Friday, November 21, 2014

Magical New Moon in Sagittarius! Aim for the Moon, land on the Stars!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

Diana, the Satyr, the Sagittarius!
We have a wonderful New Moon in 0 degrees of Sagittarius on Saturday, 7:32 a.m. EDT.  And with the Sun at 0 degrees of Sag, my advice is to "Aim for the Moon, Land on the Stars".  I know this sounds reversed but, this is what can happen with this moon if we play our astrological cards right.  :)

Gone are the gloomy, dark, torturous (but exciting), "graveyard spiral of the soul" spins of sadistic Scorpio. The eclipses taught us many truths, including what lies beneath the deep, endless caves of the mind and soul.  We looked in the mirrors of our souls and saw reflected the hidden secrets, protected and preserved, of many lifetimes.  We saw, we felt, we conquered!  The Plutonian quest...volcanic purging.

Alas, the darkness of the soul moves into the magical, mystical motion of the Satyr, the Sag, the forward motivation of the Jupiterian, shooting us out into the cosmos, the moon, the stars, the universe.....Wherever the Sag aims, he will surpass by light years the intended target of freedom and enlightenment.  So there you go, shoot for the moon and you will land on the stars!  With Sag at your lead, nothing could be truer!

 My best friend from childhood, Diana the Satyr, ALWAYS, ALWAYS is 100% pure Sag!  90% of the time her arms are in the air, aiming her arrows and prepping for flight!!  I can barely find a picture or image of her without her arms, her hands, her legs, her fingers (giving the Sag peace sign), or herself, always getting ready for take-off.   She follows her sun, never standing still, and even, very importantly, has learned how to use the recent dark energy of Saturn in Scorpio, and the Scorpion eclipses, to her most optimistic and positive advantage.  Rightfully so,  she is a ghost tour guide in spooky Savannah!  And I can tell you without a doubt, that has got to be the best fun in town!  Talk about making a riotous good time of Scorpio energy!  Hah!!  Brilliant.

So let's take that  Sagittarian start fresh on a new journey.  Reinvent yourself.  Reclaim yourself.  Renew yourself.  Choose your weapon, or your wings as in my case, and poise for adventure.  Follow Diana out of the "dark shadows" and onto the fast track to wonderment, magic, spirituality.....never mind those ghosts, they are there to have fun with, after all, they're people just like us.  :)  Let us move into the sparkly, shimmery, faerie dust wonderment of the new season of light.

Cosmologically speaking, Jupiter aspects  the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and the Moon in a tight conjunction as it squares Jupiter in the 9th house of  philosophy, travel, expansion.  How perfect for Jupiter!  Whatever it touches, it expands.  Neptune also squares the Sun, Venus, and the Moon, challenging us to take that Neptunian fantasy, idealism, utopia, and build a solid, true, journey of faith.  And Venus offers a fresh perspective to Uranus, allowing brand shiny new love, life, and glory to our world! And ALL the planets are in benevolent aspect to the great and glorious Midheaven.  

So you see the challenge.  Think carefully, with vision.  What is it that you were meant to be?  What is it that your soul must pursue?  What is it that will never allow you to stop?  Don't waste this stuff.  Use the challenge to transform your life.

Set up your new moon altar with images of your wishes, intentions!  Definitely invite the faeries, the angels, (they have those wings, ya know), and even those ghosts, hee hee!  Write in your gratitude journals, imagine your dreams come true, pray for peace, love, brotherhood, and goodness in the world!  Charge your crystals, light your candles, dabble your oils, sprinkle your faerie dust!!  Bless the animals, the sick, the lonely, the abused, the infirmed!  Activate the law of attraction for the world.  Give of your time, your talent, your $$$.  Thank the moon for it's presence and nearness!  Sign up for a new moon or full moon party with Mystical Magic (faerie party, too!).  Email me at to book a party you will never forget!!

Light, sparkles, and moondust to you,

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