We have a Spellbinding New Moon in Scorpio on Wednesday, November 7th, at 11:01 a.m., eastern time.
I see mystery and magic, mixed with sparkling and enlightening happenings and developments. Combine that with soon to be Venus direct (thank you very much) and Jupiter in Sagittarius (bout time), there is hope and inspiration... for new vision in our lives, our souls, and our journeys. Now is the time to consider our legacies, what we will leave behind us. And not a moment too soon. We have been on a serious roller-coaster ride down here, since last eclipse season.
Aside from the fact that the Moon and Sun are in Scorpio, a major player here is the trine with Neptune in Pisces, and a mystically enhancing connection with Pluto. The harmonious trine between Saturn and Uranus provides sturdy and solid results to enlightening artistic, spiritual, idealistic, and revolutionary ventures!
I am hopeful (Jupiter in Sagittarius). I see the light (Uranus). I feel magical (Neptune in Pisces). I desire transformation (Pluto and Scorpio). I need security (Saturn). I crave excitement (Venus and Mars). These aspects are all on the move right now!! It's a strange magic...
click to play
This is a new moon to make magic. You will want to set intentions, dream your dreams, plan your plans, design a new vision, for old and new hopes, dreams, and wishes. Journal your plans, pray for your manifestations, meditate for your soul, give thanks for the incredible universe. Water therapy/healing is perfect for this moon. Visit the ocean or go to the spa. Seek water. Be spiritual. Be creative. The Neptune energy is also good for helping others, the sick, the abandoned, the abused, the lonely. I'm sure you are feeling this special energy. Absorb this sparkling mysticism. Right after the new moon becomes exact you can set your intentions until Thursday, November 8th, at 5:42 a.m., when the moon goes void-of-course.
Honestly, this is a rare moment in time that can be relished. The energy will linger for a while. Do take advantage of this reprieve. Having said that, there is always moon activity that will make you feel uncomfortable. Try not to get clogged by the Neptune square to Mercury, nor discouraged by the Jupiter square to Mars. These can be used as challenges.
I would be concerned about Venus (she's still retrograde ya know) opposite Uranus, and the Venus square to Pluto. Our lovely lady is NOT quite finished yet.....there is definitely some unfinished business. With Uranus backing into Aries for a short time, you can be sure this is a major issue. What will happen? Only Uranus knows for sure. Even Venus will feel the shock. Let's hope it's a good one.
We really are turning the corner here. We can begin again. We can heal. With the up and coming planetary movements, there is opportunity to re-write your story, re-route your journey, re-play your aspirations, and finally, re-design your legacy.
In the words of Nadiya Shah, one of my favorite astrologers, she says, "Our legacy is what makes us immortal." https://nadiyashah.com/
Let's ponder this. Shall we?
Happy New Moon. Be careful out there!
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