Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Super Full Blue Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse! All Over the World!

Greetings fellow Metaphysicians!

Welcome to a mystical event.  This rare configuration of magnificent phenomena presents itself in its fullness on January 31, 2018, at 8:25 a.m., eastern time, USA.

There are so many aspects to this event, and so many good things to come...

-The moon is full and in the sign of Leo. Leo is love, light, integrity, pride, and honor.  And. Drama!!
Be careful if you feel extra sensitive, try not to get gloomy if your feelings are tender.  With the moon in a prideful sign, it is possible for this to happen.  Also, Leo is very dramatic.  Watch out for the drama, good or bad.  Theatrical and entertainment careers should do well with this energy.
-This is a super moon because it's very, very close to the earth.  The extra intensity can be used for revving up new and fresh energy.
-It's blue because it's the second full moon in a calendar month. 
-It's red because of the angle the sun hits the shadow side.
-It's an eclipse because the earth falls in between the sun and moon. This will reveal our souls' shadows, as well as open up possibilities for the upcoming solar eclipse.
-The Sun is in Aquarius, calling for energized and electric action, assisted by the Mars energy.
-The best of this moon can pave the way for new beginnings with great energy that benefits your friendships, your creative endeavors, and a path of consideration for humanitarian efforts.

You may feel overwhelmed for a bit with the intensity coming at you in some way shape or form.  Just hold on and let it calls for time and organization to settle in.  It's like choreographing a great dance in the energy field.  It seems confusing at first, but then it will all fall into place, especially if you don't fight it. 

This Leo moon will make a trine to Mars, signifying great metaphysical and physical energy.  The opposition to the Sun and Venus in Aquarius calls for a need to open our hearts to what could be, not what was....Also, use your heart and mind in unison to make good decisions when the eclipse passes. 

This energy is chock full  of complicated  positive and challenging transits that can be used to help catapult your energy, once it's organized and recognized to usher in big changes.

Finally, this one is about us ALL, ALL OVER THE WORLD!!  It's cosmic and universal, and especially for us humans on this amazing globe we twirl on.....

Take some tips from an Aquarian friend, and have some fun with a Leo buddy!

Soak up the energy, because this is a rare gift indeed....

Happy Full Moon.....

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