Thursday, March 19, 2015

New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Pisces! Happy Spring!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

Welcome to your Life!
Your new life.....

This New Moon and the Sun is at the very tail end of Pisces, the planet of spirituality, metaphysicality, mystical magic (ahem), creativity, artistry, and sensitivity...and within 2 hours of this, the sun and moon will change to Aries, forward motion, enthusiasm, aggression, confidence, and power.  Need I say more?  The moon will be exact at 5:36 a.m. EDT, on Friday, March 20th, early enough hours for most everyone in the USA to start a new day, a new life!

The Solar Eclipse is connected to the lunar nodes, in this case the southern nodes.  The moon will be between the earth and the sun, all in alignment, so the sun is blocked by the moon, as it passes over. The energy is fantastic for endings (Pisces), and  beginnings (Aries).  And all the more magical and potent for spiritual Pisces and enthusiastic Aries.  LET GO of what is over.  Eliminate what is toxic.  Take your Piscean dreams (the moon) of a better life, a better way, and give them to the warrior Aries (the sun), to charge forward and MAKE those dreams a reality, just in time for the Spring Solstice.  Renew your spirit and your soul.  Make a priority to move toward the light....

The last eclipse in Pisces, 29 degrees, was in March of 1996.  How mystical is that!!  Think of what was happening at that time....You should sense an evolution of similarity between the two.  And the happenings of this eclipse now will last for at least 6 months, and will vibrate for many years to come.  Most of the leaders of antiquity on this globe placed extreme importance on eclipses.  They knew that they ushered in new eras, sometimes new cultures.  The medieval monarchies, the Persian religious leaders, and men and women who lived off the land KNEW, just KNEW, that their worlds were changing dramatically.  The Sun was their technology, and the Moon was their internet.  The Angels were their cell phones, and their Faeries were there MP3 players.  This can be all extremely complicated.  I wish I were an astronomer.  That would be helpful.  With everything that's been going on for the last 3 years, I would say this is a critically evolutionary time!  No more Pluto Uranus square.  There's a  new moon at the end of Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, Solar Eclipse in Pisces, and the Spring solstice, or Vernal Equinox, all within hours of each, other and all leading to the newness of  Come on now.  DO NOT waste this stuff.  If you're sleeping, wake up!!  If you're not paying attention, PAY ATTENTION!!  Write it down, feel it, move it and shake it....

This is a GREAT time for artists, and for creative or spiritual projects.  It's a great time for humanitarian projects.  It's time to wake up.  Feel the light.  Move from the darkness toward the light.  Pray for humanity.  Pray for yourself.  Pray for the world.  See the Angels who walk amongst us.  Befriend the Fae who live with us.  Love the animals.  Care for the sick, the abused, the lonely, the underdog.  No longer will the dark, lower, cold vibrations affect us.

"The people who walk in darkness will see a great light; those who live in a dark land, the light will shine on them." Isaiah 9:2

To set intentions for this new moon, wait 48 hours.  Begin March 22, from 6:40 a.m., until March 23, 10:25 a.m. EDT.   Check with my blog posting from June 22, 2014.  I have a great mini lesson on creative visualization, perfect for this historic moon and solar eclipse.

If you have personal questions and would like a consultation, email me at .  Also visit my website at  for Angel or Faerie readings, as well as personal chart and personal moon analysis.                                                            
Coming soon is Beltane, one of the favorite holidays of the Faeries!  It's time to set up those faerie villages under a tree....and watch the magic unfold before your eyes....:)

Happy New Moon, Solar Eclipse, and Spring Solstice!
Follow the Light....

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