Friday, August 18, 2017

Royal Solar Eclipse in King Leo! I can see clearly now

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

Just in case you haven't heard, we will be experiencing an ASTOUNDING New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Leo, on Monday, August 21st, at 2:30 p.m., edt. 

This is not only a spectacular physical event for our galaxy, but it is also a profoundly spiritual event.  The dark moon (new moon) will eclipse the Sun for a time, darkening certain parts of  Earth, as well as our shadow sides to our souls.  During the process, the hidden aspect of the Moon will reveal it's side to the Sun, out of our "sight".  In turn, the Sun will confront and "burn", or "singe" our karmic waste.  As the eclipse passes, the wheel-of-fortune will set in motion our new directions and pathways.  We mere humans have absolutely no control over this cosmic event.  Our only option is to abide by the universal phenomena. This is an awe-inspiring event to help us renew and refresh our soul's journey, God's plan, our plan, in evolving spiritually, physically, and metaphysically.

Can you feel it?  It is happening now.  It's surrounding you everywhere you turn. This larger than life energy can take your breath away, and open your eyes to new life and new wonders. It builds until the moment of the exactness, then reveals the transformed energy in rushing waves of wonder and magic. 

This reminds me of the poem (one of my favorites) about a journey to the exquisite island of Ithaka, both real and mythological.

"As you set out for Ithaka
hope your road is a long one,
full of adventure, full of discovery.
Laistrygonians, Cyclops,
angry Poseidon- don't be afraid of them:
you'll never find things like that on your way
as long as you keep your thoughts raised high,
as long as a rare excitement stirs your spirit and your body"

Excerpt from Ithaka, by C.P. Cavafy, a Greek poet

Here is the link to read the whole poem.  Trust me, you want to read this.

When the eclipse passes, it should be a beautiful and glorious new beginning of hope, healing, and of course, for some of us, atonement and absolution.  "It's gonna be a bright, bright, bright sun-shiney day...."  in the words of Leo Johnny Nash, whose birthday is this week.  Here is the perfect eclipse song by a Leo, who knows just what to say!

                                                                Click to play...

Astrologically, the placements of the planets look spectacular.  There are beautiful trines between the Sun, Moon, Saturn, Uranus,and Mars.  The secret lies in Old Man Saturn.  He finally has his day in the Sun.  All these past months of warnings and lessons have brought us to the apex of karmic confrontation.  He is finally satisfied with what needs to be done.  The North Node is activated to remind us of our life's purpose, possibly the long forgotten dreams of many moons ago.

With 5 celestial bodies, including the Sun, Moon, Mars in Leo, as well as all that fire sign energy, this is the time to shine. The only tension may be with Venus in Cancer squaring off Uranus in Aries, and Jupiter in Libra.  But alas, Venus will soon be in Leo and chasing the Sun, so ride it out and soak in the warm rays of the Royal Leo Sun and the loving Leo Moon.  Jupiter is anchoring Saturn and Mars and feeding ever lovin' mystical Neptune.  Uranus is offering some pizzazz to the mix, snapping and sizzling.  Remember there are 5 planets retrograde now so it may feel very strange as you internalize all this and experience it over time. The effects will last almost 6 months until the next eclipse in February 2018, a partial solar eclipse in Aquarius, who is waiting patiently for his day. 

I see good things for this eclipse.  One word of advice I would give is, "Don't fly too close to the Sun.  Don't cross the point of no return because there is no turning back."  Remember Saturn's purpose for humanity is to teach patience, goodness, truthfulness, honor and integrity.  These are Leo's best qualities (maybe not the patience part)!!

Ask yourself, "What would the Queen (or King) do?" Serve others with love, patience, truth, honor and integrity.

Don't forget we are still riding the coat tails of the last Full Moon Eclipse from 2 weeks ago.  Some lingering emotional energy may still be noticeable.  The nights in white satin have now moved us into the bright sunshine and blue skies of the Sun in Leo, and the enchanting glowing light of the Moon in Leo. 
                                                         click to hear Mr. Blue Sky

                                                   Credit to SanbornGaming on youtube
During a full moon, you put your trinkets under the moonlight to charge by the light of the Moon, but I say during a solar eclipse put them out in the Sun. I put my items on a window sill or in the sunroom where the light hits in the afternoon.  Do it now.  For a few days before, and a lunar cycle after, place your crystals, your favorite jewelry, your photographs, your bank cards, anything you want energized, in the sun, or near a window to catch the golden rays.

 Here are some tips to enjoy, preserve, and benefit metaphysically from the eclipse:

-Because this is no ordinary New Moon, use energy from all the elements; fire (the sun), water, (the moon), air, and earth.  Light candles or start a bonfire. Go swimming, visit a waterfall, or activate a fountain.  Hang a windchime, raise a flag, ride like the wind.  Plant a moonflower, walk through the forest, go out in nature.  Anything that involves balancing the 4 elements is great!
-Set powerful long term optimistic goals that are best for you. You musn't wish for anything that will harm others.
-Be out in the sun as much as possible.
-Be out in the moonlight as much as possible, even though you can't see the waxing moon immediately, it's still there.

