Sunday, December 17, 2017

New Moon in Sagittarius! Make a wish, and Breakaway...

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a Fantastic New Moon in Sagittarius, on Monday, December 18th, at 1:19 a.m!

Welcome to the galactic center.  Yes, that's right.  With the big guy Saturn latching onto the galactic center, we will experience life in a whole new way.  People may seem different.  You may seem different.  Your life will become different.  The karma train is coming down the track.  All the good you have done will reward you.  Are you following your destiny?  If not, you can get on that train right now.  What a new moon this will be.  This can be a real game changer... Sag is leaving Saturn very soon, so kiss your past goodbye.  Things will change over the next 2 1/2 years.  Make sure you have a plan, make sure you have your gear.  There are other awesome cosmic happenings around this moon, as well.

-Saturn moves into Capricorn on Thursday, the 21st, for 2 1/2 years , buckle down and walk the talk.
-Winter Solstice on Thursday, December 21st, wheel in the sky keeps on turning... 
-Sun in Capricorn on Thursday, December 21st, rise above, climb every mountain...
-Galactic Center hook up, "we meet again".....time stands still when you're living your dream....
-Mercury direct on Friday, December 22nd, whew, that was a close call, now wasn't it?
-Massive stellium in Sagittarius at the New Moon, one last chance....

Saturn, Moon, Sun, and Venus, all in Sag, and pretty much conjunct each other (Wow!) form a spectacular trine to Uranus!!  Holy star studded cosmic intensity, Batman!  Love, money, identity, and ambition will spark like crazy and amazing Uranus itself!  Things may suddenly change, out of the blue.  You may be surprised. Even Jupiter and Mars in Scorpio will come out of the dark and team up with Neptune to send some talent toward the Moon and Sun's way.  Also, there will be great spirituality to draw upon, as well as manifesting a little magic in your life.  I'm not really exaggerating here, this could be a really big show.  Everything depends on your personal chart, and where your moon falls, but even so.....
click to play

This is obviously a very intense week, beginning with a completely new perspective, and ending with a glorious crescendo of excitement and change.  Because it is so intense, you may feel somewhat overwhelmed.  Of course, this is natural.  We mere mortals have a hard time with all this energy.  Take it slow (if you can), take it easy (you really should).  Go ahead and set your intentions in the morning.  That will be a great way to start.  The moon goes void-of-course from 8:10 a.m. till 8:33 a.m. (strange isn't it?), eastern USA time, so avoid those 23 minutes.  If you can, meditate during those minutes.  Prepare your mind for this huge week ahead.

Set intentions of long term, life changing and habit forming.  We have all been through some pretty tough times.  The days ahead will be challenging, but only to become better.  

Don't forget to give to those in need, abandoned, abused, and alone, especially the beasts and the children. 

Do good to others.  
Be happy.   
Spread the light.
Follow your destiny...


You can buy my book, The Maiden's Journey, here at
It's so pretty! The original faerie tales are magical.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Full Supermoon in Gemini, Express Yourself!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!  
image from pinterest

We have a Full Supermoon in Gemini, exact at 10:46 a.m., EDT, on Sunday, December 3rd!!

Now is the time to face the music!  Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is the magician, but is also the trickster.  Gemini is the sign of the twins (double agents) operating in Mercury's retrograde right now.  Talk about the hall of mirrors and illusions!!  Now you see me, now you don't.  With Mercury squaring grandfather Saturn at the full moon, you can bet your bottom dollar he ain't happy 'bout that.  With sleight of hand and the cleverest of tongues, you may be lulled down into the rabbit hole.  Be careful down there, or decide not to go.  
"Be careful what you think you see.  Be careful what you think you don't see."  Quote by, Linda Wagner.

As Mercury retrograde so defiantly ushers in the staggering conclusion of Sagittarius and Saturn energy in the next 2 weeks, we face a myriad of complicated endings....yet also new beginnings!  Especially with Venus, and you guessed it, love relationships.

Alright Ladies! 

It's time to stop playing the martyr!  We have all had enough "free-for-all" in the fun loving expansive sign of Sagittarius while it was in Saturn.  Did you not notice the lessons of grandfather Saturn?  Did you not heed the warnings of truth and justice?  Did you not look into the future looming before you?  Venus has been getting a crack down the last many new and full moons so far back I can't even remember.....Saturn has been trying to coax you into romantic (I say this in the expansive meaning of the word, not just love and kisses) stability, relational truths,  philosophical reliability.  Yes, I am using oxymorons here.  Is there ever such a thing as all these?  Why yes, yes there is....and Saturn has been trying to tell us.....

