Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Majestic Solar Eclipse and Magical New Moon!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

There will be an extremely powerful Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, on October 23, Thursday, exact at 5:57 p.m. EDT.  This will be the last eclipse in Scorpio until 2022, so let's make it count!  Seriously.  I will tell you why....

What is fascinating, no, CAPTIVATING, is the turn of the Sun into Scorpio at 0 degrees, as well as the Moon and Venus in Scorpio at 0 degrees.  The 0 degrees signifies a whole new level of beginnings and endings. This is NOT your ordinary New Moon.  The node of the moon will hit Libra, as well as Mercury in Libra, as it gets ready to go direct.  Mercury will square Uranus and Pluto, as Jupiter trines Uranus. Lest we forget, Saturn is STILL in Scorpio and Pluto is squaring Uranus.  Wow. This is really cool.   Really.  This is one He## of a New Moon with all this watery eclipse activity.

I would have a little frown forming on the forehead with all this potential Plutonian turbulence, if it weren't for the Lone Ranger, Neptune in Pisces, and this time, his sidekick Mars in Sagittarius!  Da ta da dahhhh...You really have to love those 2 guys pairing up for this historic event.  The ancient ruler of Pisces is Jupiter, and the modern ruler of Sag is Jupiter.  Talk about long term buddies.  With that Mars in good aspect, and the Neptunian expansion of all things beautiful and fantastical, one must immediately rub his eyes and shake the cosmic dust off his eyelashes.

Of course, the absolute BRILLIANCY of this whole thing is the MAGNIFICENT trine from Neptune in Pisces to the Sun, Venus, and the Moon.  Well, that settles it.  If we all cooperate nicely with the cosmic dance of all things harmonious (Libra and Pisces), the insistence of Saturn's stability as Sag plans the ultimate vacay (being in the 9th house, no less) of spiritual philanthropy, the Scorpion depth and turbulent rumblings, being nicely aspected in the Sun, Venus, and Moon, the tipping of the Libran node (hmmm...I wonder), we/you/I can happily progress onward and upward on our path of enlightenment and promise of a joyous existence!  Ya-ay!

HOWEVER.  And I mean, HOWEVER!  With that Pluto, Uranus, and Mercury square thing going down, keep your antennae up and your sensors alerted.  Honestly, this could be the karmic aspect here.  Hey.  Whatever.  We all got it.  Right?

This SIGNIFICANT eclipse will, of course, depend on your personal chart, natal and progressed. Whew.  This is complicated stuff.  What can I say?  Bottom line is this.  It's BIG.  It's long lasting.  It requires some serious soul searching.  Even though the light is blocked, I still can feel the burning of the sun searing through the darkness of the moon.  We will "see" the shadows (Scorpio) and have a tremendous opportunity to "blend" with the depth of who we really are!  You have heard the saying, "I feel it deep down in my soul".  Yep.  That's it.

This Heavenly event will reflect the last eclipse in Scorpio which was in 2012. The long term eclipse in 0 degrees Scorpio dates back to October of 1996.  Hmmmm.....interesting.    If you think back to what was happening at that time, you can see a similarity.  However, as the moon will be in a particular house transiting your chart, the energy will be a little different.  I have recently been checking my transiting moon, my progressed moon transit, and my birth moon in my own chart, so you can see things can get a little complicated.  Needless to say, you will no doubt know in what area your life will be affected anyway, by the activity or energy you will experience.  As it will collectively be in the 7th house, you can bet relationships will be highlighted at this time, as they were with the last full moon.

In a solar eclipse, the moon is directly between the sun and the earth, thus blocking out the light of the sun.  The moon will be dark, as it is a dark moon during a new moon anyway.  Ironically, this signifies hidden, secret energy that will need to be evaluated, depending on where it falls in your personal chart.  I, actually, find it to be an oxymoron that the new moon and the solar eclipse create darkness, at a time that signifies "new beginnings".   The full moon presents a spotlight on a particular area, and certain "endings" or culminations, with the blazing light of the moon reflected from the sun on to the earth, highlighting the particular area in life.  Even more confusing is the fact that we are still dealing with the longer term effects of the recent lunar eclipse, which will no doubt overlap the activity of the new moon/solar eclipse.  And.  That activity will last for months, as well.

So you can see, the magical and magnificent moon is extremely complicated, important, and powerful in the direct activities in our lives.  It is amazing.  It actually creates a "type" of astrology in itself.  I can hear the scientists snickering, or snorting, as I think.  Well,  I would like to chat with them about a few things in a few weeks, hmmm??  The blending of science and spirituality is called ASTROLOGY  guys (or gals).  It really does all come down to the purpose of peace, goodness, brotherhood, love, etc., etc.  Um. Yeah.  Remember that.

Ok.  Enough is enough.  The BEST news is that you can set new intentions for your dreams, goals, wishes!!  I have been told from the best of the best astrologers to hold up for a few days on setting those intentions.  You see, all this will have a delayed reaction, as you may have very well surmised from the last full moon!  It's gonna take a little time.  And then, Wham!  Baam!  Hang in there, peeps. This party will last a while....

For instructions on setting your intentions for a new moon and creative visualization, look back into my archived blogs for specific details. Email me if you have any detailed questions, because sometimes it's just too complicated to get it without a little dialogue.  A great idea is to get a tarot card reading along with your chart analysis, for that extra touch.

No matter what, remember, to be aware of this New Moon Solar Eclipse this time around.  Prepare as best you can.  Meditate, pray, feel the earth, and gaze upon the stars....Love the animals, guide the children, and heal the sick and old...Party with the Faeries and dance with the Angels!

White Light and Godspeed...


1 comment:

  1. Linda,
    I love to read your blogs! You are so insightful. I will have to think about all of this. It's very deep for me, but I have to say...you are always right on target for me. Keep it up!!
