Tuesday, November 10, 2015

New Moon in Sultry Scorpio...

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

The New Moon in Scorpio will be exact on Wednesday, November 11th, at 12:47 p.m. edt.

Finally.  A moon the girls (and guys, too) can be excited about.  I finally get to tell all the people that this is going to be a LOVE and ROMANCE moon. After many moons of Scorpio's stealth and smackdowns, we can see the benevolent side of a formidable master. Whew.  The questions have all revolved around relationships and love for the past couple years for a lot of people.  All those moons.  All those terrifying transits.  All that adjusting.  The wait. The tears.  The hopelessness.  Now, I'm not saying it's been like that for everyone, including me, but then again, you have to know how to handle that intense energy.  So if you have been following instructions and listening to all those astrologers and mystics, now is the time to reap relief from your agony!  Finally...

Click on the song to set the tone for this new moon.
Prepare thyself!

Plan on taking the day off...or...having a nice lunch break if you live on the east coast.  Make a day, or couple days, of it.  Enjoy this beautiful scorpionic energy. With the Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Scorpio, and Jupiter and Mars in Virgo, you can have intense, deep, sultry love (Scorpio), that is perfect (Virgo), and a little aggressive (Mars).  With Venus poised to hover into the 8th house of sex, $$$ , the spiritual world, and the mysterious psyche, (notice what they all have in common),  this calls for a time of a red-hot date with the desirable one of your choice.  Start out with dinner (or lunch) in a dark room with lots of candles, present each other with taboo (Scorpio) gifts (Venus), take it to a secret hiding place in a mysterious castle in a faraway land (or your own bedroom if you jazz it up a little), lock the door, throw away the key, and have at it.....

Metaphysically, you can create some lasting magic, with Saturn in a nice aspect with Mars and Jupiter.  Pluto in Capricorn in the house of hopes and dreams is well aspected with Jupiter in Virgo in the 7th house of relationships.  This calls for transformation and expansion of your relationship.  But with Capricorn and Virgo, it must be classy and perfect.  No messy, cluttered clothes, rooms, or appearances.  Call in the maid, buy the best champagne, and rent a costume, or buy a dress of the best quality and style. Because Saturn is also in good aspect with Venus and Mars, both in the 7th house for this moon, it is a good time to lay the foundation for a lasting legacy. The north node of the moon will soon leave Libra for Virgo this month.  This is a very karmic, fatalistic move that will allow us to reflect and improve on the changes that fate has blessed us with.  It has been in Libra since February of 2014, and has focused on relationships for so long that the balance must be struck. The wobbly uncertainty  must be removed or balanced.  With the moon and sun in Scorpio in the 9th house of travel, philosophy, and education, wouldn't it be great to hop on a plane and fly to an abandon castle in England or Spain?  Or....you could always watch a great foreign film while you are alone and incognito with your lover.  Hmmmm???

Lest we forget, if you are more concerned with career, family, or health, this is a perfect time to focus on positive action.  The planets are auspicious for meeting with people who can make a difference in a positive direction.  Meditation, exercise, moonlighting, and starting a great health program is more than perfect for now.

Whatever area in your life you want to activate will expand and transform at this new moon and thereafter.  Focus on your journals, affirmations, the law of attraction, your vision boards, crystal therapy, and a new moon altar.  The following link from my blog 2 years ago will give you good information on preparing for a new moon.


For this moon, focus on things that you are extremely intent on transforming and expanding in a spiritual and practical way.  After the eclipse cycle and intense past 3 years, this is one of those times you can make it happen.  Get your intentions ready on paper in your journals to activate right after the new moon is exact (and before you start your romantic escapades).  Continue manifesting until the void- of- course moon, which begins on November 12th, 9:54 a.m. until 10:14 a.m.  You will be able to revisit these intentions for the next 2 weeks on and off, but avoid void- of- course moons. Check the moon tables online to make sure.  There are frequent little ones coming up this week.

I want to remind you to remember the people, animals, metaphysical beings that would love some assistance with this new moon.  Of course, we have to take care of ourselves, but it would be a great time to donate $$$ and assistance to these needy or deserving beings.  The faeries love a good party outside near the garden and the trees, under the moonlight.  Our animals love affection and devotion. The spirits that dwell among us want to commune and converse with us.  I guarantee you can commune with the spirit world this week!

Visit my website at www.mysticalmagic.net to see how I can help you with any questions you may have about this new moon.  Everyone needs to know their own personal moon and what is happening with these transits.  You can email me with any questions at readings@mysticalmagic.net, or to inquire about my services!

click to see

Have an exciting new moon, new life, new world!


  1. Wow Linda very nice. You did a great job with this :)

  2. I hope you have a fantastic new moon Pat!
