Saturday, December 20, 2014

Magnificent New Moon for a Magical New Life!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

Happy Christmas, Happy Winter Solstice, Happy New Moon!

There are many other things to celebrate, ponder.

The New Moon is December 21st.
Winter Solstice is December 21st.
Uranus goes direct December 21st.
Saturn moves into Sagittarius December 23rd.

What does this mean?  Big, BIG changes! Stand up. Step up. Walk the talk.  Set your sights high, and raise your vibration. And in the words of Tiny Tim, "God Bless us Everyone!"

Firstly, the New Moon in 0 degrees Capricorn falls on Sunday, December 21st, at 8:37 p.m.  This moon reminds me of Old St. Nick, Santa Claus, Father Frost, traversing the globe, the land, the cosmos, rightfully so, for Christmas-time! The journey is long and strenuous, but necessary.

 I can't help but see the striking similarities between these historical characters, along with the Hermit from the tarot,  and the 3 Magi, the 3 Kings, the 3 shepherds, traversing the land in search of the Christ Child King, the most enlightened of humans!!  They studied the stars, the moon, their minds, and their spirits to lead them on their quest of enlightenment, their journey.  Capricorn is a wise, grounded, earthly, determined, solitary sign of stubborn perseverance.  This new moon ought to strengthen our souls into beginning or progressing on our own journeys!

A Star!  A Star!  Shining in the East
We certainly have the hard lessons of the grand masters to lead us, to help us.  The Kings, wise men, humble shepherds, knew, just knew, there would be blazing, radiant, enlightenment, peace, hope, and love at their final destination....Of course there are many, many stories, traditions, cultural references, truths, and mysteries. But I think if we ponder and utilize the energy of this new moon to raise our determination and vibrations to a higher place, we can all agree on one thing. The power of enlightenment  leads to blissful harmony, peace, and brotherhood.

The Winter Solstice falls on December 21st, at 6:03 p.m. in the United States, eastern time.  Right before the New Moon.  The Sun also enters Capricorn at this time, and there is a 5 planet concentration in Capricorn.  Sun, Moon, Venus, Pluto, and Mercury are ALL together!  Everything looks fairly harmonious, except the usual Pluto square Uranus, and the odd Venus square Uranus.  However, since we have survived the colossal impact of the Uranus/Pluto hit, we can use this knowledge to assist us on our new path.  Sagittarius started us on our journey and brought us to the wisdom of Capricorn.  The only caution is to, as much as we can, soften our sternness that successful Capricornians always nurture.  Don't be too too harsh on yourselves, and certainly don't let others be to you.  Saturn is the planet of Capricorn, and there is an intense Saturnian energy field out there at this time. I have come to respect Saturn immensely.  He is the teacher, the disciplinarian, the Hermit, the wise soul of stubborn hard work.  Use him to learn to focus, to strengthen.

We can now also say goodbye to the last few days of Saturn in Scorpio on December 23rd, and usher in the new Saturn in Sagittarius. Whatever you have been going through since October of 2012 is going to drastically change, if it hasn't already.  We have been dealt some serious Scorpionic blows and Saturnian scoldings.  We are now ready to test our lessons with the Sagittarius yearnings.

Uranus will also switch his course, and turn direct on December 21st. There will only be 1 planet, and that is Jupiter, that is retrograde for a while at this time.  So you see, this is a huge time for changes, opportunities, and planning.  Uranus will catapult something for everyone!  It will come fast and it will be powerful.  Guaranteed.

However, this is definitely a most "earthly, grounded" new moon, but also is most definitely the time to acknowledge our angels, faeries, and animal guides.  After all, the angels spoke to the Magi, the wise men, to lead them to new born Jesus. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, and crystals are useful for Saturnian energy.  Of course, gold, frankincense, and myrrh are the chosen oils for this time.  Set your intentions right away after the new moon!  Not just intentions.  Set grand and glorious goals and dreams in motion.  This is not a time for holding back.  With all the big planetary changes, the holiday spirit, this is the time to climb the mountain, the mountain of magnificent accomplishments!

Email me at if you have questions about your personal chart and the new moon!

Have a Happy New Moon and a Merry Christmas!


1 comment:

  1. The Magi were following the signs in the heavens, but it took Divine intervention to get the Child away from King Herod's murderous intentions. 10,000 innocent children paid the ultimate price instead.
