Saturday, December 20, 2014

Magnificent New Moon for a Magical New Life!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

Happy Christmas, Happy Winter Solstice, Happy New Moon!

There are many other things to celebrate, ponder.

The New Moon is December 21st.
Winter Solstice is December 21st.
Uranus goes direct December 21st.
Saturn moves into Sagittarius December 23rd.

What does this mean?  Big, BIG changes! Stand up. Step up. Walk the talk.  Set your sights high, and raise your vibration. And in the words of Tiny Tim, "God Bless us Everyone!"

Firstly, the New Moon in 0 degrees Capricorn falls on Sunday, December 21st, at 8:37 p.m.  This moon reminds me of Old St. Nick, Santa Claus, Father Frost, traversing the globe, the land, the cosmos, rightfully so, for Christmas-time! The journey is long and strenuous, but necessary.

 I can't help but see the striking similarities between these historical characters, along with the Hermit from the tarot,  and the 3 Magi, the 3 Kings, the 3 shepherds, traversing the land in search of the Christ Child King, the most enlightened of humans!!  They studied the stars, the moon, their minds, and their spirits to lead them on their quest of enlightenment, their journey.  Capricorn is a wise, grounded, earthly, determined, solitary sign of stubborn perseverance.  This new moon ought to strengthen our souls into beginning or progressing on our own journeys!

A Star!  A Star!  Shining in the East
We certainly have the hard lessons of the grand masters to lead us, to help us.  The Kings, wise men, humble shepherds, knew, just knew, there would be blazing, radiant, enlightenment, peace, hope, and love at their final destination....Of course there are many, many stories, traditions, cultural references, truths, and mysteries. But I think if we ponder and utilize the energy of this new moon to raise our determination and vibrations to a higher place, we can all agree on one thing. The power of enlightenment  leads to blissful harmony, peace, and brotherhood.

The Winter Solstice falls on December 21st, at 6:03 p.m. in the United States, eastern time.  Right before the New Moon.  The Sun also enters Capricorn at this time, and there is a 5 planet concentration in Capricorn.  Sun, Moon, Venus, Pluto, and Mercury are ALL together!  Everything looks fairly harmonious, except the usual Pluto square Uranus, and the odd Venus square Uranus.  However, since we have survived the colossal impact of the Uranus/Pluto hit, we can use this knowledge to assist us on our new path.  Sagittarius started us on our journey and brought us to the wisdom of Capricorn.  The only caution is to, as much as we can, soften our sternness that successful Capricornians always nurture.  Don't be too too harsh on yourselves, and certainly don't let others be to you.  Saturn is the planet of Capricorn, and there is an intense Saturnian energy field out there at this time. I have come to respect Saturn immensely.  He is the teacher, the disciplinarian, the Hermit, the wise soul of stubborn hard work.  Use him to learn to focus, to strengthen.

We can now also say goodbye to the last few days of Saturn in Scorpio on December 23rd, and usher in the new Saturn in Sagittarius. Whatever you have been going through since October of 2012 is going to drastically change, if it hasn't already.  We have been dealt some serious Scorpionic blows and Saturnian scoldings.  We are now ready to test our lessons with the Sagittarius yearnings.

Uranus will also switch his course, and turn direct on December 21st. There will only be 1 planet, and that is Jupiter, that is retrograde for a while at this time.  So you see, this is a huge time for changes, opportunities, and planning.  Uranus will catapult something for everyone!  It will come fast and it will be powerful.  Guaranteed.

However, this is definitely a most "earthly, grounded" new moon, but also is most definitely the time to acknowledge our angels, faeries, and animal guides.  After all, the angels spoke to the Magi, the wise men, to lead them to new born Jesus. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, and crystals are useful for Saturnian energy.  Of course, gold, frankincense, and myrrh are the chosen oils for this time.  Set your intentions right away after the new moon!  Not just intentions.  Set grand and glorious goals and dreams in motion.  This is not a time for holding back.  With all the big planetary changes, the holiday spirit, this is the time to climb the mountain, the mountain of magnificent accomplishments!

Email me at if you have questions about your personal chart and the new moon!

Have a Happy New Moon and a Merry Christmas!


Thursday, December 4, 2014

Full Moon in Mercury opposes Mercury! What?!!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a full moon in Gemini on Saturday, December 6th at 7:27 a.m. EDT.  And for my Alaskan readers, I thank you for reading me, it will be an interesting 3:27 a.m. And it is called the Cold Moon.  We know why...

I have been looking at this full moon position for a while.  I keep going back and looking and looking.  There was something I just couldn't properly explain, put into "tangible" words.  These things usually brew inside me and then "powie", or rather, "pop".  I kept thinking over and over, "Gemini looks sneaky to me here."  No surprise there.  Fact #1 Geminis are sneaky, ok, or they CAN BE sneaky.  C'mon you Gems, just admit it.  Fact #2  Geminis are twins, smoke and mirrors, sleight of hand, jesters, uh, ok those are Facts #3,4,5, and 6.  See what I mean?

As I operate in imagery 99% of the time, the thought that kept coming to my mind was, "Beware the Artful Dodger".  There's a group from the 70's called Artful Dodger.  You knew them?  Too bad they don't create anymore. Anyhoo, Honor Among Thieves is the name of one of their albums.  What it means is "criminals don't  compromise other criminals." Or how about, the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".  So which one is it going to be?  Now I know I'm getting too far out there.  I'm just sayin'.  Fess up.  You know what I'm sayin'.

Reason being....we have the full moon in Gemini (Mercury) opposing Mercury!!  What the???!! (in the 12th house, no less).  C'mon now.  That is soooo obvious.  I called my astrologer friend and pointed this out, and explained my theory, or rather hypthosesis.  She was stunned....

So bottom out for the Arftul Dodger, the Trickster, Gemini the Twins, the Magician, etc., etc., etc.  Now I know, most people are saying, "but wait, it looks like such a good full moon, it's nice, fun, lighthearted, mental, like Gemini."  Cough, cough, choke. (Mental is right.)  Ok, I am a believer in positivity, following the light, laughing at drama, etc., but this is a time to get your head on straight.  Only a Pisces can "out trick" a Gem, and they don't even have to try or realize it.  And only a Scorpio can shame a Gem (think of the wicked witch in Wizard of Oz, "I'm melting, I'm melting.")  So there you go.  Hang around with these guys for a few days. Just to be sure.

Before I forget, remember the Moon is in Mercury, a very mental sign.  The Moon is a very emotional being, hence, the conundrum of the very emotional full moon dealing with it's mentality. With this moon opposing Chiron (the wounded healer) in Pisces, you must get control of your emotions. Don't torment yourself with "the heart vs. the mind".  In this case, I would let the head rule, while supporting the heart and it's desires.  Don't be stupid.  Sometimes it takes the head to work out what the heart wants.

