Monday, January 1, 2018

New Year Full Moon in Cancer! A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a Dreamy New Year's Full Moon in Cancer, on January 1st, 2018 (Yay!), 9:25 p.m., eastern time.

With all the "fixins" of a magical start to an amazing journey, it's time to start out on a new path (or a recently begun one)....The recipe is right there for the mixing.  I have a checklist of energy options if you scroll to the end!

There are so many amazing aspects available.  All you have to do is pick and choose...There is an astonishing astro kite forming, and a stunning cluster of shooting stars straight from Uranus to newly direct Mercury (Yay!), and also a cluster of moonbeams to the Sun and Venus in aspiring Capricorn, Wowie!   

The dreamy (and weepy) Cancer moon will call forth all sorts of emotions and, naturally the Moon in it's own sign, some anxieties and fretting.  Not to worry here!  This is all very natural for this type of moon.  One must learn to use this available energy to stir the healing waters of spirituality and metaphysicality.  After all, emotions begin with spirit and our own personal energy.  One must learn to direct the energy to positive, healthy, creative, and spiritual manifestation.

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Neptune in Pisces plays a stunning role in all this.  Neptune is dreams, magic, fantasy, creativity, benevolence, and spirituality.  Need I say more?  Pick and choose (there's that recipe) which and/or how many you will employ to witness the magic. With the sweet aspects forming between the Sun, Pluto, Venus, and Saturn to Jupiter (in Scorpio, I might add), home and hearth (Cancer), and love and fun (Venus), these will play out nicely if you notice the opportunity...  Don't let the possible tears and frets of the moon distract you from the magic that is there right in front of you!

Now back to that kite aforementioned!  This moon reminds me so much of a new moon, but because it is a full moon after all, a priority here is to release all the bad stuff.  Just let it go.  You can't mix the good with the bad, because you will miss out on so much joy.  You don't want to muddy the crystal clear and sparkling water of this luscious spiritual moon.  The energy brings forth endless possibilities with Neptune (dreams and wishes), Jupiter (expansion and manifestation), and Mars (energy and ambition).  I cannot emphasize enough the available energy to jumpstart your goals and aspirations.  With it's placement in the moon chart opposite the Sun, Saturn, Venus, and Pluto all  in Capricorn (that's a lot of Capricorn), there is amazing opportunity for career, aspirations, business, transformation, and discipline, yes, discipline!  These chances are all contingent on self discipline, control, and honor.  Now that Saturn is in Capricorn for 2 1/2 years, there will be no goofing off.  For those of you who may have trouble letting go and blending that Capricorn and Cancer, here is a little inspiration....

A quick checklist of all this available energy is always a good thing:

-Moon in Cancer is home, family, and metaphyscial!  Home businesses and entrepreneurs can prosper, especially metaphysical businesses, or any that has to do with water.
-The Full Moon in Cancer calls to let go of damaging emotions, or debilitating habits, emotions, thoughts.
-This is a super watery energy.  Weep if you must, but for cleansing and healing.  Use water techniques to refresh, heal, and transform.
-Because the Sun and other planets are in earthy and ambitious Capricorn, definitely enrich the earthy grounded and healthy aspects of your life.  Saturn in Capricorn especially likes organizing, goals, practicality, no-nonsense, and integrity.  With all that Neptune fantasy, it can be blended into very attractive accomplishments.
-Small businesses or at home/community businesses can expand significantly.  Even if you love your job, big or small, there are many opportunities to grow personally and/or professionally. 
-If you are in the medical field, or healing field, or the beauty industry, this is a great time to soak up this energy for catapulting your energies and talents. 
-Anyone who works at a spa or salon that involves service and healing, this is it for you!  Shine like the moonbeams that are being offered here.  As a matter of fact, indulge yourselves in a spa day!
-Artists and creators can excel under this energy. Creativity is being supported in a magnificent energy pattern, and I do not say this lightly!
-Spiritual leaders, Priests or Pastors, Psychics or Seers, all have excellent opportunities for serving and teaching their flocks and their clients, beyond their previous methods. 
-Venus offers sweet opportunities to fall in love with a "dreamboat"!  Heheheh 😍  Yes, finally I get to the love part...but take these Neptunian lovers lightly, peeps, no heavy stuff.  Just have fun!  Fly to a moonbeam and ride a shooting star  🌠. 
-Jupiter and Mars are crazy happy here.  Anyone wanting to jumpstart a global business or relationship, either online or through travel, here you go, offered up on a silver star by a dashing knight riding a galloping steed.
-Saturn does warn one to be cautious, though.  Don't be stupid.  Don't be naive.  For the last year or so I have been warning about the Saturn watchdog.  Especially with Saturn in Capricorn, musn't ever doubt the headmaster is watching, all the time....
-Last but not least, there is a secret aspect, known to those who see, of a transforming talent that is ripe for stardom.   Seek out from the hidden places in your heart and mind that thing you really want to do.  Release the doubt, insecurities, and fears.  Remember, a dream is a wish your heart makes!

Remember, it's still a Full Moon, with all the trappings of possible intensity.  Let your intensity shine in goodness.  Use the watery Cancer and the magical Neptune to "heal thyself".  Don't be tempted by excessive use of harmful substances and/or energy.  Learn ye to abstain.

Place your crystals, stones, jewels, pictures, anything you want to energize, out under the full moon's light!  Remember, you are using energy and physics to energize, not for ill-gotten gain, but for positive healing transformation that is sacred and divine. 

Submerge yourself in water, the ocean, a pool, a lake, or a hot tub!  Then, walk the earth and honor nature, animals, spirit. 

Finally, use this benevolent energy to serve, in some way, abused, neglected, abandoned, sick, lonely, and heartbroken animals, children, and the elderly. 

Happy Full Moon! 
Happy New Year!


All these excellent aspects can offer so much more if you know your own personal transits.  Email me if you would like more information.

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