Sunday, December 17, 2017

New Moon in Sagittarius! Make a wish, and Breakaway...

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a Fantastic New Moon in Sagittarius, on Monday, December 18th, at 1:19 a.m!

Welcome to the galactic center.  Yes, that's right.  With the big guy Saturn latching onto the galactic center, we will experience life in a whole new way.  People may seem different.  You may seem different.  Your life will become different.  The karma train is coming down the track.  All the good you have done will reward you.  Are you following your destiny?  If not, you can get on that train right now.  What a new moon this will be.  This can be a real game changer... Sag is leaving Saturn very soon, so kiss your past goodbye.  Things will change over the next 2 1/2 years.  Make sure you have a plan, make sure you have your gear.  There are other awesome cosmic happenings around this moon, as well.

-Saturn moves into Capricorn on Thursday, the 21st, for 2 1/2 years , buckle down and walk the talk.
-Winter Solstice on Thursday, December 21st, wheel in the sky keeps on turning... 
-Sun in Capricorn on Thursday, December 21st, rise above, climb every mountain...
-Galactic Center hook up, "we meet again".....time stands still when you're living your dream....
-Mercury direct on Friday, December 22nd, whew, that was a close call, now wasn't it?
-Massive stellium in Sagittarius at the New Moon, one last chance....

Saturn, Moon, Sun, and Venus, all in Sag, and pretty much conjunct each other (Wow!) form a spectacular trine to Uranus!!  Holy star studded cosmic intensity, Batman!  Love, money, identity, and ambition will spark like crazy and amazing Uranus itself!  Things may suddenly change, out of the blue.  You may be surprised. Even Jupiter and Mars in Scorpio will come out of the dark and team up with Neptune to send some talent toward the Moon and Sun's way.  Also, there will be great spirituality to draw upon, as well as manifesting a little magic in your life.  I'm not really exaggerating here, this could be a really big show.  Everything depends on your personal chart, and where your moon falls, but even so.....
click to play

This is obviously a very intense week, beginning with a completely new perspective, and ending with a glorious crescendo of excitement and change.  Because it is so intense, you may feel somewhat overwhelmed.  Of course, this is natural.  We mere mortals have a hard time with all this energy.  Take it slow (if you can), take it easy (you really should).  Go ahead and set your intentions in the morning.  That will be a great way to start.  The moon goes void-of-course from 8:10 a.m. till 8:33 a.m. (strange isn't it?), eastern USA time, so avoid those 23 minutes.  If you can, meditate during those minutes.  Prepare your mind for this huge week ahead.

Set intentions of long term, life changing and habit forming.  We have all been through some pretty tough times.  The days ahead will be challenging, but only to become better.  

Don't forget to give to those in need, abandoned, abused, and alone, especially the beasts and the children. 

Do good to others.  
Be happy.   
Spread the light.
Follow your destiny...


You can buy my book, The Maiden's Journey, here at
It's so pretty! The original faerie tales are magical.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Full Supermoon in Gemini, Express Yourself!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!  
image from pinterest

We have a Full Supermoon in Gemini, exact at 10:46 a.m., EDT, on Sunday, December 3rd!!

Now is the time to face the music!  Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is the magician, but is also the trickster.  Gemini is the sign of the twins (double agents) operating in Mercury's retrograde right now.  Talk about the hall of mirrors and illusions!!  Now you see me, now you don't.  With Mercury squaring grandfather Saturn at the full moon, you can bet your bottom dollar he ain't happy 'bout that.  With sleight of hand and the cleverest of tongues, you may be lulled down into the rabbit hole.  Be careful down there, or decide not to go.  
"Be careful what you think you see.  Be careful what you think you don't see."  Quote by, Linda Wagner.

As Mercury retrograde so defiantly ushers in the staggering conclusion of Sagittarius and Saturn energy in the next 2 weeks, we face a myriad of complicated endings....yet also new beginnings!  Especially with Venus, and you guessed it, love relationships.

Alright Ladies! 

It's time to stop playing the martyr!  We have all had enough "free-for-all" in the fun loving expansive sign of Sagittarius while it was in Saturn.  Did you not notice the lessons of grandfather Saturn?  Did you not heed the warnings of truth and justice?  Did you not look into the future looming before you?  Venus has been getting a crack down the last many new and full moons so far back I can't even remember.....Saturn has been trying to coax you into romantic (I say this in the expansive meaning of the word, not just love and kisses) stability, relational truths,  philosophical reliability.  Yes, I am using oxymorons here.  Is there ever such a thing as all these?  Why yes, yes there is....and Saturn has been trying to tell us.....

If you have all these things nicely in place, I applaud you.  If you are living your life on your terms, I commend and honor you.  If not, there is a way.  Although I must state emphatically, "You don't have to leave your life to live your dream life" (Wagner).

But.  This is not just about love and relationships.   Although I have to admit, it's definitely a major player here. 

In the words of Madonna....

"Come on girls
You believe in love
'Cause I've got something to sing about it
And it goes something like this"

                                                       click it....feel the motivation, ladies and gents! 
But the Saturn in me is also warning you. This video may have suggestive content that is inappropriate for developing souls!

The karma train is coming down the track.  Chooo....choooo....choooo..... Saturn is soon leaving the "pied-piper" sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius, and moving into the no-nonsense sign of Capricorn.  Now does this mean you should break up with your boyfriend, your significant other, your husband?  Not necessarily.  Does this mean you should leave your job, your career, your home?  Not necessarily.  How about putting yourself first and deciding what you really want, in truth, that will NOT, I repeat, NOT hurt other innocent souls?  With Jupiter making a magnificent  trine to Neptune, it is possible to make your last entry at 0 hour here.  You can do it!! 

However.  Neptune is making a tense aspect to this moon and sun.  You must, I repeat, you MUST be cautious and show concern for those big major life changes that are looming around the bend.  Fun loving Sag will want to make a grand exit and demonstrate bravado. But. Be careful how you end. 

                                                      In the words of Stevie Nicks...       

If you have done the soul work, you know what I mean.  There is a way to live in your truth and still be gracious and kind (Jupiter trine Neptune), with integrity and honor (Saturn in Capricorn, coming soon!).  We must learn to not operate strictly from the ego.  We must learn to live our truth in a way that will be enlightening to our lives and to those of the innocent souls in our care.  Hurting others, even strangers, does not justify the big changes coming soon.  Or vice-versa.  You don't have to necessarily walk out on your boyfriend and tell him (or her) to take a long walk off a short pier. 

Live your truth within your context, and only then will you know what to do...

Please be careful with this tricky full moon.  Please know I am not professing to be a fortune teller.  I have a talent and have been gifted with reading the energy of the stars mystically.   I am a "meta-physicist".  I am a metaphysician. 

Feel free to email me with any questions at

If you would like to order my pretty book click on this link