Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Somewhere over the Rainbow....

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a sensational Full Moon in Gemini on Wednesday, November 25th, at 5:44 p.m. edt.

This is a gorgeous full moon full of blazing nightlight, desire, and delight!  Yes, it's true.  Isn't that wonderful??  Why, yes it is.  We also have a little of trickery and tension from the artful dodger himself, Gemini. Yet trickery and tension are oh-so-fun.  Desire and delight are, well, you know, pretty awesome.  And the sun in good old Sagittarius is full of grandiose dreams of adventure in far away lands, somewhere, say, like over the rainbow, maybe?

The  moon in Gemini is opposite the Sun in Sagittarius.  Gemini is chatty, social, and a party boy (or girl).  He loves to find mischief around the neighborhood.   Sagittarius loves to philosophize, psychologize, and travel the world in a day! (See Sag Diana at the bottom of this page.)   These two could really teach each other a lot.  Kind of like Dorothy and the Wizard of  Oz.  This is a moon with a zany, illusional, mixed up mash of energy of trying to have a great time, while searching for neverland and blinking your eyes, only to find you just exited a wild and crazy fantastical dream.

Included in this mix is the Neptunian dilemna.  Believe me.  Every astrologer on this planet is talking about this.  Of course, currently, this is extremely challenging.  And obviously with a full moon, it makes it nearly insane. Oy.  It's astrologically complicated.

So saith Sun in Sagittarius, "Oh, somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly, and the dream that you dare to, Oh, why oh why can't I?"

Saith the moon in Gemini, "If I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own backyard.  Because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with."

See what I mean?  Crazy.  Expect something like this to happen...

However.  You can find a way to make it work.

My advice for this moon is to grab a lifeline, and latch on to a good time. Enjoy intellectual and social activity.  The love forecast is secretly built into this moon.  If you blink, you miss it.  Cast a love spell for "love at home".  Venus in the 5th (love and romance) is doing a sweet little aspect to Jupiter in the 4th (home and hearth).  Spend a few hours socializing, planning a cruise to an exotic place (say, over the rainbow), then go home with your heart's desire and watch a fantasy movie.

I'm not going to lie to you.  There is plenty of tension and drama to be had here.  But look to the secret bright side.  Because there is one.  And learn from the metaphysical world.  Tension is just energy looking for direction.  So.  You be the director.  Take a trip to fantasy land, but don't forget to click your ruby slippers together so you make it back home.

Check out my website at www.mysticalmagic.net for some full moon tips, by clicking the link on the header for the mystical moon.  Read some great tips for everything you need to know about the full moon.  Also, you can email me at readings@mysticalmagic.net for any specific questions about this moon, or any other moon.

P.S.  Cheers to Diana!  A true blue Sagittarius, if there ever was one....

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Have a mystical, magical full moon week and weekend...I have a hunch I think you will.

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