Monday, May 14, 2018

Epic New Moon in Taurus! The Show Must Go On.....

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians! 

 We have an epic New Moon in Taurus, on Tuesday, May 15th, at 7:47 a.m., eastern time. 

While this is an earth dominated moon, along with 6 planets in earth signs, Taurus and Capricorn, do not be lulled into thinking this is a cozy, stable, grounded moon to cuddle up and let the earth roll on by!!

The real star of the show is Uranus changing signs!  Formerly in Aries the past 8 or so years, he will not go out quietly.  Uranus entered Aries on May 27th, 2010, and will finish what he started, if he hasn't already.  His entre into Taurus will take place at 7:31 a.m., 16 minutes before the Moon hits exact.  He will remain in Taurus until July 6th, 2025, at 11:17 p.m., eastern time.

This is a lot of information to take in all at once.  The most important thing to remember is the changes of the last 8 years will flash before your eyes in blazing glory before Aries takes a grand bow and the luscious sign of Taurus enters center stage.....Aries, the planet of ambition, energy, aggression, and impatience, along with Uranus, who also possesses these very qualities, will culminate into a crescendo of self-important finale.  We will begin an age of focus, determination, and a steadfast vision for our future.   The. Show. Must. Go. On.

                                                 click to play and crank up the volume

Although Taurus is a sign of luxury, earthiness, comfort, and steadiness, Uranus is impulsive, electric, flashy, revolutionary....Mix these qualities and what do you get?  The exciting jolt into a life of security, dependability, comfort, and downright stubborn determination.  It won't always be pleasant with Uranus calling the shots.  It's kind of like being in the eye of the storm, or the hurricane.  The lull of beauty, comfort, luxury (Taurus) will be ignited with Uranian fireworks, right out of the blue, always with pizazz and shocking flair....

While Jupiter is making a pretty trine to Neptune and Pluto, both planets of spirituality, there is cause for simmering and bubbling (Pluto) inspiration and hope (Neptune) for artistic beauty (Venus making a sextile to Uranus), and creative invention (Neptune and Uranus).  Imagine these qualities in ANY field of work you are in or whatever path you're on in life right now.

-You can start setting your intentions right away with this moon.  Make them exciting and rich, luxurious.  
-A nice bonfire or fireworks will definitely add to the electric energy this change will bring.  Or be sure to light some candles, and lots of them.
-Plant some new vibrant and colorful blooms in your garden or bring home some exotic potted bright planters and flowers for your living or business spaces. This will mix up the earth and fire energy.
-Invest your money (Taurus) in anything Uranian, such as electricity, inventions, media, and entertainment. 
-At the end of every day or night, go home to a comfortable, secure, loving, stable, and "traditional" (yes, I guess I did say traditional, didn't I?  That's Taurus, you know) environment.

                                              Can I sail through the ocean's changing tides?

As this is very complicated this time, if you have any questions, feel free to email me at and I could correspond one-on-one.  These things all depend on many factors in your personal chart. 

Be happy.
Be safe.
Remember, "What you do unto others, will be done unto you." 


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