If you have all these things nicely in place, I applaud you.  If you are living your life on your terms, I commend and honor you.  If not, there is a way.  Although I must state emphatically, "You don't have to leave your life to live your dream life" (Wagner).

But.  This is not just about love and relationships.   Although I have to admit, it's definitely a major player here. 

In the words of Madonna....

"Come on girls
You believe in love
'Cause I've got something to sing about it
And it goes something like this"

                                                       click it....feel the motivation, ladies and gents! 
But the Saturn in me is also warning you. This video may have suggestive content that is inappropriate for developing souls!

The karma train is coming down the track.  Chooo....choooo....choooo..... Saturn is soon leaving the "pied-piper" sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius, and moving into the no-nonsense sign of Capricorn.  Now does this mean you should break up with your boyfriend, your significant other, your husband?  Not necessarily.  Does this mean you should leave your job, your career, your home?  Not necessarily.  How about putting yourself first and deciding what you really want, in truth, that will NOT, I repeat, NOT hurt other innocent souls?  With Jupiter making a magnificent  trine to Neptune, it is possible to make your last entry at 0 hour here.  You can do it!! 

However.  Neptune is making a tense aspect to this moon and sun.  You must, I repeat, you MUST be cautious and show concern for those big major life changes that are looming around the bend.  Fun loving Sag will want to make a grand exit and demonstrate bravado. But. Be careful how you end. 

                                                      In the words of Stevie Nicks...       

If you have done the soul work, you know what I mean.  There is a way to live in your truth and still be gracious and kind (Jupiter trine Neptune), with integrity and honor (Saturn in Capricorn, coming soon!).  We must learn to not operate strictly from the ego.  We must learn to live our truth in a way that will be enlightening to our lives and to those of the innocent souls in our care.  Hurting others, even strangers, does not justify the big changes coming soon.  Or vice-versa.  You don't have to necessarily walk out on your boyfriend and tell him (or her) to take a long walk off a short pier. 

Live your truth within your context, and only then will you know what to do...

Please be careful with this tricky full moon.  Please know I am not professing to be a fortune teller.  I have a talent and have been gifted with reading the energy of the stars mystically.   I am a "meta-physicist".  I am a metaphysician. 

Feel free to email me with any questions at

If you would like to order my pretty book click on this link 

Friday, November 24, 2017

The Maiden's Journey and Other Tales of Magical Creatures

Greetings Friends!

My pretty book makes a lovely Christmas present for "children of all ages"! It was written with loving care and great imagination. There are 3 tales of mystical and magical creatures, reminiscent of faerie tales of days gone by....

Click on the link to purchase,  ,and I will send you an autographed copy and a free little gift! The price of my book is $15.00, including free shipping anywhere in the Universe!

Allow extra time for planets located outside of our Milky Way! 😊

Please, please email me for any questions or concerns

Here is a little preview from the first story...
and a song after that fits the story perfectly.

"The maiden of the sea would come to splash at ocean's edge

Beneath a weeping willow tree near the ivy cottage ledge

The willow tree stood tall and strong, sipping from a stream
                                          Cradling like a lover, the mermaid while she dreamed"

-excerpt from "The Maiden's Journey", by, Linda J. Wagner  copyright 2016

click to play the pretty song


Have a Magical Holiday Season!

Saturday, November 18, 2017

New Moon in Scorpio, "Dreams Unwind, Love's a state of mind..."

image taken from
Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a mysterious New Moon in Scorpio, on Saturday, November 18th, at 6:40 a.m., edt.

Believe it or not, besides the Scorpio domination in the cosmic energy, the major player here is Neptune!!  Neptune in Pisces is activating the expansion of love, creativity, spirituality, beauty, and comforts, all in the water signs of Scorpio and Pisces.  The Lady of the night and the mystic of the sea are calling you....

There is also a gorgeous bi-quintile ( the often ignored, but magical aspect) between Neptune and Mars, and Lilith.  The mysterious, independent, and amazingly creative, and lest we forget, magical, female, makes her way through your psyche, luring you into the temptations of euphoria of the mermaid's realm.... or the dangers of the siren's forbidden lair.  Only you can decide.  But decide you must.  

