all full moons, and especially lunar eclipses, it is a time to release your fears, your addictions, your obsessions, anything that is harmful to your mind, body, and soul.  If you fear releasing these things, then just let it go, don't stress it, take it easy.  This is not the time to fret or disturb your equilibrium. Besides, in the weeks and months to come, these things will happen naturally.

-This strong energy will last a good couple of months.  Prepare yourself for change....
-Be sure to go out in the moonlight (how could you resist?) and feel the magic of the stars, the moon, the cosmos.
-Place things you want to energize and enlighten under the moonlight for a few days and nights.  You can place photographs, jewelry, writings, special little things, crystals, stones, oils, water, whatever you want mystically energized for positive energy.
-The Moon in Aquarius is very socially conscious.  Consider doing something for the greater good, however you feel compelled.  Helping worthy causes is a good place to start.  Be there for the abused, the abandoned, the sick, the elderly, the underdog, and the down-trodden.
-Connect with the spirit world in any way you feel compelled.  Angels, earth angels, animal spirits, spirit guides, ancestors and relatives who have crossed over, faeries, nature spirits, are all very real and can be there for us....and us for them.   
-Meditation, solitude, seclusion, reflection are very healthy at this potentially turbulent time.
-Prayer and gratitude help to ground us to our daily lives and also to our spiritual lives, providing stability and balance at what could be a shaky couple of weeks.
-Be creative!!!  Write, sing, dance, play, create.  These are the times for poetry and art, music and play.  Tap into what creative energy can enlighten and transform you.
-Walk the earth barefoot, connect with nature, tend to your land. 
-Very importantly, care for the animals, especially the helpless. Your pets and critters will feel this eclipse strongly.  Do what you can, if you can, for abused, abandoned, sick animals. 
-Here is a link to help you understand the physical lunar eclipse

Be careful out there.
Keep your eyes and ears open, especially for your loved ones.
Enjoy the spectacular energy.
Give thanks for your blessings.
Be happy.....


Stay tuned for the special 3rd eclipse, New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Leo, on August 11th!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Mystical New Super Moon & Solar Eclipse in Cancer...I Want to Know What Love Is....

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

This Magnificent & Mystical New Moon becomes exact on Thursday, July 12th, at 10:46 p.m., eastern time.  The partial Solar Eclipse will also begin at this time, causing a mesmerizing spiritually packed igniting of the most magical and mystical energy of this year, all in extremely spiritual Cancer.

This is a time to take notice of not only your own life's journey, but that of all of humanity, and the universe.  Yes, the Universe!  There are so many life forms that are quite incomprehensible and impossible to acknowledge, but it is absolutely necessary to recognize the greatest energy of all in eternity.....Love!  We all, whoever, whatever, and wherever we are, are capable of tapping into the universal energy of love, compassion, spirituality, understanding, and respect for all forms of life.

Yes, we do love our mates, our soul mates, our twin flames, the love-of-our-lives, our true loves, the "one"....and that love can be euphoric, ecstatic, unbelievable, and transcendent....This moon and eclipse will highlight this for many, many people.  The higher dimension of love will dominate for months following this initial eclipse, to be followed by 2 more eclipses of equal power and intensity.  In order to love completely, one must learn the delicate nuances to higher vibrations, octaves.  Sacrifice?  Maybe...

                                               click to play the new moon song

Venus, the planet of love, will be in a square to Pluto (in retrograde), the planet of powerful transformations, but in a trine (ease) to Saturn (retrograde), the teacher and disciplinarian,  and Uranus (the revolutionary one). There may just be a sudden jolt of surprise or shock (Uranus), a deep and powerful transformation (Pluto), and a serious or severe testing (Saturn)  to a love relationship that will manifest over the next couple weeks or months.  Saturn will be the master of your karma, Pluto will manifest the results, and Mars retrograde will be there to see to it that the male energy will know of it, as he is making a square to Jupiter, Uranus, and Mercury.  Not to worry here though, if you are true to your soul, and have been putting forth the good works.

 In the words of Dr. Brand  from the movie Interstellar,,
"I'm drawn across the universe to someone I haven't seen in a decade, who I know is probably dead. Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can't understand it."

