Monday, April 10, 2017

Full Moon in Libra, Once Upon A Time!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a Full Moon in Libra, on April 11th, at 2:08 a.m., edt.    Ahhh, the full moon, the beautiful moon, so full of mystery and aura, love and magic, and deep awakenings...

This is the season of retrogrades.  Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter and soon-to-be Pluto,
are causing us to revisit, reactivate, renew, replenish, and re-examine. This has been an especially chaotic retrograde for Venus, and a slightly laborious one for Jupiter.  The fast moving planets, such as Venus and Mercury, will go direct soon, only to leave the major players to carry on the process.  The lingering process.

Full Moons are always about relationships, the intensity of and the mystery of.  THIS full moon is particularly bitter-sweet with Venus in retrograde, for just a few more days!  The time has come full circle, from many moons ago, to scrutinize the state of our love relationships and that with ourselves. With Saturn in aspect to Venus for so long, our desires for beauty, love, and pleasure are being tested and examined.

Don't be surprised if you happen to re-consider re-uniting with a former lover, soon to be former lover, present lover but needing to re-vamp your love, a love from a past life, a love from a future past life or a lover you have dreamed of for many years.  I know, right?  Call me crazy, but you know the name of my blog is "mystical" magic musings.  I am really feeling the re-uniting of many, many souls.  Time and space will be suspended now for a while....  Anyway, the past is really the present come to call, the future is really the present in fast forward, and the present, well, the present is a combination of it all.  Wouldn't it be so nice for some (or many) to create something new from something past?  Even if it's in your present relationship.....

Click play to hear the song

There is an intense T-Square involving Jupiter and the Moon, Uranus and the Sun, and big daddy Pluto!  This is prompting us to grit our teeth and make sense of some of the obstacles of our daily lives and long term visions.  It has rippled out from our inner core to our immediate metaphysical aura, and beyond.  And it has a boomerang effect.  The magnetic shield surrounding us can be cleansed with this full moon.  Take time during the retrogrades to pause....yes, I know, how can this be when we have been going so strong?  But remember, in the word of Mercury and Mars in Taurus, slow and steady win the race.  Of course with the planets currently "all over the map", it's so hard to consider this when we feel like the bull (Taurus) at the starting gate.

Alas, we are meant to evolve and transform!  And really, in the end, it's going to be alright!  Here is a little song to brighten your day...

Enjoy this complicated moon with all it's idiosyncrasies.  It's a labyrinth of some confusion, but nice surprises, to spice up our lives for the next 2 weeks, at least, and the season of retrogrades, at most.

 Be sure to go out under the moonlight with someone you like, or love, and ponder the beauty of the night sky!  Think about your past and ponder your future.  Give thanks for all your blessings.  Release your fears and frustrations.  Enjoy the Easter religious holidays.  Anticipate what the new season will bring you.  Help the needy, lonely, abandoned, sick, elderly, suffering, animals and children.

Happy Full Moon!

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