Then we have Venus in a positive aspect to Jupiter.  Here again.  I have to say.  That's great, but......Venus is in tight conjunction with the Sun and Mercury, both in opposition to Gemini!  Uh, duh.

In the words of Toby Keith,

"This world's a jungle there ain't no justice
Laws of nature rule this land
Better hide your horses, bury your whiskey
Hold your woman any way you can

Cause there ain't no right or wrong, nothing's carved in stone
It ain't cheating if you don't get caught
Jokers laugh and losers grieve
Cause out there, there's no honor among thieves"

hat woman you've been loving, she was another man's
You stole her heart while his neck was turned
On every corner there's an outlaw waiting
Who wants to teach you what you never learned"

Lest we forget, the Uranus square Pluto is getting ready to make a 6th exact hit, Uranus is going direct, Jupiter is going retrograde.  All this on the tale of a tricky full moon and post lunar eclipse.  What does this mean?  You're good if you're good.  But if your soul is in need of a tune-up or overhaul, perhaps a rebooting, get ready for the fate train.  Is this bad or scary?  Heck no.  Is it necessary?  Probably.  

Alas, no need to worry.  Because after all, it's all good! But do not despair "thou wronged one".  The Sun is in Sag!  Diana, you there??   He He.  The Sun is in Sag.  Mercury is in Sag.  Venus is in Sag.  And pretty soon, Saturn is in Sag.  (That's another story altogether.)  Just keep in mind, whatever may be, there is an extremely tight conjunction between the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, followed closely by Saturn.  Sometimes too close is too dangerous, if you know what I mean.

There is also a mystic rectangle protecting a cross between the Moon and Uranus.  I call that an envelope.  Again.....whatever is good is really good, but whatever is tricky is, well,  REALLY tricky.  My suggestion is to get out the crystals for protection.  Which ones???   Quartz, baby!  Clear quartz, smoky quartz, and oh yeah, black tourmaline.  Wear them around your head!!  No matter how crazy people think you are.  Make a nice headband!  He He.  Also amethyst for the 3rd eye is a good one.

Don't forget those Faeries!  And of course the Satyrs.  Think of Puck in Midsummer Night's Dream.  He tried.  He really did.  And just like my Sag-y Bestie, Diana!!  With the Sun in Sagittarius, how uncomfortable can life be??  Just in case, grab a Pisces.  That's me, btw.  Good reason why me and Diana are "life-ers".  Pay a Scorpio to be your back-up, or rather, offer him/her some other goodies, hubba, hubba.  You know those Scorps.  :)  Get out in that full moonlight.  Party it up.  Invite that Gemini over for some hilarious romping.  Forget about those troubles.  Release your fears, your frustrations.  Keep calm and be friends with a Gemini.

Email me for a personal transit reading for your full moon or sun!


Friday, November 21, 2014

Magical New Moon in Sagittarius! Aim for the Moon, land on the Stars!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

Diana, the Satyr, the Sagittarius!
We have a wonderful New Moon in 0 degrees of Sagittarius on Saturday, 7:32 a.m. EDT.  And with the Sun at 0 degrees of Sag, my advice is to "Aim for the Moon, Land on the Stars".  I know this sounds reversed but, this is what can happen with this moon if we play our astrological cards right.  :)

Gone are the gloomy, dark, torturous (but exciting), "graveyard spiral of the soul" spins of sadistic Scorpio. The eclipses taught us many truths, including what lies beneath the deep, endless caves of the mind and soul.  We looked in the mirrors of our souls and saw reflected the hidden secrets, protected and preserved, of many lifetimes.  We saw, we felt, we conquered!  The Plutonian quest...volcanic purging.

Alas, the darkness of the soul moves into the magical, mystical motion of the Satyr, the Sag, the forward motivation of the Jupiterian, shooting us out into the cosmos, the moon, the stars, the universe.....Wherever the Sag aims, he will surpass by light years the intended target of freedom and enlightenment.  So there you go, shoot for the moon and you will land on the stars!  With Sag at your lead, nothing could be truer!

 My best friend from childhood, Diana the Satyr, ALWAYS, ALWAYS is 100% pure Sag!  90% of the time her arms are in the air, aiming her arrows and prepping for flight!!  I can barely find a picture or image of her without her arms, her hands, her legs, her fingers (giving the Sag peace sign), or herself, always getting ready for take-off.   She follows her sun, never standing still, and even, very importantly, has learned how to use the recent dark energy of Saturn in Scorpio, and the Scorpion eclipses, to her most optimistic and positive advantage.  Rightfully so,  she is a ghost tour guide in spooky Savannah!  And I can tell you without a doubt, that has got to be the best fun in town!  Talk about making a riotous good time of Scorpio energy!  Hah!!  Brilliant.

So let's take that  Sagittarian start fresh on a new journey.  Reinvent yourself.  Reclaim yourself.  Renew yourself.  Choose your weapon, or your wings as in my case, and poise for adventure.  Follow Diana out of the "dark shadows" and onto the fast track to wonderment, magic, spirituality.....never mind those ghosts, they are there to have fun with, after all, they're people just like us.  :)  Let us move into the sparkly, shimmery, faerie dust wonderment of the new season of light.

Cosmologically speaking, Jupiter aspects  the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and the Moon in a tight conjunction as it squares Jupiter in the 9th house of  philosophy, travel, expansion.  How perfect for Jupiter!  Whatever it touches, it expands.  Neptune also squares the Sun, Venus, and the Moon, challenging us to take that Neptunian fantasy, idealism, utopia, and build a solid, true, journey of faith.  And Venus offers a fresh perspective to Uranus, allowing brand shiny new love, life, and glory to our world! And ALL the planets are in benevolent aspect to the great and glorious Midheaven.  

So you see the challenge.  Think carefully, with vision.  What is it that you were meant to be?  What is it that your soul must pursue?  What is it that will never allow you to stop?  Don't waste this stuff.  Use the challenge to transform your life.

Set up your new moon altar with images of your wishes, intentions!  Definitely invite the faeries, the angels, (they have those wings, ya know), and even those ghosts, hee hee!  Write in your gratitude journals, imagine your dreams come true, pray for peace, love, brotherhood, and goodness in the world!  Charge your crystals, light your candles, dabble your oils, sprinkle your faerie dust!!  Bless the animals, the sick, the lonely, the abused, the infirmed!  Activate the law of attraction for the world.  Give of your time, your talent, your $$$.  Thank the moon for it's presence and nearness!  Sign up for a new moon or full moon party with Mystical Magic (faerie party, too!).  Email me at to book a party you will never forget!!

Light, sparkles, and moondust to you,

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Transform and Ground Yourself in the Full Moon!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

  We have some very tricky full moon action here on Thursday, November 6th, 5:23 p.m. EDT.  Frankly, for those of us in the east, I myself, do not plan on being on the road at that time...what can I say?  I'm a scaredy cat.  For a  Leo rising, I'm not too brave when Jupiter in Leo is squaring the Sun, Saturn, and Venus in Scorpio at the time of the fullness. Lest we forget, it's also squaring the moon in Taurus.  Hah.  Maybe it's the Neptunian Pisces in me.  Being on the road, or even past my own front door?  NOOOO thank you!  Oops.  I forgot....Mars is squaring PLUTO, yes PLUTO, as well as Uranus.  WHAT THE ??!!   AND, as we all know, the moon is opposite the sun during a full moon, so in addition to all that squaring, we have all THAT, opposing the conjuncting and the squaring of the Sun, Venus, and Saturn.

I am so sorry if it's getting confusing, but!  It's important to know all this juicy stuff!!  While some of us may be hard a**  Plutonian rockers, I actually try as you may have surmised from my post pic below, there is no guarantee of psychic survival here!  Especially with Pluto and Mars in the 8th house!  That is death, anger, other people's money, sex, ghosts, yada yada, you get the picture!  It's kinda like Bonnie and Clyde meet Don Corleone from the Godfather.  Wow.

 Ok, well, so Pluto and Mars ARE trining the Moon and Neptune, so there's one good thing.  Get down, baby, with your significant other, get down on it, get down. On the ground (Taurus, you know).  With all that sizzling squaring going on, you may as well get some sizzling sizzle on, too!!

Now, I know, some people say, but it's Taurus, wonderful Taurus, cuddly, cozy, stubbornly adorable and earthy grounded Taurus.  Yes, this is true.  And Believe Me!  I'm looking forward to that safe and secure Taurusness!  As you can see, I'm all Leo'd up in my Scorpio/Taurus costume.  I got my bull horns and  faux buffalo fur on (Moon in Taurus), with my black leather boots and gangsta coat, complete with racy lacey stockings (Sun, Venus in Scorpio).  But I do also have on my crystal for protection, hey it's Saturn, and my celtic cross, because, well, because!

One very interesting aspect here is little frisky menacing Mercury. He is actually behaving, with a nice aspect to Neptune and Jupiter!  That's good.  Unless of course, someone is acting as the look-out for Pluto and Mars while they rob a bank, from a stolen car, with loaded guns, and the bank manager's girlfriend, of course!  Hee hee! :)  Badabing.

All in All, if you can grasp the deep meaning behind this....Taurus is offering a chance to dig deep (earth) into your soul, subconscious, psyche (Scorpio).  This is the last of the eclipse Libra/Scorpio movement here to balance, harmonize, stabilize, ground your emotions and physical life.  Taurus is earth. Dear, safe, stable, comfortable earth.  Scorpio is transformation, subconscious, depth, intensity.  We must honor both and give equal homage to both.  Allow the Sun in Scorpio's blazing heat to dig deep into the darkness and depths of your soul and subconscious, where it becomes the cleansing water the moon and the earth so dearly cherish.  Allow the Moon in Taurus to enrich us with the rich, fertile soil that loves and needs the water of Scorpio, and Neptune.

So you see, it can be a glorious, beautiful, rich, transformative full glowing moon!  After all, that's what it's all about anyway.

Plant some fresh potted plants indoors and out (if your weather is warm).  Water them under the full moon's light.  Invite the Angels and Faeries to dance with the Trees!  Find a tree branch on the ground meant just for you (Taurus).  Soak it in the moonlight (Scorpio).  Dance with it, keep it near (Neptune and Venus)!  This can be your magic wand...

This is a dual packed full moon, meant to reveal many secrets, close many chapters, open many vistas, show you the way to a new era, the era of your own soul.....

White Light.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Have a Magical Samhain with the Fae!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

Today is a special day (and evening) for the spirit world, ESPECIALLY the FAE!!

We know it's Halloween, or All Hollow's Eve, and we know it to be Trick or Treat for the kids (and some adults). It also has an important title named SAMHAIN.  This means "summer's end", and originated with Celtic tradition, and the festival to celebrate the coming of Winter.  It later became Hallow'een, or rather, celebrating the hallowed and dearly departed spirits, including Saints and Angels, and of course the FAE.  This, of course, meant it was a very sacred, religious day, contrary to what many of the current religions have to say about it.

While it begins on October 31st, it can extend through November 2nd, and this year all the way to the Full Moon on November 6th, when we can all celebrate with a full blown and exciting Samhain Full Moon ritual.  The most important thing to remember is to connect to the departed souls we love dearly, those we have known on earth and those in the spirit.  Remember the "veil is thin".

Set up your altars to honor the "passed" with pictures, candles, special trinkets, crystals, oils, etc., Don't forget about the Fae, who are probably spending their time partying outside in the moon and starlight.  Of course, the night of trick or treat for the little ones is a fun time, so imagine what it's like for the spirit world.  A fire in the hearth or outside in the pit is a good idea.  I would tend to avoid "bonfires" on Samhain, as they are so reminding of the "burning of the witches".   The old Celtic civilizations were so respectful of spirits and elementals that it's nice to know we can assimilate a healthy, joyous meaning to this Holiday.

As a side note Pluto, Mars, Venus , and the Sun are cooperating with each other.  That's a good thing! Especially with Neptune, who is enjoying this evening.  Nothing like a lovely Faerie Holiday, with Neptune shining so brightly with everything and everyone.

Leave gifts for the Fae, spend some time out in the moonlight, and fear absolutely nothing....this is a magical time with joy, happiness, and abundance for all!  Prepare for the long nights, and be thankful for the harvest.

Have a great Faerie Samhain and Happy Hallow'een!  
Boo!  :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Mystical Magic at The Phantasy!

Mystical Magic 
will be at The Phantasy Night Club 
in Cleveland, Oh 
November 1st, Saturday, 7:00 pm
Halloween Party
The Monster Dolls!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Majestic Solar Eclipse and Magical New Moon!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

There will be an extremely powerful Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, on October 23, Thursday, exact at 5:57 p.m. EDT.  This will be the last eclipse in Scorpio until 2022, so let's make it count!  Seriously.  I will tell you why....

What is fascinating, no, CAPTIVATING, is the turn of the Sun into Scorpio at 0 degrees, as well as the Moon and Venus in Scorpio at 0 degrees.  The 0 degrees signifies a whole new level of beginnings and endings. This is NOT your ordinary New Moon.  The node of the moon will hit Libra, as well as Mercury in Libra, as it gets ready to go direct.  Mercury will square Uranus and Pluto, as Jupiter trines Uranus. Lest we forget, Saturn is STILL in Scorpio and Pluto is squaring Uranus.  Wow. This is really cool.   Really.  This is one He## of a New Moon with all this watery eclipse activity.

I would have a little frown forming on the forehead with all this potential Plutonian turbulence, if it weren't for the Lone Ranger, Neptune in Pisces, and this time, his sidekick Mars in Sagittarius!  Da ta da dahhhh...You really have to love those 2 guys pairing up for this historic event.  The ancient ruler of Pisces is Jupiter, and the modern ruler of Sag is Jupiter.  Talk about long term buddies.  With that Mars in good aspect, and the Neptunian expansion of all things beautiful and fantastical, one must immediately rub his eyes and shake the cosmic dust off his eyelashes.

Of course, the absolute BRILLIANCY of this whole thing is the MAGNIFICENT trine from Neptune in Pisces to the Sun, Venus, and the Moon.  Well, that settles it.  If we all cooperate nicely with the cosmic dance of all things harmonious (Libra and Pisces), the insistence of Saturn's stability as Sag plans the ultimate vacay (being in the 9th house, no less) of spiritual philanthropy, the Scorpion depth and turbulent rumblings, being nicely aspected in the Sun, Venus, and Moon, the tipping of the Libran node (hmmm...I wonder), we/you/I can happily progress onward and upward on our path of enlightenment and promise of a joyous existence!  Ya-ay!

HOWEVER.  And I mean, HOWEVER!  With that Pluto, Uranus, and Mercury square thing going down, keep your antennae up and your sensors alerted.  Honestly, this could be the karmic aspect here.  Hey.  Whatever.  We all got it.  Right?

This SIGNIFICANT eclipse will, of course, depend on your personal chart, natal and progressed. Whew.  This is complicated stuff.  What can I say?  Bottom line is this.  It's BIG.  It's long lasting.  It requires some serious soul searching.  Even though the light is blocked, I still can feel the burning of the sun searing through the darkness of the moon.  We will "see" the shadows (Scorpio) and have a tremendous opportunity to "blend" with the depth of who we really are!  You have heard the saying, "I feel it deep down in my soul".  Yep.  That's it.

This Heavenly event will reflect the last eclipse in Scorpio which was in 2012. The long term eclipse in 0 degrees Scorpio dates back to October of 1996.  Hmmmm.....interesting.    If you think back to what was happening at that time, you can see a similarity.  However, as the moon will be in a particular house transiting your chart, the energy will be a little different.  I have recently been checking my transiting moon, my progressed moon transit, and my birth moon in my own chart, so you can see things can get a little complicated.  Needless to say, you will no doubt know in what area your life will be affected anyway, by the activity or energy you will experience.  As it will collectively be in the 7th house, you can bet relationships will be highlighted at this time, as they were with the last full moon.

In a solar eclipse, the moon is directly between the sun and the earth, thus blocking out the light of the sun.  The moon will be dark, as it is a dark moon during a new moon anyway.  Ironically, this signifies hidden, secret energy that will need to be evaluated, depending on where it falls in your personal chart.  I, actually, find it to be an oxymoron that the new moon and the solar eclipse create darkness, at a time that signifies "new beginnings".   The full moon presents a spotlight on a particular area, and certain "endings" or culminations, with the blazing light of the moon reflected from the sun on to the earth, highlighting the particular area in life.  Even more confusing is the fact that we are still dealing with the longer term effects of the recent lunar eclipse, which will no doubt overlap the activity of the new moon/solar eclipse.  And.  That activity will last for months, as well.

So you can see, the magical and magnificent moon is extremely complicated, important, and powerful in the direct activities in our lives.  It is amazing.  It actually creates a "type" of astrology in itself.  I can hear the scientists snickering, or snorting, as I think.  Well,  I would like to chat with them about a few things in a few weeks, hmmm??  The blending of science and spirituality is called ASTROLOGY  guys (or gals).  It really does all come down to the purpose of peace, goodness, brotherhood, love, etc., etc.  Um. Yeah.  Remember that.

Ok.  Enough is enough.  The BEST news is that you can set new intentions for your dreams, goals, wishes!!  I have been told from the best of the best astrologers to hold up for a few days on setting those intentions.  You see, all this will have a delayed reaction, as you may have very well surmised from the last full moon!  It's gonna take a little time.  And then, Wham!  Baam!  Hang in there, peeps. This party will last a while....

For instructions on setting your intentions for a new moon and creative visualization, look back into my archived blogs for specific details. Email me if you have any detailed questions, because sometimes it's just too complicated to get it without a little dialogue.  A great idea is to get a tarot card reading along with your chart analysis, for that extra touch.

No matter what, remember, to be aware of this New Moon Solar Eclipse this time around.  Prepare as best you can.  Meditate, pray, feel the earth, and gaze upon the stars....Love the animals, guide the children, and heal the sick and old...Party with the Faeries and dance with the Angels!

White Light and Godspeed...


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

URGENT! Full Lunar Eclipse Tomorrow!!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a very intense, challenging total Lunar Eclipse in Aries tomorrow, Wednesday, October 8th. The Sun in Libra and Venus in Libra is opposing the Moon in Aries and Uranus in Aries.  They are all 4 squaring Pluto.  Need I say more?

Libra is a sign of balance, harmony, relationships.  Aries is a sign of action, aggression, energy.  My advice is to ABSOLUTELY use these combinations to run through any roadblocks, emotionally, mentally, and physically.  This energy is very powerful to energize any lazy, clogged, slow areas in your life.  Any area!  Especially relationships. While the eclipse will focus on relationships, I say relationships begin with you. If you are balanced, energized, ready for action, harmonized, all should go well.

Peoples' shadow sides may come out, and they may be dark.  That's o.k.  It happens to everyone.  Be prepared to duck, glare, or simply disappear.  Even if it's you. Don't waste this on petty spurts like road rage, or screaming matches!  Prepare your mind and heart.  Channel that adrenalin.  Pump some iron, or pump some mental push ups.  Get that Uranus and Pluto pumping.

You can use 3 nights of the moon's light to charge your crystals, trinkets, and YOURSELF!!  Don't forget to take a moonbath and dance under the moonlight.  Banish your fears under the power of Aries, bless your friendships with the peace of Libra, and glow under the magic of the mystical full moon.

I will be at a Full Moon Party, Yay!!  I can't think of a better thing to be doing with all this powerful lunar energy!

May the white light of the moon be with you,

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Mystical Magic offers Many Magical Services!

Mystical Magic

Tarot & Faerie, Angel Card Readings
Full Moon & Faerie Parties
Moon Sign & Transits Analysis
Natal Chart & Transits Analysis 
Classes in Creative Visualization for Manifesting

Contact Linda at for pricing

Visit website at

Friday, October 3, 2014

Pluto and Uranus Square off in December

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

As Uranus would have it, and Pluto would dare it, it's time to mention the 6th infamous square between Pluto and Uranus that takes place on December 15th, 2014. The final square will be March 16th, 2015.   Let's get down to business here, shall we?

While I am no expert, I find myself inexplicably  pulled and infiltrated (probably by the force of Pluto), myself being a child of the Pluto in Virgo generation, thusly needing to meddle in all things Pluto, into this magnetic, undeniable, cataclysmic energy that has crept up backside upon us.  Wow.  I awakened in the wee moonlight hours and am blindsided in the bright glare of daylight with incoming cosmic psychic information that no longer can be denied.  While I am quite emphatic in embracing denial, alas, I find it impossible to ignore what has saturated and transformed almost (never say always) every human being on the planet, even if unwittingly.

Here it is.  We are going through SOMETHING!  EVERYONE IS!  It is BIG.  It is HUGE.  It is STUNNING.  While I try to wrap it up in a lovely, mystical, purple magic ribbon, it demands to be known as a Marvel Comics/Picasso style "painting come to life", Harry Potter photograph style.   Here we have Transformers (Uranus) versus the Dark Knight (Pluto), finding themselves in a standoff  because each one wants to be ruler of the world, and save humanity from every evil, including themselves.  What can and would be magnificently benevolent somehow turns out to manifest as "slow motion (Pluto) cataclysmic (Uranus) upheaval", in the soul.

So, what is it that  a mystically magic friend of the faeries must do?  I, or we, or you, must accept, endure, and embrace the transformations we will all look back on after it moves forward into other cosmic realms...

I BELIEVE, first of all, it is a changing of the generations.  It's a generational, thing, peeps.  If you compare it to the beginnings of the Pluto/Uranus movement throughout the history of time, you will notice the "not quite so similar, but very similar" happenings of the 1965 square.   At that time Pluto had entered Virgo, and ushered in a new generation of human beings.  Whilst we await Pluto in Aquarius in 2023 (I believe), we are still dealing with the grueling uphill rocky climb of Capricorn's mountain goat.  And of course, there's Uranus in Aries.  Boy, do I miss Uranus in Pisces.  Sniff.  Sniff. Sob.  Well, back to the generational thing.  Those of you that are old enough in earth years can look back and see what huge changes have occurred since you were a little tike in the 1960s.  Things are different.  People are different.  Life is different.  Were there some horrible, horrible things that happened?  Hell, Yeah!  Were there some really cool, awesome, (or should I say groovy) things that happened?  Weelll.....Yeaaah.....Yes!  Without a doubt.  Uranus brought us unimaginable fingertip technology.  Your grandkids and even kids today, would probably laugh their a***es off at the sight of a 7 lb. dial telephone, or an even stranger thing called a "record player" that dropped down records of songs on something called a "45".  Actually, I have a couple of original dial telephones under lock and key that someday will be a "collector's valuable", possibly worth lots and lots of dollars.  Hee Hee.  And of course, again, there were some really sad, really heartbreaking things that we will never, ever forget...

The point is, the things that are happening now may not be noticed in impact till down the road when we embrace our survival, pick up the broken and/or renewed pieces, dry our tears, and soothe our broken hearts, and finally  re-invent our transformed earthly souls.  The youngsters probably won't know what hit them, the middle- agers will probably be numb in shock, and the baby boomers will struggle in remembered awareness of the power and awe of humanity's vulnerability, as they proudly revisit the time and space of their long ago memories.

So.  What does this mean for us here and now, as individual persons?  You can bet something, or rather, some things have been changing, have been for awhile.  You know you know it.  It really depends on your natal and transiting Pluto in your personal chart.  We can guess from our solar charts.  We can speculate based on our generational Pluto.  But what one really needs is their natal birth chart with time and place of birth.  Although, I bet you your bottom button, you can already guess what house your Pluto is transiting in.  Pluto can stay in a house in a person's chart for anywhere from 10-15 years, depending on the retrogrades and the size of the particular house.  Did you ever wonder how someone you know may one day seem like a completely and totally different person?  That's because a slow moving planet has probably transited or moved a chart house.  Weird.  Really weird.  An astrologer can help with that.  Actually, I can help with that.  Send me an email and we will discuss.  In the meantime, just know for sure, there will be huge changes, huge transformation, dramatic upheaval, as if you don't know that already.

I think with most normal people, there is a period of denial or unawareness, until ALL OF A SUDDEN....out of the blue, a lightning bolt strikes!!  Enter Uranus.  However, if you examine closely, you will see it's been there all along, simmering, waiting.....guess what?   You have been followed by Pluto.  See how sneaky he is.

Will we feel it or see it right away?  Maybe.  Probably not.  I have been known to watch the clock tick at certain planetary transits, just out of curiosity.  Will we see it or feel it or know what it is, eventually?  Absolutely.  Can we plan for it in advance?  (Hee hee, that's the Pluto in Virgo in my natal chart speaking.)  Why, yes you can!  Sort of.  Determine what area in your chart you are being influenced in.  Keep your eyes and ears open, and your mouth shut!!  Unless of course, you must speak in the name of Justice!!  Watch your karma closely.  Pray for yourself and the world!

Now, on top of all this, in our busy human lives, we have to keep up with the Moon, and the little guys, such as Mars, Venus, and Mercury who speed along merrily (or not).  Like it or not, believe it or not, no matter.  The planets, the stars, the heavens, the cosmos, are all spinning away at breakneck speed, to keep our human lives interesting and eventful.

 Astrology cannot be denied.  As much as I run, hide, and cover my brain from astrological happenings, it calls me, haunts me, till I give it due course.  I don't recommend obsessing.  I recommend staying true to yourself.  And. Always remember, everything that happens, is always meant for good....

The following links will take you to a personal communication with me if you are needing to investigate further.

Good Luck, Godspeed, and may the force of Pluto and Uranus be with you,

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Magical Moon becomes New for you....

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We certainly have a busy eye on the sky right now!

The Sun is changing signs into Libra.  The Autumn Equinox is upon us. Pluto has halted and is ready to move in direct motion.  The New Moon in Libra takes place on Wednesday, Sept. 24th, at 2:14 a.m. EDT.

When I look at the placements at the time of the New Moon, I think "All is Well".  The Sun, Venus, and Libra look so harmonious together in the 3rd house of communications and close knit relations.  Don't forget Mercury lives there, too!  Mercury looks to be in harmonious aspect with Neptune :)  There is a kite like pattern in the sky at the moment of exact New Moon, so I would say let's all wake up at 2:14 a.m., if you're in the eastern time zone, or whatever time your time zone is, hee hee, and think of how wonderful life really is!!  Call your best friend, wake up your significant, cuddle your kids or your cat (or dog, any pet will do), and think how peaceful life is when Libra's scales are balanced, still, and happy.  (Believe me, I can testify, I have a teenage son who is a Libra, and life is pristine when he is happy!!)

Set your intentions and state your dreams, wishes, and goals at this time!  Especially when Pluto is very still, I know I will certainly take advantage of that =), and life is quiet, the equinox is balancing the scales, and the Sun, Venus, and the Moon are cuddling, get out your journals, your crystals, your favorite meditation on you-tube, scroll through my blog to review Creative Visualization, and share with all the above peeps or pets, after all Libra involves sharing with others, and take advantage of the moments!!  In case you're are blissfully in slumber, or some other cozy activity, the times to set your intentions are  between 2:14 a.m. EDT, Wednesday, and 2:14 a.m. EDT Friday morning.  There is a window of energetic activity available until the moon goes void-of-course.

If you would like personalized information about how the New Moon will affect you, send me an email at,  and I can privately explain your birth moon and transit moon for $9.99

Also, visit my website at to check out my services!  You can scroll down on my homepage to find my facebook page at, and my Twitter page at

I hope everyone experiences a Magical New Moon and all your good wishes come true!

White Light,

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Mystical Pisces delivers Full Supermoon Magic!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have an EXTREMELY watery Pisces Full Supermoon on Monday, September 8th, 9:38 p.m. EDT.  And by watery, I mean mystical, magical, metaphysical, and mysterious water sign, super emotional and super spiritual full moon.  And is a Supermoon (it's really close to the earth while traveling it's elliptical course), and it is still summer.  This is the last moon before kick-off time in October of the eclipse season.

Ok. This will be a mouthful.  I'm already cracking my knuckles and trying to swallow the lump in my throat.  I will attempt to make sense of this in the best order I can, although, to be honest with you, that will be slightly impossible.  Pisces?  Order?  Neptune?  Order?  Thank God for dear Virgo who is hanging in there like the anchor to a boat who may be lost at sea.

The Moon in Pisces (liquid emotion, tears anyone?) conjoins Chiron (poor wounded healer, which is an oxymoron), who in turn is followed by Neptune (mystical magic), conjoining back to the moon.  I wish we could stop here. What a wonderful world it would be.  Beauty, art, emotion, depth, magic, poetry, get the picture.

 However, we must turn our attention to Neptune in Pisces opposing Venus in Virgo ( and of course the Sun is in Virgo too, thank God.)  But Venus and the Sun are aspecting Pluto and Saturn, who is conjoining Mars, and Mars is squaring Venus. Cough, Cough. Choke.  It's a long story.... Once we clear our throats and settle our nerves from that one, we notice Jupiter (expansion)  aspects Uranus (sudden bolts of lightning), and Venus (love, money, luxury) is chasing Lilith (that crazy lunatic female, he he).  Wo. We're talking diamonds, lovers, smoking guns, and getaway cars that come and go so fast you won't know what hit you (that is if you're conscious and left standing!!) Or maybe instead, your loved one takes you on a shopping spree, then to the casino, all the while in masquerade, livin'-the-dream.  Yeah, that sounds like the Pisces we all know and love.

You know, I think I would rather concentrate on dear Pisces and the Moon and Neptune.  Yeah.  Focus on the magic and euphoria this moon can bring you.  Follow your intuition.  Meditate on beauty, love, happines, etc. Try not to weep from sadness.  Try not to believe anything is wrong or bad. Sometimes it's ok to do this.  Bankroll your beauty with Neptunian glamour, dream your Pisces dream into reality, and anchor yourself to the earth (just in case you start floating upward from Pisces' lure of astral travel or faeryland fantasy) with practical, earthy, reliable Virgo. Walk barefoot on the ground while sprinkling holy water all around you, embrace the trees, water the flowers, turn on the fountains, and sprinkle stardust in your eyes.  Listen to the waves of the ocean, watch the twinkling of the faeries, and feel the light of the Mystical and Magical Pisces Moon!

Good Luck and may the Pisces Moon be with you!

White Light,

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Mystical Magic offers Magical Full Moon and Faerie Parties!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!  

With all these awesome full and new moons coming upon us, I thought I would let you in on a Mystical Magic opportunity to party, party, party!!  Yes.  That's what we are talking about.  There is no sense in letting all this magnificent energy float on by when you can really use the power and magic to your absolute advantage.  And that is what it's there for!

We have had so much fun getting together with people who want to change their energy fields for the better, and also upgrade their social life with new (or old) exciting, interesting people.....all in a mystically magical environment.  Consider this.  Enjoy a day with entertainment, food, music, people, intellectual stimulation, cosmic education, philosophical illumination, and spiritual realization!!  Then when the sun sets and the moon appears, put on a masquerade, go out in the moonlight, and soak up the magic of the stars, the sky, the moon, and the planets.  It is an absolutely fantastic experience.  Trust me.  You will love it.

Take a look at my flyer and give it a try!

Full Moon Party
Linda J. Wagner
Private Parties  20.00 per guest
Full Moon Ritual, at or near the Full Moon
Mini Moon Lessons, Mini Readings, and Moon sign analysis
 New Moon lessons included 
Contact Linda at 419-566-5130
Also available…faerie card, angel cards, romance card readings
Faerie parties at Faerie holidays with lessons and rituals included
Certified Angel Card Reader

My location is in the northeastern to mid Ohio region (USA), but we are willing to travel if necessary.


Sunday, August 24, 2014

New Moon on Monday in Earthy Virgo!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

My how those moons move so magically quick!

I can't believe how progressive the moon magic has been this past summer.  We are here at that sweet new moon of the last month of Summer season. Following that huge supermoon, we should have plenty to keep us busy for this new moon.  It will be exact on Monday, August 25th, at 10:13 a.m., in Virgo, an earth sign to keep us nice and "earthy".  And how wonderful that will be!  If you would like help with your moon sign and understanding how this all affects you, go to my website or click on my email link, Send me a message of what you need and I will be extremely happy to help you out, as my moon is natally and forever exalted, which makes me an "expert" on "moonstrology".

This new moon has perfect energy to hit the ground running on any new or re-newed life phases or projects. The time is right as Virgo and the earthy energy will help you out with the details and perseverance to carry on as you should.  I love new moons in earth signs, as they are so practical and grounded, especially for a watery Pisces like myself.  I love to make plans and lists, and journal my ideas and goals for a new cycle. With the summer season in it's splendor right now, it's also great to go out in nature and enjoy your own landscaping or gardening accomplishments, OR, if you're a city dweller, check out the splendor in your favorite natural setting.  Of course, this is also a great time to spot a faerie, as they love when the trees and flowers, and bushes are overgrown so they can hide nicely while spying on humans!!

 I plan on walking the grounds barefoot, leaning against the trees, fussing with the flowers and soil, gazing at the sky and clouds, the starlight at night, and sunlight in the morn.  These are things you can do to get the energy flowing through your person, the magnetic earth energy running through your body.  Feel the breeze (or the warmth), hear the sounds, touch the earth.  Even though you won't be able to see the moon at this time (it is a dark moon), you can feel it, as the energy still radiates down to you

So back to daily life!  And that is what Virgo is so good at.  Wake up with a bounce, write down some goals, ideas, dreams, get to your creative visualization!  Look back at my June 22nd blog for the low down on creative visualization.  Trust me.  That lesson will kickstart you to where you want to go.  Let us end our summer with joy and hope for the future!

A beneficial conjunction is happening with Mars and Saturn, and that is a good thing.  Mars will give you the power to ground yourself through Saturn.  Yay!!  ;)  The opposition with Neptune will help you to balance your ideology and fantasy life with the practical necessities that make them possible.  After all, a dream without a structure is like a boat without the sea....

The best time to set your intentions, goals, dreams, (see June 22nd blog entry) is after 10:13 a.m. EDT, until 10:29 p.m. Tuesday evening, when the moon goes void of course. I know I am very excited for this new moon and I am really planning to go all out with my intentions.  This is the time to make the Summer of 2014 count!!  You can do it.

Love and Light and Blessings to Everyone,

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Cosmic and Magical Supermoon in Aquarius!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysician!!

This is really exciting stuff!!  The Full Supermoon in Aquarius becomes exact Sunday, at 2:10 p.m. EDT. However, Saturday night looks like a fantastic viewing, purging, and partying night for this wonderful and glowing gorgeous moon!!  And of course, how fitting that it falls under the sun sign of LEO!!  And mix that with the moon in Aquarius, woo hoo!!  I see that as a LOT of electrical, zappy, eccentric, sizzling excitement (Aquarius and Uranus) mixed in with dramatic, royal, fun, loving, and proud-as-punch full supermoon spectacle (Leo and the Sun).  This will be good.  You MUST have a supermoon party!!  We (the royal Leo rising we, see photo) insist you make this supermoon special.  :)
Some party poopers will insist this is a challenging moon with the t-square, and "the this" and "the that", ya da ya da ya da...what-ever!  (Royal Leo yawn...)  I SAY this is FABU-lous energy.

You have fun loving dramatic Leo, and visionary eclectic and electric Aquarius!!  Come on now.  THAT is one heck of a party.  Turn on the loud party music, turn up the dance floor, get out some sparklers and a mirror ball, and ROCK the summertime night away.  Light a bonfire, get dressed up, have a good time. (See photo).  Seriously.

Now one thing is for sure.  You really do want to purge or release whatever is not working for you. Here's another thing.  The Aquarius moon tells us to also think about ALL of humanity.  What can our loving, gregarious Leo selves do (Aquarius)  for the world, the universe, animals, people, nature, and spirits?? Hmmm???  How can we purge what is wrong with the world?   Write it down on a piece of paper and burn it under that mirror ball or fire pit you have going.  I, actually, am going to burn off a few things (Leo overachiever in me). I will extinguish the chains of fear, procrastination, sadness, and lethargy.  I will also contribute to the purging of these things on our beautiful globe. So you see, Aquarius and Leo DO have a great companionship going.  Even though the sun (Leo) will oppose the moon (Aquarius) "cosmically", I believe they can work together in perfect harmony.

Additionally, Uranus and Neptune have some pretty nifty links going on at this time.  Break out suddenly (Uranus) into where your dreams want to take you (Neptune), even with Pluto (Scorpio) bossing you around. You can do it!  I know, I really do, some things have been really heavy the past year...or more....but you must, you MUST carry on.

 In the words of Kelly Clarkson, "I'll spread my wings And I'll learn how to fly Though it's not easy to tell you goodbye I gotta take a risk Take a chance Make a change And breakaway Out of the darkness and into the sun But I won't forget the place I come from."

A few extra things you can do are....visualize or write down what you are thankful for,  set up a little 3d vision board or altar for this full moon.  Light a big fire (Leo) and turn on some flashing lights (Aquarius).  Sweep with a broom the patio, the porch, the house.  Brooms aren't just for flying, you know!  I bought a special, pretty one for full moons. Of course, incense, candles, faerie dust, oils, crystals all go without saying.

This will be the closest biggest Supermoon this year!!  This is a great link for an excellent article about this physical supermoon.

Don't forget about the faeries, animals, tree spirits, and angels.  :)

Visit my website or email me for a reading or consultation on ANY metaphysical topic.

Blessed be and white light.


p.s.  My email on my website is working again so you can reach me now, through the contact tab, or click email at

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Majestic Magic of the Royal New Moon in Leo!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

Change, change, everywhere....the planets are moving and shaking .  In the glorious month of July, there is only one thing to say.  Leo, Leo, Leo!!  And this is a special month for Leo.  Right now the Sun is in Leo. The New Moon is in Leo!!  And the grandest of all phenomena, Jupiter is in Leo.  Now, obviously you have to check your personal chart, transits and birth, to find out exactly what this magnificent happening means to you!  I can do that for you for $20.00, if you wish.  Just go to my website at, and click on contact to send an email. I will give you an exact explanation of the moon's activity in your life for this moon or ANY moon in the future.   I must say it is an exciting thing to look at your chart and know EXACTLY what area of your life will be affected by the moon.  It is uncanny!  The moon is unbelievably magical in our lives, unbeknownst to many people.

For example, I have an extraordinary New Moon and month happening at this time.  I have a Leo Ascendant and Leo in Uranus at 4 degrees in my first house, the EXACT transit of the new moon! As if that's not  enough, my PERSONAL Jupiter is moving into the 1st house, conjunct, and the SUN is in Leo, too!  This is all a very, very big deal!!  I can't wait to see what is in store for me right around the corner!  (Now that's my Neptune in Pisces talking.)

So for the Leo New Moon, you need to think BIG, BEAUTIFUL, GRANDE, MAJESTIC, ROYAL!!  Also....power, leadership, authority, organization, as well as love, mercy, sympathy.  A true Leo is majestic, proud, flamboyant, but also, loving, kind, forgiving and very optimistic.  No matter what your sign, this moon can help you with things in your life that you need to move forward in, depending on what house it is transiting in your personal chart.  Even with the Mars square trying to cause a stir, I really believe that the proud magnificence of the lion will rule in the end!  This is a time of hopeful optimism for you and your life.

Have Courage (Leo) in the unknown (moon)!  Bring to light (Sun) the expansion and assurance (Jupiter) of your quest (Sun).  Decide right now what you want, need, DESIRE to intend for you and your life to help you blaze that path of glory that can be yours!  Write down in your journals, create your visualization, know in your heart the universe is there for you, go out and thank the moon, the stars, the sun  for helping you achieve your dreams, despite the struggles or obstacles, that don't matter in the end anyway!

The best time to set your intentions, before the moon is void of course is  between 6:43pm EDT on Saturday evening until 8:37pm EDT on Sunday evening.   Write them down, make a little vision board, or 3d new moon vision board.

Be strong, be courageous, be happy, be royal!!


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

 The next Full Moon is upon us.  On Saturday, July 12th at 7:25 a.m., the Full Moon is in Capricorn.