-Wear your crown, remember you are royalty. Carry your scepter!
-Be generous, kind, loving and just.  These are the best Leo qualities.
-Go to a concert, be in a play, you are the star of your own show.
-Play, be active physically, take up a new sport or exercise routine, even if it's yoga.
-Spruce up your faerie and gnome villages.  They will be out in droves, ya know?
-Balance out all that sizzling, simmering fire energy with some smooth flowing water.
-Keep a journal for the next 6 months, if you normally don't.
-Sage and oil your home and environment, workplace too, if you can.

The King and Queen should take care of the people, sign up to give or volunteer for a noble cause!

Wait a few days for the energy to settle before you set  your intentions. If it's too soon, you may change your mind, because you will, beyond a shadow of a doubt, feel differently after this eclipse.  The strongest period would be August 23rd at 9:05 p.m., until August 26th, at 1:36 a.m.  Set intentions that you believe will match your new life purpose, and especially plans for the next 6 months. Avoid void-of-course moons.  Keeping a diary or journal will be beneficial in tracking events. 

I've attached a few links to help understand the physical phenomenon of the eclipse. Just click and go!

Don't fear the energy.  Count your blessings and be thankful.  Understand that everyone's personal chart is different, so it will affect people in different ways.  The change is meant for good, but sometimes even good change can be stressful.  Know the difference.

This eclipse really is a magnificent phenomenon, one that we have not seen in a while, nor will we for a long time. The last New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Leo was in 1998.  You can look back at that time and see what was beginning and how you have come full circle.

Watch out for the animals and pets at this time.  They will react differently.  Care for the elderly, especially, as Saturn trines the Sun and the Moon.  Keep your eyes open for those faeries and elementals.  Who knows?  Maybe you'll spot a unicorn...

So here's a flashback to get y'all in the mood (again)!  Just don't run out and get a perm, ya hear?
                                                                     click to play                  

Email me if you have any questions and need advice with your personal birth and transit chart. 
Have a wonderful New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Leo!
Shine like the King or Queen that you really are! 


Sunday, August 6, 2017

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius! Nights in White Satin....

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!          

We will be having a luscious Full Moon and partial Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on Monday, August 7th, at 2:09 p.m., eastern time.

Welcome to eclipse season.  This is cause for attention!  Although we won't be able to see it in the USA (across the pond and the globe there will be some visibility), you will most definitely feel it, sooner or later... It will be a partial physical eclipse, but trust me, the metaphysical eclipse will be anything but partial.  As with a Full Moon, the Sun, Moon, and Earth will be aligned, with the Sun and Moon opposite each other.

In this case a shadow will cross over the Moon, with the Earth in between the Moon and the Sun.  It's really all very strategic.  There will be a brief time when you will experience a soul encounter, an encounter to transform and face your shadows.  Almost promptly, you will experience an enlightenment, when the Sun shines brightly on the beautiful Moon.  In this case, the Sun is in courageous, bold, and self-confident, ego based Leo.  Once the timing is exact, the effects will linger for weeks, sometimes I'm sure many people may have already been feeling the onset.

Months and months, sometimes years, of our journeys in life will be confronted in some way, either small or large, and become transformed, or even enriched.  Yes, a Full Moon is an end of sorts, but I always say endings bring new beginnings.  The aspects with the planets are going to affect everyone differently, depending on the placement of their personal moon chart, but honestly, this is going to be obvious to each and every one.  With the Moon in, pretty much emotionally stable Aquarius, and the Sun in warm and generous Leo, we can use this time to align our paths in ways to be beneficial to ourselves and  people in our lives, and also the world at large.

Aquarius is the humanitarian, the visionary, the intelligent problem solver, the good friend of one and all.  This is a time to reach out to the energy field and put out some positive vibes. Although Leo can be very self-centered at times, and with this Leo Sun opposing a detached Aquarian energy field, it may seem difficult, but the balance can be achievable.  A healthy ego can help humanity and those that dwell within.  Spread the light.  Spread the vibration.  Confront your shadows and be done with it.

A Plutonian (deep churning transformation) challenge with Jupiter (the expanding optimist always wanting more), will need to face the possible discomfort of ego disappointments.  But with the Aquarius Moon, the discovery of a deeper meaning and a brighter light will be the ultimate reward in a necessary eclipse of the soul.  For relationships, remember this is a Full Moon, you may be surprised with a spiritual revelation, as Neptune is involved.  Let's also not forget the magic.  Neptune (the magician), Venus (beauty and love), Mercury (the messenger), and Pluto (transformation), are making a nice connection.  There can be depth, love, fantasy, and....magic.....just like nights in white satin.

Click to hear the Full Moon song

There are so many beautiful aspects to this phenomenon of a Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse.  Old Saturn is looking positive to bring some karma coming your way for all the good energy you have put out.  If you help your fellow human, you will be rewarded.  Uranus will bring some surprises, hopefully all good ones, to your pathway.  There are 4 major planets retrograde right now, soon to be 5, so this is the time to set yourself right.  We will all go through a period of waiting and retrospecting soon enough.

There is magic to be made in love, healing of soul and body, spreading light outwardly, far and wide.  Aquarius is an air sign and Leo is fire. Fan the flame of lunar glow and sun's light.  Take care of the animals, the children, the lonely, the sick, the abandoned, the abused, and mother nature.  Go out at night in the moonlight and gasp at the wonder of the universe.  Thank God for your blessings.  Thank yourselves and others for life and goodness.  

And remember, "For all it's sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world", from The Desiderata.  

Happy Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse!