Monday, January 19, 2015

Super New Moon in Aquarius/Uranus!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a New Moon in Aquarius in 0 degrees on Tuesday, January 20th, at 8:14 a.m. est.

-The Sun will enter Aquarius exactly at 0 degrees.  Time for zapping up some uniqueness.
-Mercury and Venus are conjunct in Aquarius, helping each other to make a creative connection.
-The Sun, Moon, and Mercury are in easy aspect :).  It's been a while since that happened.
- Mercury makes fast acting quintile to the midheaven, opportunities abound.
-Neptune and Mars in Pisces square Saturn to challenge us to TAKE the challenge!
- Jupiter ironically opposes Mercury and Venus, actually causing us to want more of ALL this....

Bottom line...

Be UNIQUE, act on creativity, take a break from the lunar madness that has been stalking since September, consider new opportunities that will definitely come your way. Take the challenge to innovate, and dream, manifest, indulge!

Aquarius is the Star card in Tarot

So you ask, "What's the catch? "  Believe me, I know.  I ask myself  that same question.  We still have that nagging Uranus/Pluto square, which btw is waning, thank God.  Mars in Pisces is misbehaving a little, and of course, Mercury will go retrograde within the next 24 hours.  There will be a lovely and colorful kite forming soon after the exact moon, with plenty of tension to keep us hopping.  BUT.  The important thing is how you handle that initially beautiful Aquarius energy, like a gift from the "gods of excitement"!

We have had ENOUGH of the emotional (Cancer), brooding (Scorpio),  ruthless (Capricorn), mood swing (Libra), lunar activities for the last 5 months.  It is time to BREAK FREE!! Aquarius is electricity, intellect, ingenuity, creativity, technological, global, uniqueness, strangeness, rebellious, inventive, and genius, but also metaphysical and spiritual, and humanitarianistic (how's that for an Aquarius word?)  

In the spirit of Diana, our Sag with the asteroid Chiron the Wounded Healer in Aquarius, who led us out of the dark lunar eclipses and now helps to heal our leftover scars, let us all shoot for the stars, soar through the cosmos, and land on the Milky Way!  .

Bless the animals, the fae, and all elemental spirits.  Honor the spirit guides and departed souls.  Go forth and help humanity.  Heal thyself!  Begin a new journey, be hopeful, be faithful.  Raise your vibration.  Dream your dreams.  Walk the talk!  This is the first New Moon in 2015, in an excellent position.  Set your intentions RIGHT AWAY!!  Get everyone together at 8:14 a.m. and hustle!! Write them down, visualize them.  Check my blog post for June 22nd, 2014 for instructions on manifesting.  You have until Wednesday at 8:45 p.m. to perfect these, but what you do at that moment will help set your metaphysical course. Get outside and chant your incantations under the energy of the New Moon!

Remember Donna's incantation,  "Lovely Lady of the Moon, bring my intent to me now rather than soon. (Invoke what you are intending), by the power of 3, I call to thee, harm to none, thank you for all, so mote it be."

Happy New Moon in AWESOME Aquarius! 
It's a good one....


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