Friday, June 3, 2016

New Moon in Gemini, Dancing in the Moonlight!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

There is a New Moon in Gemini on Saturday, June 4th at, 10:58:28 p.m., edt.

Now I am a positive person.  Always have been.  I like to make lemonade out of lemons. Must be all the Neptune flooding my chart.  I believe what I want to believe, and so it is. I love to out-trick the master trickster, The Artful Dodger him/herself, Gemini.  It's all in good fun you see.  No harm, no foul.  Gemini loves a rockin' good time, playing mind games, playing now-you-see-me-now-you-don't.  It just depends who the other players are in the game.  That's a different story.

This New Moon has so many auspicious elements attached to it. Just make sure to activate your sonar/radar protective shield and detector.  Don't play the fool.  No matter whose side you're on.  Remember. Now-you-see-me-now-you-don't.  Have fun!  Enjoy the moment!  Make lemonade out of lemons!  Be prepared to out-trick the trickster....if you can.

Before I lay on the heavy stuff....I have a piece of advice.  Try to have a good time.  Go dancing. Go singing.  Socialize.  Hook up with your peeps. After all, it is a New Moon.  And it is a New Moon in Gemini.  Click on the song.  I'm just sayin'....

Ok.  Now for the heavy stuff... This is a tough call and hard to explain.  Mars and Saturn are retrograde.  Mars is in Scorpio, and Saturn is dangerously mega-millimeters close to it's old nemesis Scorpio, opposing what could have been a good call for Mercury, if it wasn't sitting in Taurus right now, stubborn old hard-pressed Taurus. The good news is Pluto and Jupiter ARE in earth signs supporting Mercury, hence we have the option for a rockin' good party for the weekend New Moon. Just keep it close to home, and watch your back.

Don't.  I repeat.  Don't. Make. Plans. For. A NEW long term love affair.  If you're already there, you're good...maybe.  Wait it out.  Don't push.  Besides, Lilith, the female goddess of  the dark side of the moon is in Scorpio too, sitting there waiting to strike the feminine ego.  While it is a hot and steamy lovers' energy.....Don't. Think. For. A. Minute... you will know the outcome.  You may, or you may not.  Remember.  Now-you-see-me-now-you-don't.  Seriously? Who has time or inclination for that?   Wait for the wind to blow....(the Gemini wind).  Just have fun where you can.  Enjoy it. Why so serious?

I will say with Jupiter and Pluto in earth signs forming nice aspects in auspicious places, this is a good time to work on mental, psychological health, which in turn, affects your physical health, whatever your situation may be.  Try meditation, mind-over-matter techniques, positive thinking. With these aspects hitting Mercury (now in Taurus, an earth sign, but soon to be in it's own sign of Gemini), it is a very good time to plan and implement (New Moon energy), a new mental and physical health program for the Summer. Also, one important tip, due to the aspects and locations of these planetary goodies, it appears that reaching out to the lonely, sick, abused, abandoned, forgotten souls, can also comfort the one doing the reaching.  It's like chicken soup for the soul.  The healer becomes the healed (Chiron in Pisces).

Ironically, with all this tricky energy going down, it IS a good moon for a spiritual or metaphysical businesses, as well as healing businesses, to thrive!!  Also, Artists and creators will do well under this moon. The spiritual aspect is strong in this one, so anything that involves metaphysics or spirituality is auspicious at this time.  Just be sure it is all for good, as it WILL come right back at you.  The trick with this moon will be deciding exactly WHAT is good...

And now for the New Moon intentions and wishes.  After all, that's what it's all about.  You may set your intentions right after the new moon becomes exact at 10:58 p.m., edt, on Saturday, until Sunday, June 5th, at 12:47 p.m. Then you can begin again at 11:47 p.m., when the moon leaves void-of-course.

-Write down your intentions and wishes in your journal.
-Display an altar with symbols and trinkets representing your wishes.
-For this air sign moon, leave out feathers to attract faeries and angels.
-See my website at to get tips on activating moon energy.

We are still dealing with the past moon cycles and eclipses that have brought us to this point. You can ALWAYS continue to work on your old intentions and new ones, of course.  Always remember your karma.  Always remember that any cosmic or spiritual energy is meant for good. Importantly, you should check your personal transits to see how they line up with this energy.   Email me with any questions at

Have a Happy New Moon!  
Have fun with the Fae and the animals...
Help the sick and abandoned souls...
Go dancing in the moonlight!


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