Thursday, February 9, 2017

Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Leo...One Moment in Time!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

Welcome to the magnificent Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Leo, on Friday, February 10th at 7:32 p.m., eastern time.

This will be an eclipse to remember.  It is a fabulous conglomeration of transits and aspects to ignite your world, at least for a moment in time, if not eternity....

It is time to set your life on fire in a flame of glory. Eclipse season has begun.  This eclipse will bring you an opportunity to seal the deal on many things in your world, and the world at large.  It is a full moon, so you must leave some things behind, welcome some new things on the horizon, and definitely be super grateful for all the wonderful gifts that have been divinely gifted to you.

A lunar eclipse may upset, or rather I should say, re-arrange, your apple cart a little (or a lot).  In a couple weeks you may be shaking off some moondust, wondering, "What the heck?"  Do not be dismayed.  It is all meant to direct your life on earth according to the metaphysical and divine plan.  

The physical movement of a lunar eclipse is when the Moon passes behind the earth into it's shadow.  This is called the "umbra".  The Sun, Earth, and Moon are all in alignment.  So you can see why and how this is pretty significant, physically and metaphysically.  Also, you can see why our "shadow" sides are revealed and enlightened, as the moon seemingly "disappears" into the shadows.  The momentary confusion, bewilderment, and also excitement, can be for your development and enjoyment.  This particular eclipse is called a "prenumbral".  Here is a link to read and study up on all that from the website,  When you ponder these mysteries of the moon, it is no wonder we come away from an eclipse both mesmerized and transformed.

                                                     Click play to hear the song.

I must say, luckily, this eclipse will be in the happy-go-lucky, over-the-top, "how do you like me now" charismatic sign of Leo.  Trust me.  I know about these things.  I have a strong Leo ascendant and Uranus in Leo in my first house.

There are some major aspects worth noting here:

I call this eclipse the Perfect Storm.....

-The Moon is aspecting Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus, fabulously (yes, this is an adverb).   This will make for great energy to absorb in the expansion of solid, long term relationships and family life, along with businesses that are spiritual, creative, or healing based.  The spiritual and emotional aspects of the moon will be protective here.  With Uranus involved, sudden changes could be startling, so try not to be too surprised.  Try...

-Uranus is making a very positive aspect to the Sun, Woo hoo!  Again, excitement may be grand and larger than life on a large scale, so expect the unexpected thrill of, well, anything.

- Mars has great aspects to Mercury, Neptune, and Venus.  3 planets in Aries mean business, too, especially in love, romance, and marriage.

-Mars Conjuncts Venus just in time for  Valentines Day on Tuesday, for all you lovers out there, and here again, in the areas where it is the strongest tells me the perfect gift would be a trip to the spa for couples!  Do something for physical and metaphysical splurging involving water, healing, and dare I say, a midnight swim under the moonlight??  (Or if you're snowbound, say something like, ice skating under the moonlight?)  :)  No matter what it is, it better be good, or potentially Venus could get a  little moody.

-Again!  The Mars male energy should take initiative.  Neptune in positive aspect to Venus looks romantic and creative. Mars aspecting Neptune in the 6th house calls for healing and nurturing. Mercury in the 5th house of romantic relationships and fun times, including sports, is aspecting both Mars and Venus, in the7th house of long term relationships and partnerships.

-The home lights will be glowing and the money flowing with the Moon activating the 2nd and 4th houses, possibly.

-The Sun trines Jupiter in a blaze of glory! See what I mean?  Do something big, fun, amazing....

Ironically, at just a couple minutes before the exact moon hits, the wheel forms a stunning "perfect storm" of amazing geometrical configurations.  It is a stunning combination of the following:

-2 Grand Trines
-1 Mystic Rectangular
-1 Envelope (that's my name for it), with an X (part of the mystic rectangle)
-1 T Square
-1 Hexagon

This image is taken from a search from shutterstock

This is what is called Sacred Geometry at it's finest, my friends!  Seriously.  If this isn't worth celebrating, I don't know what is.  This image is close to what I see embedded in this moon chart.  It is downright captivating.  The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Mayans would love this stuff right now.

These are most excellent and auspicious mysteries to ponder and apply to our lives.  It is so complicated and unexplainable for a quick lesson, that it's most likely meant to be mystically examined, for now.  However, an in depth study would be mesmerizing.

It would be worth it to check your personal chart with transits to see how exactly these will help you, because they can and they will.  If you can activate your mind at the moment of this eclipse, you will enlighten your soul and brighten your path.

Try to capture all this eclipse has to offer.  The benefits are astounding.  Spend the weekend, the month, the season moving through this myriad of bliss, creatively and metaphysically.  Don't be deterred by the naysayers.  Don't be fooled by the skeptics.  Don't be disheartened by the pressures. Like a buried treasure, (although this one isn't buried),  find the goodness.  Find the ecstacy.  It's there.

Place your items under the moon to energize.  Put together an "altar" of your favorite things.

Be conscious of the energy through prayer, meditation, acts of kindness, gratitude. Do not harm others as you pursue the desires of your heart.  Care for the animals, the elderly, the forgotten and ignored, the sick,  the abandoned and helpless.  The moon phases are for these things. Go out under the moonlight and count your lucky stars.  You will also see the Comet 45P come very close to the earth in the next couple of days.  How's that magic for you?


Be Safe, Be Happy, Be Magical!


While I strive for excellent knowledge in all things metaphysical and astrological, I by no means claim to be an absolute authority on the divine cosmos and planets.  If you need more detailed information about your own personal life, it is best to consult your personal birth, moon, and transit chart.