Sunday, August 24, 2014

New Moon on Monday in Earthy Virgo!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

My how those moons move so magically quick!

I can't believe how progressive the moon magic has been this past summer.  We are here at that sweet new moon of the last month of Summer season. Following that huge supermoon, we should have plenty to keep us busy for this new moon.  It will be exact on Monday, August 25th, at 10:13 a.m., in Virgo, an earth sign to keep us nice and "earthy".  And how wonderful that will be!  If you would like help with your moon sign and understanding how this all affects you, go to my website or click on my email link, Send me a message of what you need and I will be extremely happy to help you out, as my moon is natally and forever exalted, which makes me an "expert" on "moonstrology".

This new moon has perfect energy to hit the ground running on any new or re-newed life phases or projects. The time is right as Virgo and the earthy energy will help you out with the details and perseverance to carry on as you should.  I love new moons in earth signs, as they are so practical and grounded, especially for a watery Pisces like myself.  I love to make plans and lists, and journal my ideas and goals for a new cycle. With the summer season in it's splendor right now, it's also great to go out in nature and enjoy your own landscaping or gardening accomplishments, OR, if you're a city dweller, check out the splendor in your favorite natural setting.  Of course, this is also a great time to spot a faerie, as they love when the trees and flowers, and bushes are overgrown so they can hide nicely while spying on humans!!

 I plan on walking the grounds barefoot, leaning against the trees, fussing with the flowers and soil, gazing at the sky and clouds, the starlight at night, and sunlight in the morn.  These are things you can do to get the energy flowing through your person, the magnetic earth energy running through your body.  Feel the breeze (or the warmth), hear the sounds, touch the earth.  Even though you won't be able to see the moon at this time (it is a dark moon), you can feel it, as the energy still radiates down to you

So back to daily life!  And that is what Virgo is so good at.  Wake up with a bounce, write down some goals, ideas, dreams, get to your creative visualization!  Look back at my June 22nd blog for the low down on creative visualization.  Trust me.  That lesson will kickstart you to where you want to go.  Let us end our summer with joy and hope for the future!

A beneficial conjunction is happening with Mars and Saturn, and that is a good thing.  Mars will give you the power to ground yourself through Saturn.  Yay!!  ;)  The opposition with Neptune will help you to balance your ideology and fantasy life with the practical necessities that make them possible.  After all, a dream without a structure is like a boat without the sea....

The best time to set your intentions, goals, dreams, (see June 22nd blog entry) is after 10:13 a.m. EDT, until 10:29 p.m. Tuesday evening, when the moon goes void of course. I know I am very excited for this new moon and I am really planning to go all out with my intentions.  This is the time to make the Summer of 2014 count!!  You can do it.

Love and Light and Blessings to Everyone,

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