This moon is in the sign of Cancer, the Moon's home sign, and the sign of the mother, female, mystical energy, and magical power.  Cancer is very spiritual, whatever your choice of spirituality it religion or metaphysics, supernatural or cosmic.  This is the time to focus on your spirituality.  Devote time to prayer, meditation, family, children, the comforts of home and hearth, and of 

Pray for enlightenment, as you will not be disappointed!  Our eyes will be opened to many revelations, difficult and also beautiful!  We must accept the expansion offered to us, yet also the grace to manage.  
                                               click to play an eclipse song

This moon and eclipse will be  supported by a beautiful grand trine in water between Jupiter in Scorpio (intense expansion of knowledge and enlightenment), Neptune in Pisces (creativity, mysticism, transcendence), and Sun and Moon in Cancer (light, love, home, and spirituality)!  This is most auspicious for creative artists, performing artists, spiritual businesses, healing businesses, medical specialists, humanitarians, philanthropists, metaphysical practices.  Watch out for the underdogs of society, the abused, the neglected, the abandoned, the elderly, the sick, animals.  Be there for them, help to nurture and care for them.  This is also supported by a sturdy grand earth trine with Venus in Virgo (healing love), Saturn in Capricorn (honor and integrity), and Uranus in Taurus (necessary change).  There is not much room for failure here....nor is there room for ignorance.  Trust in your destiny.  Rely on spiritual support.  Have faith in Love. 

Pluto is opposite the Sun and Moon, challenging you to rise to a higher level, or enter into a new dimension, of who you are in this universe.  It's like you are looking out into the expansion....and chaos....of your world until now.  How can you contribute to the light, peace, love, and contentment of humanity and your own soul in a world, environment, of darkness, chaos, and disturbance?  This is your quest.  This is your challenge.  This is your soul's journey.

The moon will be void-of -course for a day (this is when the moon changes to the next zodiac sign, and is a time to reflect and not act), but I would wait for a good couple of days or a week to set intentions, as your ideas may change as you absorb and synthesize the moon's powerful energy. Here is an excellent link to check out to make note of void-of-course moons, the best I've seen yet.

I would set intentions of very spiritual and creative qualities.  What do you desire?  How can the aforementioned qualities of this eclipse help to transform your daily life?  Think it through, meditate and pray, but always, always, be careful what you wish for....

I would set out crystals and special trinkets under the moon at the time of this new moon and eclipse.  I would set them out near a window or outside, and leave them the following couple of days to absorb the energy and light of both the sun and moon.  Although the new moon is hidden, it is there, no doubt about it.  Energize anything of special value and that can activate your most precious intentions.  The moon will be very close to the earth, as it is a Supermoon.  Even though the moon will cover the sun, as if it's blocking it. Actually the moon is being super energized by the light of the glorious sun, to help us glow even brighter with that next lunar eclipse full moon....

The following are links that are helpful to understand the physical aspects of the New Moon & Solare Eclipse:

Quick Tips for the New Supermoon & Solar Eclipse in Cancer...

-I would set powerful spiritual and creative intentions AFTER Sunday, July 15th at 1:30 p.m.and before Tuesday, July 17th at 6:49 a.m. (all eastern time).
-Activate water elements!  Turn on the fountains and the sprinklers, go to the beach or the lake, take a dive in the swimming pool.  Follow up with candles or torches, fireworks or bonfires to balance out the water and fire energy.
-Activate earth energy!  Spend time in the garden.  Plant a moon flower at night.  Walk the earth barefoot and touch or hug a tree!  Appreciate the land.  Be in nature.
-Activate creative energy!  Involve yourself in music, poetry, art, writing, dancing, etc. 
-Give help and assistance to the needy, the abandoned, the sick, the elderly, the downtrodden, animals.
-Be open to spiritual beings, including angels, faeries, animal spirits, spirit guides.
-Pray, meditate, appreciate, and be grateful.
-Avoid dangerous chemicals and addictions. 
-Set out your crystals and trinkets for this moon, in the starlight, and in the sunlight!
-Spend time with female friends, mothers, be at home and nurture your family environment.  Take care of your home environment.  Pray for blessings and protection for all who dwell within.

As always, these moons have personal aspects for every individual.  If you need help with your personal birth and transit chart, contact me at

coming soon....
Full Moon & Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, July 27th, 2018
New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Leo, August 11th, 2018

Be Safe.
Be Happy.
Enjoy this blessing of a new moon....