Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Full Moon in Pisces, The Dream Weaver

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a mystical Full Moon in Pisces on Wednesday, September 6th, that is exact at 3:02 a.m., edt.

Ahh, the Pisces Moon.  Ooh, the Pisces Moon conjuncting Neptune in Pisces.  Magic, dreams, fantasy, poetry, music and art, love and romance make this a perfect moon for the mystical artist.  Seriously, this is the time to create....it is also the time to help others.  The top 2 best qualities of a Pisces Moon are helping and creating.

It is also a time for tears and weeping, tender spots psychically and emotionally, will be activated during this time. Try not to be sad and melancholy.  Most of it is the watery melancholy moon.  Of course it will affect everyone differently, but this moon should be carefully guarded.

In the words of the great poet himself....

"Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more;
And be you blithe and bonnie,
Converting all your sounds of woe
Into hey nonny, nonny."
William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing

Again, on the upside, this is a time for creating.  Create what you will, how you will.  Even if you don't consider yourself creative, you can think of something.  Let go of your fear and see where your fantasies lead you....Let your imagination take you "to the starry skies, maybe to an astral plane, cross the highways of fantasy, help me to forget today's pain..."
                                                                Click to play....
                                                    Dream Weaver by, Gary Wright

We have a grand trine in the fire element, with air in Jupiter anchoring a kite.  What does that mean?  There is a nice balance of all the elements, air, fire, earth, water.  With the moon opposing the Sun in Virgo, this is your chance to make your dreams and goals from the last New Moon Solar Eclipse in fiery Leo come back to earth on solid ground, drenched with the silky liquid of Pisces and Neptune.  Virgo energy is very earthy, practical, analytical, sensible.  This can help with all the emotions that could flood your soul.  With all that fire from the last eclipse, watery Pisces should be a welcome relief.  Pluto in Capricorn, also in an earth element, is acting like the guardian of the galaxy, anchoring the ship of dreams in Pisces and Neptune.

Ah well, really all that matters is you enjoy this luscious opportunity to let go and let be.  You should be able to feel the dreamy waves of energy rippling around you.  Allow the moonlight to glisten in your soul. Give thanks for all that is good.  Help people.  Help animals.  Pray.   Rest.  Dream. 

Volunteer for a cause.  Donate to a cause.  Houston,  Texas, is a good place to devote your resources, as we all know too well.

Connect with your guardian angels, the faeries, the elementals, the nature angels, your spirit guides. 

Give thanks for what you have, as we all know, too well, some out there have almost nothing.  Avoid excessive alcohol, self-medicating toxins, dangerous escapism. I know a full moon can be challenging and sometimes seems too much to bear, but do latch on to the flowing beauty of this one.  The effects of the last lunar and solar eclipse are still radiating, so be careful, but try not to fear.

"Sigh no more Lady, sigh no more"

Happy Full Moon!