Saturday, July 26, 2014

Majestic Magic of the Royal New Moon in Leo!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

Change, change, everywhere....the planets are moving and shaking .  In the glorious month of July, there is only one thing to say.  Leo, Leo, Leo!!  And this is a special month for Leo.  Right now the Sun is in Leo. The New Moon is in Leo!!  And the grandest of all phenomena, Jupiter is in Leo.  Now, obviously you have to check your personal chart, transits and birth, to find out exactly what this magnificent happening means to you!  I can do that for you for $20.00, if you wish.  Just go to my website at, and click on contact to send an email. I will give you an exact explanation of the moon's activity in your life for this moon or ANY moon in the future.   I must say it is an exciting thing to look at your chart and know EXACTLY what area of your life will be affected by the moon.  It is uncanny!  The moon is unbelievably magical in our lives, unbeknownst to many people.

For example, I have an extraordinary New Moon and month happening at this time.  I have a Leo Ascendant and Leo in Uranus at 4 degrees in my first house, the EXACT transit of the new moon! As if that's not  enough, my PERSONAL Jupiter is moving into the 1st house, conjunct, and the SUN is in Leo, too!  This is all a very, very big deal!!  I can't wait to see what is in store for me right around the corner!  (Now that's my Neptune in Pisces talking.)

So for the Leo New Moon, you need to think BIG, BEAUTIFUL, GRANDE, MAJESTIC, ROYAL!!  Also....power, leadership, authority, organization, as well as love, mercy, sympathy.  A true Leo is majestic, proud, flamboyant, but also, loving, kind, forgiving and very optimistic.  No matter what your sign, this moon can help you with things in your life that you need to move forward in, depending on what house it is transiting in your personal chart.  Even with the Mars square trying to cause a stir, I really believe that the proud magnificence of the lion will rule in the end!  This is a time of hopeful optimism for you and your life.

Have Courage (Leo) in the unknown (moon)!  Bring to light (Sun) the expansion and assurance (Jupiter) of your quest (Sun).  Decide right now what you want, need, DESIRE to intend for you and your life to help you blaze that path of glory that can be yours!  Write down in your journals, create your visualization, know in your heart the universe is there for you, go out and thank the moon, the stars, the sun  for helping you achieve your dreams, despite the struggles or obstacles, that don't matter in the end anyway!

The best time to set your intentions, before the moon is void of course is  between 6:43pm EDT on Saturday evening until 8:37pm EDT on Sunday evening.   Write them down, make a little vision board, or 3d new moon vision board.

Be strong, be courageous, be happy, be royal!!


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