Friday, June 23, 2017

New Moon in Cancer, I'll Stand By You...

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!
We have a New Moon in Cancer on Friday, June 23rd, at 10:30 p.m., edt.

Oh, the Cancer Moon.....the mother moon....the moon in it's own home.  The Cancer moon can be loving, gentle, protective, caring, generous, and giving.  It's also very, very spiritual and off-the-chart metaphysical. It's a time to release your inner child, be the child that you miss from long ago.  It's a perfect time to think of, and be with, those that have passed on.  As well, the Angels and Faeries will be so, so close.  Animal spirits can show up out of nowhere while you're outside taking your physical animals for a walk in the garden, by the ocean, or in the woods, either with family, friends, or just enjoying solitude.  You may want to cook a cozy feast and invite friends and family over for a new moon celebration.  Or just sit in front of a fountain (Cancer + Moon = Water) with a beloved, either a fur-friend or a love-friend. These are a few things that create a perfect atmosphere for a new Cancer moon.

Of course, a new moon is a time to start fresh and begin again. What a beautiful spiritual new moon this can be.  This can be the perfect time to start a new spiritual and metaphysical project.  Change up some things around the house (Cancer, you know).  Create little garden communities (homes for the faeries and knomes...Cancer again).  Plant a bird sanctuary, or better yet a fish pond!!  All this is Cancer, see?  Water, water, water!!  Spirituality!  Metaphysicality!  Home and Hearth!   Go for the water healing routines.  Go for the meditation and yoga.  Now is the time to heal those physical and psychological ailments.  Let the healing begin.

Warning, Warning!!  Yes, I know....bummer.  Cancer moons can also be cranky, moody, stingy, greedy, aloof.....Double the amount of all this good and not-so-good stuff and combine 4 celestial bodies in a tight, tight conjunction and stellium, all in, you guessed it, Cancer.  I will say this... watch out for major drama.  If you hang with a dramatic crowd, steer clear.  Unless you like that kind of thing. The drama can be fun, or innocent....but it can also be jealous, possessive, and deceitful.   However, don't let this stop you from enjoying those cozy enjoyments.  Just know that the tears may fall, the heart may break. Try, oh try, not to self-medicate with harmful drink and substance.  The temptation will be there. Really, the severity or intensity of all these things depends on your personal chart and personal moon sign.

Venus doesn't look so bad, that is, if you have survived the chaos of the last year's lunar cycles. The intense energy is there with Mars, the excitement is there with Mercury, of course the heat of the Sun is there to warm up the scenario.  This is the perfect weekend to "make a baby", if I may say so.  Neptune promises dreamy poetry and bright moonbeams of secret wishes to ponder and plan with stars of hope in your eyes.

Neptune in Pisces aspects with the Moon in Cancer can really be a game changer with those magic spells that you weave with your hearts.  Oh, the poetry of it all....can you tell this author is a Piscean with a Cancer Moon?  Hmm??  Write love letters to your significant other, and send greeting cards to your dear friends and family.  Write in your journal.  Create music and poetry.   Be a champion for the needy, the lonely, the abandoned, the animals, and the faeries....

Enjoy the New Moon, the Dark Moon, the Mother Moon.  And if you're not inclined to spirituality, just give it a try.  It's wonderful and sacred!! You can set your intentions for this cycle right away at 10:30 p.m., edt, until June 25th at 6:45 p.m., when the moon goes void-of-course.  Make them spiritual.  Make them for the greater good.  Make them for your journey to enlightenment.   It's all good and it's all for the best. In the words of Romantic poet Robert Browning, "God's in his Heaven, all's  right with the world."

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Thursday, June 8, 2017

Full Moon in Sagittarius, I Just Want to Live While I'm Alive!!

 Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a sparkly Full Moon in Sagittarius, on Friday, June 9th, at 9:08 a.m., edt.

Love that Sagittarius Moon.  This is the time to enjoy your endeavors and pursue your aspirations to a higher level.

This is a nice Full Moon, as nice as one could get, with Jupiter in good aspect, and going direct at 10:03 a.m., edt., Yay!  There is also a great aspect with the Sun, Venus, and Mercury.

With Venus aligning Saturn AGAIN and STILL, love must be solid, stable, traditional, reliable, true, and honorable.  So, get the gettin'.  Saturn has been waiting a loooonnng time for this.  Also, with Venus in a little tension (just a little) with the Sun and Moon, you can make it or break it.

Back to Jupiter.  Jupiter is blessing the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, and Saturn (or rather Saturn is
PERMITTING a friendly tap)!  Adventure awaits, good times, abound.  Shoot for the Moon and land on the Stars!  Yes, I know I said that backwards, but that is what Jupiter does, land far beyond his aim.  This is a time to celebrate life, love, and dreams.  Have fun, don't miss out.  Make something happen.

Click play to hear the song...

This brings me to my next point.  Be careful what you wish for.  Try not to fly beyond our own comfortable and amazing universe.  You don't want to get lost out there, now do you?   Neptune is in a square to the Sun and the Moon, so you must be careful of those little deceptions, those fantastical dreams of smoke and mirrors.  But you know, a full moon is a full moon.  It's a spiritual and metaphysical time, a secret and mysterious time.  And Jupiter loves all this!!  Remember, Jupiter went retrograde on February 6th, so think back and know that now you will pass that way again.

The thick conjunctions with Uranus close to the Midheaven are significant, too! I wouldn't be surprised if new love partnerships form (out of the blue) that actually affect your destiny.  And because they aspect Saturn, this could be long lasting.  I'm just sayin'.  It's entirely possible.  You know these things have all been brewing for a while.  We still are riding the coat tails of the Spring eclipses, and some major planetary movement from the big guys.

I do see a healing aspect between spiritual and physical illnesses that have to do with spirit guides, angels, or those on the other side, especially with the Moon's aspect to children and animals.  The healing visions of Neptune and the transformative powers of Pluto are working together to heal through mysterious forces.  If you are sick or suffering, definitely use prayer and supplication to bring about a miraculous healing.  It really is possible.

As well, Jupiter type businesses can thrive through social media and/or communicative media.  It could be your time to shine.  Keep the faith.  Always be alert to something coming your way, and jump on it!  Sagittarius loves to jump on it.

However.  Don't Forget.  It is a full moon.  Be careful out there.

It will linger for awhile... and the wonderful aspects can bear fruit in your life.  Don't forget the underprivileged.  Don't forget the lonely, the forgotten, the little stars in your life that dimly glow but would love the spotlight.  The animals and the elderly need you....

Love the light.  Give thanks for your blessings.  Let the moon shine on your self, your soul, your spirit.


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