 The Farmer's Almanac has historically named all the monthly full moons, and July has a couple choices.  Firstly, it is called the "full buck moon" because the buck deer are growing their antlers!  Secondly, it's called the "full thunder moon" because this is a time, historically, when there are lots of thunder storms.  Thirdly, it is called the "full hay moon", for obvious reasons to the the farmers.  Yay!  Good job farmers!  It is also called this month, a "super moon" because it is one of the times of the year when it is mathematically very close to the earth (the way it orbits). It is so bright because it is exactly opposite the earth and sunlight!  The moon is completely illuminated to us because that side of the moon is absorbing all that wonderful sunlight!
The best graphic to illustrate this is from

Now for the exciting stuff... While scientists may "poo-poo" the effects on humans, we have heard horror stories, such as "crazies" running wild, animals acting extraordinary, humans "out of sort", lovers loving euphorically, etc. etc. You gotta admit, there is definitely a mystery underlying all this.  Then again, there is a mystery with all the planets, anyway, right?  It's just not that simple.  Not only do we take into account the moon itself absorbing all the awesome light, which is really the thing anyway, but what zodiac sign it's in, what degree it's in, what planets are transiting each other, and what astrological "house" your own private transit is occurring in.  For that you have to check your birth chart and transit chart.  (I can help if you need a personal moon analysis, just email me at  It's really complicated guys!! But bottom line is this....there is a "metaphysical and magical" :) occurrence that takes place during full moons. From the beginning of time, we have evolved from very "unscientific intuitions" about the moon collected from some very wise spiritual and scientific humans.  I think they all are right!!  The moon is a very "scientific" guy or gal, with lots of facts and nifty "valid" characteristics, yet also very mysterious and spiritual, possessing many qualities that can only be perceived through the senses or spirit....after all, it's the closest celestial body to the earth, and we have actually touched it with our human bodies.  Remember 1969??

The astrological implications to this July supermoon are stunning!  My excerpt from my facebook page Mystical Magic explains it the best!!  :)

"The main thing here is it involves some major players making some major calls. Never one to be left out of his years long starring role, Pluto in Capricorn, will conjunct (sit next to and on top of) the Full Moon in Capricorn. Hmmpff...Well! By now, we are all used to the "oh, no this", and "oh, no thats" (from that pluto uranus square). Kind of old news, right? The little guys, Venus and Mercury, are playing nice. Mars, of course has to make a scene somehow. But oddly, Saturn and Neptune are our saviors in the sky, with Neptune offering up a little mysterious spooky pretend excitement! Yay! So, to not get off topic, bottom line is this.....I would.....strut your stuff (Capricorn), own it (Pluto), conjure some extra goodies (Neptune), and make sure at the end of the day, (or night), you're safe at home making practical, confident "to-do" lists on how to build (Saturn) your empire (Capricorn), while you're living an alternate reality (Neptune in Pisces). I know. But hey! At the end of the day, Capricorn owns this one. And Cap knows you can do it, with grit, and stubborn refusal to put up with anything less. Good luck and may Pluto be with you!!"

So let's try to blend and appreciate the celestial majesty of the physical moon and the astrological magic of the metaphysical moon!!  They are both one and the same, after all.

My advice...when the moon is exact (it's not REALLY full until the time of exactness), get out there and take a moon tan, a moon bath, a moon dance, and soak up the light of  this beloved ball in the sky!!  There are so many rituals and ceremonies to celebrate during this time!!  As it becomes full in the a.m. during EDT timezone, you can also enjoy it's blazing magic the evening of the post 100% moonlight!  For example, Saturday evening you can put out your special possessions, crystals, drinking water, ANYTHING you want energized by the light and let them soak it up!  The energy is surreal and intense.  No wonder strange things can happen.  It's a great time to symbolically release any blocked energy internally, or with relationships.  Personally, I love writing "thank you" lists for my many blessings.   I think of ways I can help the earth and the environment.  I usually leave out gifts for my unseen friends, like the faeries and elementals, and try to converse with the angels!

Moon magic can be amazing and sublime...everyone should try it, whether you're a scientist or a spiritualist.  As this moon is in an earth sign with powerful planetary action, I will try to be "earthy" and "grounded" pondering the "fullness" of what life can offer, and what I can conjure.

Visit my website to request a faerie or angel tarot card reading, OR a moon sign analysis.  Your sun sign is one thing, your rising sign another, but ahhh, the moon sign.  Now there's some "mystical magic" in that!

It's a marvelous night for a moondance.....


Saturday, July 5, 2014

Fae-rie Magic!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

Now is the time, if you haven't already, to connect with your faeries.  Most locations in the USA (and Europe)  now have perfect faerie village weather conditions.  Find quiet, secluded, secretive, lush places in your gardens or on your property to create a lovely space for all your elementals to set up summer cottages and resorts!  ;)   I have set up a couple little villages, with the help of my little assistant, Izzy, to create a fun, lively, comfortable get-away for my faerie and elemental residents.

The fae love to be near tall, strong, protective trees!  Why?  Not only because they are great summertime spots, but because the tree spirits love the little fae, and they love them back.  The trees love being a part of the secret little world of hidden mysticism and magic!!  They ARE very protective and caring of the elementals, just as they love and protect the birds, squirrels, critters, and in some parts of the world, exotic and/or wild animals.  After all, elementals ARE just like the birds and critters, only existing in the "unseen" or metaphysical dimension.  Wherever you go, trees are a secret "hide-a-way" for animals and creatures in this dimension, and the unseen dimension.

The fae love little spots in bushes, gardens, flowers, and stones and rocks, as well.  As long as they can hide behind or underneath something, they are perfectly happy!

I have a weakness for shopping the garden centers for ceramic houses and cottages, and sometimes find cute dwellings in 2nd hand stores!  I will support any business that provides for the comfort or promotion of faeries!  That includes gnomes, elves, or angels!  But faeries really love the homemade dwellings of materials from the earth, such as leaves, stones, bark, tree branches, the "all natural" items that can be found in your own back yard!!  They don't like metal, or iron, though!  So we have to remember to check what is really under the paint when we purchase faerie house materials.  Your best bet is to gather from mother nature.  They love for the villages to blend in with growing foliage.  Nothing too groomed or clipped!!  
I also leave little gifts out for them frequently, especially at the full moon, new moon, faerie holidays, and special days that I feel are extra.  They love little shiny things, honey, flowers, twigs, crystals, anything that is of nature or magic, as they are magical creatures themselves.  Some humans create elaborate mansions, I'm sure the fae love those, and some simple little cozy dwellings.  I have them all over my property during the summer and fall months!  
You can find beautiful examples of fairy homes and villages on Pinterest, and even purchase some on ebay or amazon!  But the best thing you can do here and now is to get out in your garden and create a space with whatever is available at your fingertips!!

Happy Faerie hunting, and Bless the Fae!!

Next time I will explain the history and stories behind the mystical magical world of the fae....