Will you head the call of the feminine mystique in the midst of this Scorpio night sky?  The new moon promises healing and escape....but only through inner wisdom and  outer healing.  Sounds strange, doesn't it?  Well....that's Scorpio for you.  You must decipher the meaning for your own life.  Grasp it if you will.  Know it if you can.  Not only is Scorpio a deep, deep well of ancient depth, with the capacity to emerge transformed, but also it is represented in old astrology as an eagle, soaring to heights that have been captured by earthly knowledge.

The mythology of the story, Rhiannon, comes from Wales.  I have visited Wales, and can tell you I felt the mystery of the land and the people as very, very,  magical.  You could feel the energy of the devotion to land and mythology.  The ancient stories are in the eyes of the natives.  If Scorpio energy  had a home base, this would be it. 

The Sun and the Moon in Scorpio also make a secret connection to Saturn (bypassing Uranus), checking in for confirmation, while Saturn makes a stupendous trine to Uranus. Saturn is large and in charge here.  While Mercury is conjunct Saturn and trining the North Node, it's significance cannot be ignored.  We are all going through the examination process....  Have we chosen our correct destiny?  Have we chosen the right road to that destiny?  Are we keeping the best company?  Have we learned our lessons?  (Huge drum roll.....)

Because the void-of-course begins almost immediately after the new moon becomes exact (leave it to Scorpio to pull off that one), set your new moon intentions after 1:59 p.m., Saturday, eastern USA time, until November 20th, Monday, at  7:26 p.m., eastern time. 

Decide what you want to begin anew, even if it's ongoing wishes and dreams.  Focus on self renewal, transformation.  Desire to stir your creativity, your inner talents, especially unknown and secretive.  Begin the process of following your hunches, your intuition.  With Neptune and Scorpio so dominant here, you can really tap into the magical process!!  Allow your intuition and "psychic"  urges to play out.  Even if you are a militant earthy person who sees this as tom-foolery, go ahead.  Why not?  You may have fun...

Remember the abandoned souls, the animals, the abused, the sick, the elderly, the children.

Give thanks for all you have.  Let go and be creative.  Use this gift of creative energy for the greater good. 

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Full Super Moon in Taurus, Say You, Say Me....

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a Full Super Moon in Taurus exact at 1:22 a.m., edt., on  November 4th, Saturday!  This moon will be physically positioned very close to the earth, therefore making it extremely potent, in addition to the intensity it already is building. 

The goal is to balance the earthy, stability seeking qualities of Taurus with the intense, transformative, secret power of Scorpio.  This is not an easy feat.  It's not that these two polarities are difficult to balance, there is a certain amount of respect for each type of energy, it's just that both energies like to be the alpha player.  The key is to utilize the creative, metaphysical power of Neptune, and the expansive power of Jupiter, the two helpful entities positioned in this line up.

Neptune, Jupiter, and Pluto are the major players for this earthy Taurus moon.  And they are very, very important. Neptune (retrograde and in mystical Pisces right now, helping us to see the truth of our fantasies)  makes stunning aspects to Jupiter, the Sun, Moon, and Pluto.  Wow.  This is exactly what the doctor ordered.  

We have 5 planets in a water sign, mainly Scorpio, to enable the needy earth of Taurus, and Pluto in Capricorn, to absorb the necessary liquid, allowing for the comfort and metaphysical luxury  the Taurus moon craves.  Sounds complicated?  Why yes, yes it is.  I will attempt to translate all this.

The mighty Sun in Scorpio will challenge the comfortable neediness of the Taurus moon to see beyond our personal spaces, into what we have delivered our souls into at this time.  Something still needs to be changed.  The really nice thing is Neptune in Pisces allows (or can allow) the intense drama to be calmed and soothed with creativity, spirituality, benevolence, and empathy.  As this all takes place from the 7th house of relationships, and of course the full moon is about relationships anyways, this can have a healing effect on the heartache and wounds.  The great news is that Scorpio and Pisces do get along.  Maybe the intense glare of that Scorpio sun will be scolded into playing nice.  Jupiter can expand all that Neptune beauty and really help things along. 

Venus, the planet of love and beauty, and comfortable in the sign of the Taurus moon, will still have to conform to the lessons of headmaster Saturn.  The moon will have a little trouble balancing this out, because you know, Taurus wants what Taurus wants.  But is this really a bad thing?  Shouldn't love be stable, secure, rock solid, and reliable?  Uranus adds a strong element to surprise and possible big changes in love relationships.  What kind of changes?  I don't know.  It depends on the individual soul. I see Lilith having some trouble this time around, and with that Venus in a pickle, this means watch your karma in relationships.  What does that mean?  It depends on you.

