Sunday, November 13, 2016

Full Supermoon on November 14th, Everybody Hurts Sometimes....

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

There will be a phenomenal Full Supermoon in Taurus on November 14th, 8:50 a.m., eastern time zone.  Get ready for an intense moon in all ways, physically, spiritually, and metaphysically.

The proximity to earth is a cosmic wonder, the proximity to our emotions will be formidable. The proximity to the metaphysical realms will be incredibly enlightening.  It already is all these things right now.  If ever a moon will linger before, during, and after it's fullness, it will be this one.

I'm going to start out by saying every moon is meant to be a good moon. We know this to be true when we look at it's wonder in the night sky. We question it when it sets our minds and emotions awry.  The energy affects different souls in different ways.  The intensity of the energy can be comforting, enlightening, and transforming.  I believe we should anticipate every moon to be a positive and cleansing transformation in our lives.  Alas, we still have to deal with the human condition.  And that's okay....   Just know that it all really is for the best.  The moon is a gift from the heavens, and we are so lucky to have it's beautiful glow watch over us all the days of our lives.

Now for the heavy stuff....

This moon will cause many a soul to purge deep emotions.  There is a trine from the Moon to Pluto causing an intensity and craving, unlike many other planetary activations.  With Scorpio in the Sun and Taurus in the Moon, there is an even more serious activation here.  Taurus, an earth sign, demands stability,  while Scorpio absolutely must play devil's advocate.  Alas, there may possibly be a serious stalemate of a showdown.  Haven't we seen this already?  In mine/yours/our faces? Hmmmmm????   Think about it.  The Taurus moon is personal.  Pluto in Capricorn is global, social.

On a personal note, don't be surprised if you do start weeping and crying, whether inside or out.  We all need security in different areas of our lives.  Taurus is a sign needing comfort, beauty, safety, and security, emotionally, physically, financially.  Turn your thoughts to these.  Turn your actions to these. And remember.....everybody hurts sometimes.

There is also an interesting secret aspect from the Moon to Uranus and Neptune that will activate (dare I repeat myself moon after moon after moon) a sudden and creative streak, as well as spirituality that is so potent and mind blowing one can be transformed beyond believability.  Don't be surprised if you get a visit from a deceased relative or pet that seems so real you could reach out and touch them.  The creative artist, once again, will be ignited with supermoon energy and power.

Jupiter is expanding the capability to help greatly those in need, whether physically, emotionally, or spiritually.  Especially the elderly.  Hospice centers could use some help y'all, if you are called to rise up.  I also believe the sexes (male/female) can come together this time to help a good cause...other than themselves.  So. Get over yourselves.  Help others.  Together.

Remember Taurus is an earth sign.  Scorpio is water.  Care for your plants, whether outside or in. Nurture, water, feed them.  Look to the trees, and the animals.  Activate your crystals under the moonlight.  Add to your bank account and others', too!  Stock up your fridge and others', too!  Give thanks for all your comforts.  Help add to comforts of other less fortunate souls.

Happy Full Supermoon!

I have a new website in creation  Click on the link to send me a contact and ask any questions you may have about astrology or the moon.  I also have my other website to visit.  You can email me at for other inquiries, as well.

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