Thursday, December 4, 2014

Full Moon in Mercury opposes Mercury! What?!!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a full moon in Gemini on Saturday, December 6th at 7:27 a.m. EDT.  And for my Alaskan readers, I thank you for reading me, it will be an interesting 3:27 a.m. And it is called the Cold Moon.  We know why...

I have been looking at this full moon position for a while.  I keep going back and looking and looking.  There was something I just couldn't properly explain, put into "tangible" words.  These things usually brew inside me and then "powie", or rather, "pop".  I kept thinking over and over, "Gemini looks sneaky to me here."  No surprise there.  Fact #1 Geminis are sneaky, ok, or they CAN BE sneaky.  C'mon you Gems, just admit it.  Fact #2  Geminis are twins, smoke and mirrors, sleight of hand, jesters, uh, ok those are Facts #3,4,5, and 6.  See what I mean?

As I operate in imagery 99% of the time, the thought that kept coming to my mind was, "Beware the Artful Dodger".  There's a group from the 70's called Artful Dodger.  You knew them?  Too bad they don't create anymore. Anyhoo, Honor Among Thieves is the name of one of their albums.  What it means is "criminals don't  compromise other criminals." Or how about, the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".  So which one is it going to be?  Now I know I'm getting too far out there.  I'm just sayin'.  Fess up.  You know what I'm sayin'.

Reason being....we have the full moon in Gemini (Mercury) opposing Mercury!!  What the???!! (in the 12th house, no less).  C'mon now.  That is soooo obvious.  I called my astrologer friend and pointed this out, and explained my theory, or rather hypthosesis.  She was stunned....

So bottom out for the Arftul Dodger, the Trickster, Gemini the Twins, the Magician, etc., etc., etc.  Now I know, most people are saying, "but wait, it looks like such a good full moon, it's nice, fun, lighthearted, mental, like Gemini."  Cough, cough, choke. (Mental is right.)  Ok, I am a believer in positivity, following the light, laughing at drama, etc., but this is a time to get your head on straight.  Only a Pisces can "out trick" a Gem, and they don't even have to try or realize it.  And only a Scorpio can shame a Gem (think of the wicked witch in Wizard of Oz, "I'm melting, I'm melting.")  So there you go.  Hang around with these guys for a few days. Just to be sure.

Before I forget, remember the Moon is in Mercury, a very mental sign.  The Moon is a very emotional being, hence, the conundrum of the very emotional full moon dealing with it's mentality. With this moon opposing Chiron (the wounded healer) in Pisces, you must get control of your emotions. Don't torment yourself with "the heart vs. the mind".  In this case, I would let the head rule, while supporting the heart and it's desires.  Don't be stupid.  Sometimes it takes the head to work out what the heart wants.

Then we have Venus in a positive aspect to Jupiter.  Here again.  I have to say.  That's great, but......Venus is in tight conjunction with the Sun and Mercury, both in opposition to Gemini!  Uh, duh.

In the words of Toby Keith,

"This world's a jungle there ain't no justice
Laws of nature rule this land
Better hide your horses, bury your whiskey
Hold your woman any way you can

Cause there ain't no right or wrong, nothing's carved in stone
It ain't cheating if you don't get caught
Jokers laugh and losers grieve
Cause out there, there's no honor among thieves"

hat woman you've been loving, she was another man's
You stole her heart while his neck was turned
On every corner there's an outlaw waiting
Who wants to teach you what you never learned"

Lest we forget, the Uranus square Pluto is getting ready to make a 6th exact hit, Uranus is going direct, Jupiter is going retrograde.  All this on the tale of a tricky full moon and post lunar eclipse.  What does this mean?  You're good if you're good.  But if your soul is in need of a tune-up or overhaul, perhaps a rebooting, get ready for the fate train.  Is this bad or scary?  Heck no.  Is it necessary?  Probably.  

Alas, no need to worry.  Because after all, it's all good! But do not despair "thou wronged one".  The Sun is in Sag!  Diana, you there??   He He.  The Sun is in Sag.  Mercury is in Sag.  Venus is in Sag.  And pretty soon, Saturn is in Sag.  (That's another story altogether.)  Just keep in mind, whatever may be, there is an extremely tight conjunction between the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, followed closely by Saturn.  Sometimes too close is too dangerous, if you know what I mean.

There is also a mystic rectangle protecting a cross between the Moon and Uranus.  I call that an envelope.  Again.....whatever is good is really good, but whatever is tricky is, well,  REALLY tricky.  My suggestion is to get out the crystals for protection.  Which ones???   Quartz, baby!  Clear quartz, smoky quartz, and oh yeah, black tourmaline.  Wear them around your head!!  No matter how crazy people think you are.  Make a nice headband!  He He.  Also amethyst for the 3rd eye is a good one.

Don't forget those Faeries!  And of course the Satyrs.  Think of Puck in Midsummer Night's Dream.  He tried.  He really did.  And just like my Sag-y Bestie, Diana!!  With the Sun in Sagittarius, how uncomfortable can life be??  Just in case, grab a Pisces.  That's me, btw.  Good reason why me and Diana are "life-ers".  Pay a Scorpio to be your back-up, or rather, offer him/her some other goodies, hubba, hubba.  You know those Scorps.  :)  Get out in that full moonlight.  Party it up.  Invite that Gemini over for some hilarious romping.  Forget about those troubles.  Release your fears, your frustrations.  Keep calm and be friends with a Gemini.

Email me for a personal transit reading for your full moon or sun!


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