In the end, the meaning of this moon is to balance and blend the needs between the ego and the soul, the me and the you, the metaphysical, spiritual and earthiness.  Say you, Say me....

 click to play

My advice is to hang out with a creative, metaphysically inclined soul.  Explore new options in relationships.  Allow the changes to manifest.  Enjoy the mystical qualities in this moon!  Explore your spirituality, whatever that means to you. Allow the energies to saturate the dry earthy aspects of your life and soul. 

-Remember those in need, especially the children, elderly, abandoned souls,  and animals.
-Try not to play the fool in love. Have boundaries (Saturn), but go ahead and enjoy!
-Spend extra time in any metaphysical/spiritual activities, especially if you have a spiritual business.
-Pursue healing involving water and spirituality.  Indulge in prayer, creativity, and humanitarianism.
-Go to a spa, a museum, a concert, a movie, or a play!  Immerse yourself in music!
-Go out in the moonlight and charge your crystals and candles, whatever you want to boost in full moon energy.
-Be careful, be grateful, be content...

Watch your karma. Everyone.  Not just some. You. And me.  We all have things we need to revisit and heal.  Soon Neptune and Uranus will go direct and all planets will be full speed ahead, for a while.  Soon Saturn will be in Capricorn for 2 1/2 YEARS!!  This is important.  We will be called accountable for our recent actions.  We must make the necessary changes to help ALL on the road to spiritual, physical, and soul healing....

Have a beautiful full moon weekend.  Say you, Say me....
Be careful out there....



Thursday, October 5, 2017

Full Moon in Aries, Go placidly amid the noise and haste....

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

"...and remember what peace there may be in silence."     

Max Ehrmann

We will have a Full Moon in Aries, on Thursday, October 5th, at 2:40 p.m., edt.

In light of all the sadness, it is difficult to, at times, to be hopeful and positive....and at peace.  Having said that, I am presenting as a song to this post, "The Desiderata" by, Max Ehrmann.


                                                                     click to play

The Aries moon will be challenging, and at times difficult. There is always goodness somewhere with our moon, but the key to understanding this full moon phase is to try to stay balanced and focused.  Also, try not to react.  Emotionally.  Too much.

The Moon in Aries opposes Mercury and the Sun in Libra, and squares Pluto.  The Sun will also square Pluto.  You may experience a conflict or a frustration between relationships and your ego-self.  Aries is forceful and ambitious, also energetic and confident. Libra loves balance and relational bliss.  There may be some awareness of changes with Pluto involved in deep transformation this time around.  My advice is to ride it out, without reacting, unless necessary.

With a serious and positive aspect between Uranus and Saturn, don't be surprised if you see sudden changes for the better in long-term traditional and stable relationships, personal, business, and/or familial.

The full moon is always meant to end a cycle of manifestation.  What you have sowed, you will reap. All of your good efforts and intentions will come full circle.  If you do experience dramatic change (that you may or may not like), it is for the better in the long run.  Remember. Try. Not. To. React.

Enjoy the beauty of the moon and the stars, and the glory of nature.  Pray for all people, animals to be at peace and experience healing in these very, very sad days.  Be happy for the children and the animals.  Help others.  Especially the abandoned and abused, the sick and the lonely, the confused and the downtrodden.  It still is a wonderful world.....

                                                                        Click to play

Be still.  Be at peace.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Full Moon in Pisces, The Dream Weaver

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a mystical Full Moon in Pisces on Wednesday, September 6th, that is exact at 3:02 a.m., edt.

Ahh, the Pisces Moon.  Ooh, the Pisces Moon conjuncting Neptune in Pisces.  Magic, dreams, fantasy, poetry, music and art, love and romance make this a perfect moon for the mystical artist.  Seriously, this is the time to is also the time to help others.  The top 2 best qualities of a Pisces Moon are helping and creating.

It is also a time for tears and weeping, tender spots psychically and emotionally, will be activated during this time. Try not to be sad and melancholy.  Most of it is the watery melancholy moon.  Of course it will affect everyone differently, but this moon should be carefully guarded.

In the words of the great poet himself....

"Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more;
And be you blithe and bonnie,
Converting all your sounds of woe
Into hey nonny, nonny."
William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing

Again, on the upside, this is a time for creating.  Create what you will, how you will.  Even if you don't consider yourself creative, you can think of something.  Let go of your fear and see where your fantasies lead you....Let your imagination take you "to the starry skies, maybe to an astral plane, cross the highways of fantasy, help me to forget today's pain..."
                                                                Click to play....
                                                    Dream Weaver by, Gary Wright

We have a grand trine in the fire element, with air in Jupiter anchoring a kite.  What does that mean?  There is a nice balance of all the elements, air, fire, earth, water.  With the moon opposing the Sun in Virgo, this is your chance to make your dreams and goals from the last New Moon Solar Eclipse in fiery Leo come back to earth on solid ground, drenched with the silky liquid of Pisces and Neptune.  Virgo energy is very earthy, practical, analytical, sensible.  This can help with all the emotions that could flood your soul.  With all that fire from the last eclipse, watery Pisces should be a welcome relief.  Pluto in Capricorn, also in an earth element, is acting like the guardian of the galaxy, anchoring the ship of dreams in Pisces and Neptune.

Ah well, really all that matters is you enjoy this luscious opportunity to let go and let be.  You should be able to feel the dreamy waves of energy rippling around you.  Allow the moonlight to glisten in your soul. Give thanks for all that is good.  Help people.  Help animals.  Pray.   Rest.  Dream. 

Volunteer for a cause.  Donate to a cause.  Houston,  Texas, is a good place to devote your resources, as we all know too well.

Connect with your guardian angels, the faeries, the elementals, the nature angels, your spirit guides. 

Give thanks for what you have, as we all know, too well, some out there have almost nothing.  Avoid excessive alcohol, self-medicating toxins, dangerous escapism. I know a full moon can be challenging and sometimes seems too much to bear, but do latch on to the flowing beauty of this one.  The effects of the last lunar and solar eclipse are still radiating, so be careful, but try not to fear.

"Sigh no more Lady, sigh no more"

Happy Full Moon!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Royal Solar Eclipse in King Leo! I can see clearly now

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

Just in case you haven't heard, we will be experiencing an ASTOUNDING New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Leo, on Monday, August 21st, at 2:30 p.m., edt. 

This is not only a spectacular physical event for our galaxy, but it is also a profoundly spiritual event.  The dark moon (new moon) will eclipse the Sun for a time, darkening certain parts of  Earth, as well as our shadow sides to our souls.  During the process, the hidden aspect of the Moon will reveal it's side to the Sun, out of our "sight".  In turn, the Sun will confront and "burn", or "singe" our karmic waste.  As the eclipse passes, the wheel-of-fortune will set in motion our new directions and pathways.  We mere humans have absolutely no control over this cosmic event.  Our only option is to abide by the universal phenomena. This is an awe-inspiring event to help us renew and refresh our soul's journey, God's plan, our plan, in evolving spiritually, physically, and metaphysically.

Can you feel it?  It is happening now.  It's surrounding you everywhere you turn. This larger than life energy can take your breath away, and open your eyes to new life and new wonders. It builds until the moment of the exactness, then reveals the transformed energy in rushing waves of wonder and magic. 

This reminds me of the poem (one of my favorites) about a journey to the exquisite island of Ithaka, both real and mythological.

"As you set out for Ithaka
hope your road is a long one,
full of adventure, full of discovery.
Laistrygonians, Cyclops,
angry Poseidon- don't be afraid of them:
you'll never find things like that on your way
as long as you keep your thoughts raised high,
as long as a rare excitement stirs your spirit and your body"

Excerpt from Ithaka, by C.P. Cavafy, a Greek poet

Here is the link to read the whole poem.  Trust me, you want to read this.

When the eclipse passes, it should be a beautiful and glorious new beginning of hope, healing, and of course, for some of us, atonement and absolution.  "It's gonna be a bright, bright, bright sun-shiney day...."  in the words of Leo Johnny Nash, whose birthday is this week.  Here is the perfect eclipse song by a Leo, who knows just what to say!

                                                                Click to play...

Astrologically, the placements of the planets look spectacular.  There are beautiful trines between the Sun, Moon, Saturn, Uranus,and Mars.  The secret lies in Old Man Saturn.  He finally has his day in the Sun.  All these past months of warnings and lessons have brought us to the apex of karmic confrontation.  He is finally satisfied with what needs to be done.  The North Node is activated to remind us of our life's purpose, possibly the long forgotten dreams of many moons ago.

