Thursday, October 5, 2017

Full Moon in Aries, Go placidly amid the noise and haste....

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

"...and remember what peace there may be in silence."     

Max Ehrmann

We will have a Full Moon in Aries, on Thursday, October 5th, at 2:40 p.m., edt.

In light of all the sadness, it is difficult to, at times, to be hopeful and positive....and at peace.  Having said that, I am presenting as a song to this post, "The Desiderata" by, Max Ehrmann.


                                                                     click to play

The Aries moon will be challenging, and at times difficult. There is always goodness somewhere with our moon, but the key to understanding this full moon phase is to try to stay balanced and focused.  Also, try not to react.  Emotionally.  Too much.

The Moon in Aries opposes Mercury and the Sun in Libra, and squares Pluto.  The Sun will also square Pluto.  You may experience a conflict or a frustration between relationships and your ego-self.  Aries is forceful and ambitious, also energetic and confident. Libra loves balance and relational bliss.  There may be some awareness of changes with Pluto involved in deep transformation this time around.  My advice is to ride it out, without reacting, unless necessary.

With a serious and positive aspect between Uranus and Saturn, don't be surprised if you see sudden changes for the better in long-term traditional and stable relationships, personal, business, and/or familial.

The full moon is always meant to end a cycle of manifestation.  What you have sowed, you will reap. All of your good efforts and intentions will come full circle.  If you do experience dramatic change (that you may or may not like), it is for the better in the long run.  Remember. Try. Not. To. React.

Enjoy the beauty of the moon and the stars, and the glory of nature.  Pray for all people, animals to be at peace and experience healing in these very, very sad days.  Be happy for the children and the animals.  Help others.  Especially the abandoned and abused, the sick and the lonely, the confused and the downtrodden.  It still is a wonderful world.....

                                                                        Click to play

Be still.  Be at peace.