Tuesday, January 16, 2018

New Moon in Capricorn! Do you Want to be Famous?

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have an elegant New Moon in Capricorn, on January 16th, at 9:15 p.m., eastern time.

There is a stellar stellium in Capricorn, with 6 planets in this sign, making for a quite dominant earthy, ambitious, determined, and focused energy field!  Now, the Moon is not exactly thrilled usually to be in Capricorn, but no matter, with all the excellent aspecting energy  going around.  This is a time to use all that past self-discipline we have been gifted, to manifest our goals and dreams thus far.  And manifest you will.

I find myself organizing, categorizing, even glamming up the most mundane daily tasks. And I am a Pisces. With. A. Leo. Rising!  Hah.  But luckily and thankfully for me, I have Saturn in Capricorn, in it's home sign, to help me to step it up at times like these.  And step it up you must.  When it comes to the big stuff, like career, dreams and goals, aspirations, well, there's just no stopping us right now.  For those of you that cringe at routine, the "grindstone", "working it", and "stepping up your game-plan", why not just go with it?  You may as well, because you won't be able to sneak away.

As I have always said in the past, dreams of fame and fortune are a lovely, wonderful thing, (me being a Pisces you know), but let me tell you here and now, Capricorn invented fame and fortune!  Yes, you got it.  And this new moon has all the ingredients to actually make it happen.  Don't be surprised if your seemingly quiet, aloof friend at the office suddenly gets promoted to CEO of the corporation.  Or your buddy in acting class gets the role of a lifetime to eventually win an Academy Award.  Take a tip from these youngsters, the unlikely group who actually became very, very popular.

                                                                     click to play

And who says Capricorn energy cannot be creative?  Ha!  Just try to tell that to a Capricorn human and watch them turn their nose up and give you the "cheek", as they walk away snootily.  Creative, successful, industrious, determined!  And.  They can be a little (or a lot) haughty as they sniff at you in the process.  In anything, whether it's the chairman of the board of a big shot corporation, or the manager of the pizza shop down the street,  to these humans, their standards and pride go a long, long way.  That especially goes for Sun, Moon, or Ascendant Capricorns.

And I have to say, with Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio, there is a lot of intense, aggressive, and sensual aura seeping from the atmosphere. Mars is making top drawer aspects to this stellium in a huge way. Venus is meshing with the Moon and Sun, so the lovers out there really have to upgrade their techniques here, if you know what I mean.  Clean up your act, show some style, classic's the best, but be the best you can be!!  Thank you, Preserve for this awesome video!

New Moon checklist:

-Importantly, I see great things for businesses, trades, or vocations/careers in the media, internet, community, and family businesses.
-The Mars energy can help vamp up the ambition.  We all deserve recognition and that's what we all should get.
-Luckily the creativity is available for the taking with Jupiter and Neptune!
-Saturn is still watching though, of course in it's home sign of Capricorn, so maintain dignity, honor, integrity, watch your reputation.
-Put in the extra time, clean everything up, literally and symbolically, to a shiny T!
-Hold your head high and challenge others to be the best they can be....
-With Uranus in the mix, watch out for sudden moves...

This moon is a micro-moon, peregrine, small and farther away than usual. But.  It's still a new moon, with all the fantastic opportunities to work on those earthy dreams and goals, with the help of good old Grandfather Saturn!!

Can you feel the motivation?
Can you take the challenge?
Do you sense the satisfaction?
Do you see the accomplishments?

You can set your intentions right away when the moon becomes exact, until 1:30 a.m. - 3:32 a.m., eastern time, January 17th, Wednesday, when the moon goes void-of-course and changes signs to Aquarius!

Get out some classic parchment old-school paper, or some crispy clean white perfect paper and grab your best pens!
It's time to step up!
Be the best you can be in whatever you choose to be...
Be famous......

Happy New Moon!

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