With 5 celestial bodies, including the Sun, Moon, Mars in Leo, as well as all that fire sign energy, this is the time to shine. The only tension may be with Venus in Cancer squaring off Uranus in Aries, and Jupiter in Libra.  But alas, Venus will soon be in Leo and chasing the Sun, so ride it out and soak in the warm rays of the Royal Leo Sun and the loving Leo Moon.  Jupiter is anchoring Saturn and Mars and feeding ever lovin' mystical Neptune.  Uranus is offering some pizzazz to the mix, snapping and sizzling.  Remember there are 5 planets retrograde now so it may feel very strange as you internalize all this and experience it over time. The effects will last almost 6 months until the next eclipse in February 2018, a partial solar eclipse in Aquarius, who is waiting patiently for his day. 

I see good things for this eclipse.  One word of advice I would give is, "Don't fly too close to the Sun.  Don't cross the point of no return because there is no turning back."  Remember Saturn's purpose for humanity is to teach patience, goodness, truthfulness, honor and integrity.  These are Leo's best qualities (maybe not the patience part)!!

Ask yourself, "What would the Queen (or King) do?" Serve others with love, patience, truth, honor and integrity.

Don't forget we are still riding the coat tails of the last Full Moon Eclipse from 2 weeks ago.  Some lingering emotional energy may still be noticeable.  The nights in white satin have now moved us into the bright sunshine and blue skies of the Sun in Leo, and the enchanting glowing light of the Moon in Leo. 
                                                         click to hear Mr. Blue Sky

                                                   Credit to SanbornGaming on youtube
During a full moon, you put your trinkets under the moonlight to charge by the light of the Moon, but I say during a solar eclipse put them out in the Sun. I put my items on a window sill or in the sunroom where the light hits in the afternoon.  Do it now.  For a few days before, and a lunar cycle after, place your crystals, your favorite jewelry, your photographs, your bank cards, anything you want energized, in the sun, or near a window to catch the golden rays.

 Here are some tips to enjoy, preserve, and benefit metaphysically from the eclipse:

-Because this is no ordinary New Moon, use energy from all the elements; fire (the sun), water, (the moon), air, and earth.  Light candles or start a bonfire. Go swimming, visit a waterfall, or activate a fountain.  Hang a windchime, raise a flag, ride like the wind.  Plant a moonflower, walk through the forest, go out in nature.  Anything that involves balancing the 4 elements is great!
-Set powerful long term optimistic goals that are best for you. You musn't wish for anything that will harm others.
-Be out in the sun as much as possible.
-Be out in the moonlight as much as possible, even though you can't see the waxing moon immediately, it's still there.

-Wear your crown, remember you are royalty. Carry your scepter!
-Be generous, kind, loving and just.  These are the best Leo qualities.
-Go to a concert, be in a play, you are the star of your own show.
-Play, be active physically, take up a new sport or exercise routine, even if it's yoga.
-Spruce up your faerie and gnome villages.  They will be out in droves, ya know?
-Balance out all that sizzling, simmering fire energy with some smooth flowing water.
-Keep a journal for the next 6 months, if you normally don't.
-Sage and oil your home and environment, workplace too, if you can.

The King and Queen should take care of the people, sign up to give or volunteer for a noble cause!

Wait a few days for the energy to settle before you set  your intentions. If it's too soon, you may change your mind, because you will, beyond a shadow of a doubt, feel differently after this eclipse.  The strongest period would be August 23rd at 9:05 p.m., until August 26th, at 1:36 a.m.  Set intentions that you believe will match your new life purpose, and especially plans for the next 6 months. Avoid void-of-course moons.  Keeping a diary or journal will be beneficial in tracking events. 

I've attached a few links to help understand the physical phenomenon of the eclipse. Just click and go!

Don't fear the energy.  Count your blessings and be thankful.  Understand that everyone's personal chart is different, so it will affect people in different ways.  The change is meant for good, but sometimes even good change can be stressful.  Know the difference.

This eclipse really is a magnificent phenomenon, one that we have not seen in a while, nor will we for a long time. The last New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Leo was in 1998.  You can look back at that time and see what was beginning and how you have come full circle.

Watch out for the animals and pets at this time.  They will react differently.  Care for the elderly, especially, as Saturn trines the Sun and the Moon.  Keep your eyes open for those faeries and elementals.  Who knows?  Maybe you'll spot a unicorn...

