Sunday, March 12, 2017

Full Moon in Virgo....Learn to be still.

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have another vibrant and mystical Full Moon on Sunday, March 12th, at 10:52 a.m., eastern time, in Virgo.

Ahhh, the joys of mysticism...and that is what you can get from this one, if you want it.  But.  There is a flip side, too.

 First of all, there is a Neptune, Sun, Mercury, Chiron, all in Pisces conjunction and stellium.  Love, Love, Love this. Take it from a lifetime Neptune girl that is a Pisces Sun & Cancer Moon. I also have Neptune this and Neptune that in my natal chart.  The expansive bliss of Neptune can be indescribable.  The journey through enlightenment, fantasy, and creativity can be astounding and dangerous, equally.  My advice for all the inexperienced Neptunians and earthlings paying attention to this full moon is this. Be careful what you wish for. Think before you speak. Really think before you act. Look before you leap. When in doubt....don't do it. If it's going to hurt innocent people or creatures, don't do it.  If it's going to hurt you in the long run, don't do it.

As a matter of fact, hold up before you do anything right now.  We are still feeling the aftershocks of the eclipse season here.  Remember Leo's larger than life Full Moon in Drama... if I may say so? Remember that recent solar eclipse in Pisces two weeks ago, that left you reeling from seasickness and cosmic confusion? BTW, that one is still going strong. Also, the Neptunian energy is still prominent and slightly delicate with Chiron energy feeling vulnerable to past hurts, memories.

 Now, with all that bottled up energy from Jupiter retrograde, Uranus in Aries, and Godfather Pluto going strong, you may be wanting to jump off a cliff with this lunar energy challenging you to become the next entry in the Guiness Book of World Records.  Get advice from a true earth sign, i.e., Virgo.   Good old solid Moon in Virgo.  Don't. do. it.  And there you have the flip side.

Channel your agression, ambition, determination, and grit into developing this Neptunian energy into a creative, spiritual, and humanitarian manifestation, using the earthy energy of the Virgo moon. Virgo and Pisces really are compatible you know.  Yes, the moon is in Virgo, the watery, metaphysical moon.  Virgo will be enriched by this, and can't deny it's deep saturation.  The stellium in Pisces is in the ego driven, blazing and brazen golden and glaring spotlights of the Sun.  Pisces is subtle, and is discovered when the sun shines on it.  Pisces sun needs the stability of  Virgo right now.  So.  They oppose each other right now, but they also complement each other.  They need each other.  They are compatible.

Click the link to hear "Learn to be still, by the Eagles"  posted by John Hales on vimeo.

Use the mystical energy of the moon to enrich your earthly activities and goals. Use the Pisces stellium and conjunctions to manifest their magically creative qualities.  The full moon is a time of closure, but I always say and believe, also a time for enlightenment and awareness.   Awareness of how far you have come.  Awareness of what must be let go.  Awareness of what you must be grateful for.  We are now reaching the conclusion of the physical eclipse cycle, but the metaphysical energy lingers on.

Relationships will be challenged with Venus in retrograde, making a square to Pluto.  Re-evaluate your situation and your intentions.  The Moon's quincunx with Uranus may leave many frustrated. With Pluto in trine to the Moon, you may discover the intensity to be quite transformative, hopefully for the better.  If not....well....cut your losses... and move on to the beautiful dream state of Neptune in Pisces, that will offer you hope, with a secret, gentle aspect available and buried in the stars.  It's there.  For those who can see it.

This mystical energy of Pluto and the Moon will also make ready many blissful moments of intense creativity, healing, spirituality, and supernatural miracles, all coupled with the availability of Piscean sparkle and glow.  Just what the dark distant recesses of cool, mysterious Pluto could use right now from this lunar cosmic package.

Remember.  This is a full moon with all the extras trailing from the eclipses, as well as the captivating magnetic pull of Piscean energy.

Here are some helpful tips for the next 2 weeks:

1.  Don't make any sudden (Uranus) moves (Mercury).
2.  Combine earthy (Virgo), spiritual (Moon) activities with creative (Neptune), healing (Chiron), service (Mercury).
3.  Don't be frustrated with set-backs (Jupiter retrograde).
4.  Transform (Pluto) your inner being with spiritual (Neptune) earthiness (Virgo).
5.  Take care of your health, either physical, mental, or spiritual.
6.  Healing with water, earth, and sunshine works best.
7.  Plant in your garden healing herbs, vegetables, flowers, under the sunshine, saturating with full moon water.
8.  Take care of damaged emotions with healing and nurturing.
9.  Have faith in the beauty and bliss of the unseen world.

10.  Learn to be still.....

Happy Full Moon!!

Feel free to contact me with any questions.

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