So here's a flashback to get y'all in the mood (again)!  Just don't run out and get a perm, ya hear?
                                                                     click to play                  

Email me if you have any questions and need advice with your personal birth and transit chart. 
Have a wonderful New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Leo!
Shine like the King or Queen that you really are! 


Sunday, August 6, 2017

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius! Nights in White Satin....

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!          

We will be having a luscious Full Moon and partial Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on Monday, August 7th, at 2:09 p.m., eastern time.

Welcome to eclipse season.  This is cause for attention!  Although we won't be able to see it in the USA (across the pond and the globe there will be some visibility), you will most definitely feel it, sooner or later... It will be a partial physical eclipse, but trust me, the metaphysical eclipse will be anything but partial.  As with a Full Moon, the Sun, Moon, and Earth will be aligned, with the Sun and Moon opposite each other.

In this case a shadow will cross over the Moon, with the Earth in between the Moon and the Sun.  It's really all very strategic.  There will be a brief time when you will experience a soul encounter, an encounter to transform and face your shadows.  Almost promptly, you will experience an enlightenment, when the Sun shines brightly on the beautiful Moon.  In this case, the Sun is in courageous, bold, and self-confident, ego based Leo.  Once the timing is exact, the effects will linger for weeks, sometimes I'm sure many people may have already been feeling the onset.

Months and months, sometimes years, of our journeys in life will be confronted in some way, either small or large, and become transformed, or even enriched.  Yes, a Full Moon is an end of sorts, but I always say endings bring new beginnings.  The aspects with the planets are going to affect everyone differently, depending on the placement of their personal moon chart, but honestly, this is going to be obvious to each and every one.  With the Moon in, pretty much emotionally stable Aquarius, and the Sun in warm and generous Leo, we can use this time to align our paths in ways to be beneficial to ourselves and  people in our lives, and also the world at large.

Aquarius is the humanitarian, the visionary, the intelligent problem solver, the good friend of one and all.  This is a time to reach out to the energy field and put out some positive vibes. Although Leo can be very self-centered at times, and with this Leo Sun opposing a detached Aquarian energy field, it may seem difficult, but the balance can be achievable.  A healthy ego can help humanity and those that dwell within.  Spread the light.  Spread the vibration.  Confront your shadows and be done with it.

A Plutonian (deep churning transformation) challenge with Jupiter (the expanding optimist always wanting more), will need to face the possible discomfort of ego disappointments.  But with the Aquarius Moon, the discovery of a deeper meaning and a brighter light will be the ultimate reward in a necessary eclipse of the soul.  For relationships, remember this is a Full Moon, you may be surprised with a spiritual revelation, as Neptune is involved.  Let's also not forget the magic.  Neptune (the magician), Venus (beauty and love), Mercury (the messenger), and Pluto (transformation), are making a nice connection.  There can be depth, love, fantasy, and....magic.....just like nights in white satin.

Click to hear the Full Moon song

There are so many beautiful aspects to this phenomenon of a Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse.  Old Saturn is looking positive to bring some karma coming your way for all the good energy you have put out.  If you help your fellow human, you will be rewarded.  Uranus will bring some surprises, hopefully all good ones, to your pathway.  There are 4 major planets retrograde right now, soon to be 5, so this is the time to set yourself right.  We will all go through a period of waiting and retrospecting soon enough.

There is magic to be made in love, healing of soul and body, spreading light outwardly, far and wide.  Aquarius is an air sign and Leo is fire. Fan the flame of lunar glow and sun's light.  Take care of the animals, the children, the lonely, the sick, the abandoned, the abused, and mother nature.  Go out at night in the moonlight and gasp at the wonder of the universe.  Thank God for your blessings.  Thank yourselves and others for life and goodness.  

And remember, "For all it's sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world", from The Desiderata.  

Happy Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse!

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Full Moon in Pluto! Yikes! Or shall I say Capricorn!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

Holy Heck on a flaming stick, Batman!!  This Full Moon in Capricorn is taking place on Sunday morning at 12:06 a.m., edt.  Yikes Again...  I know I usually try to sweeten things up in all my moon sightings, but this one is cause for blinking.  Twice.  In the words of The Talking Heads, "This ain't no party, this ain't no disco, this ain't no foolin' around."  The aspects have been building already with intensity, and will crescendo at the point of the full moon and throughout the next week, heck even weeks. On the heels of that last weepy  Cancer New Moon, this will end the last few
moon phases with a walloping impact. 

The Moon in Capricorn is in a very tight squeeze with Pluto in Capricorn.  These guys are opposing the Sun in Cancer and Mars in Cancer, who are also neck and neck with each other.  So, you see, we have a clashing of opposites.  A stand-off.  A showdown. 

My bet would be on the Moon and Pluto, but Uranus is adding a LOT of tension to Mars, and Mercury, as well.  All I gotta say is this.  Watch your back.  Protect your home life, and your beloved people and possessions from possible , whether real or imagined, intrusions.  Venus looks iffy.  The aspects look, well, some good and some not so good.  At first glance it looks do-able, but then when you least expect it, ladies (and men), the bottom drops from under you. Don't get too comfortable.  Full Moons are about relationships, our shadow sides, our hidden selves.  Even though the full moon light is bright and glorious, it brings out the hidden.  Watch out, because, in the words of William Congreve, "Hell hath no fury like a woman who has been scorned."

Click to hear the full moon song.

Pluto in Capricorn is strong.  Very strong.  The Moon in Capricorn is unrelenting.  They both can be ruthless.  And they oppose two very self-centered and snarky planetary aspects.  I'll let you unravel your own puzzle.  Everyone has their own story. 

Having said that, we must absolutely qualify that there ARE some good aspects, and that a full moon really IS for the greater good of your personal and earthly evolution.  Some things will come to fruition and manifest from former karmic actions.  The spiritual aspect at play here this time around is with Neptune, the Sun, and Pluto.  There is a likely camaraderie going on.  Change concluding from transformation can take on a mystical "otherworldy" spiritual aspect in your personal lives and some of your relationships. 

For those people that love those dark and mysterious full moon rituals with all the bells and whistles, here you go.  Thriving under the full moon sky with all that mystical energy is a plus this time around.  Don't forget.  The moon is in an earth sign.  So taking care of the land and nature is important.  That includes animals, trees, plants, and the great larger-than-life majestic earthly wonders.  Mountains (Capricorn), Caves (Pluto), Canyons (Mars) are to name just a few, although I wouldn't be hanging out in any of them this full moon.  Donating your time and care to nature and the earth is a good idea.  Also, your spiritual life will benefit big time this time around.

Click here to read my tips about the full moon. /

Have an excellent Full Moon, even if it seems overwhelming.  Be safe.  Be happy.

Linda J. Wagner

Friday, June 23, 2017

New Moon in Cancer, I'll Stand By You...

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!
We have a New Moon in Cancer on Friday, June 23rd, at 10:30 p.m., edt.

Oh, the Cancer Moon.....the mother moon....the moon in it's own home.  The Cancer moon can be loving, gentle, protective, caring, generous, and giving.  It's also very, very spiritual and off-the-chart metaphysical. It's a time to release your inner child, be the child that you miss from long ago.  It's a perfect time to think of, and be with, those that have passed on.  As well, the Angels and Faeries will be so, so close.  Animal spirits can show up out of nowhere while you're outside taking your physical animals for a walk in the garden, by the ocean, or in the woods, either with family, friends, or just enjoying solitude.  You may want to cook a cozy feast and invite friends and family over for a new moon celebration.  Or just sit in front of a fountain (Cancer + Moon = Water) with a beloved, either a fur-friend or a love-friend. These are a few things that create a perfect atmosphere for a new Cancer moon.

Of course, a new moon is a time to start fresh and begin again. What a beautiful spiritual new moon this can be.  This can be the perfect time to start a new spiritual and metaphysical project.  Change up some things around the house (Cancer, you know).  Create little garden communities (homes for the faeries and knomes...Cancer again).  Plant a bird sanctuary, or better yet a fish pond!!  All this is Cancer, see?  Water, water, water!!  Spirituality!  Metaphysicality!  Home and Hearth!   Go for the water healing routines.  Go for the meditation and yoga.  Now is the time to heal those physical and psychological ailments.  Let the healing begin.

Warning, Warning!!  Yes, I know....bummer.  Cancer moons can also be cranky, moody, stingy, greedy, aloof.....Double the amount of all this good and not-so-good stuff and combine 4 celestial bodies in a tight, tight conjunction and stellium, all in, you guessed it, Cancer.  I will say this... watch out for major drama.  If you hang with a dramatic crowd, steer clear.  Unless you like that kind of thing. The drama can be fun, or innocent....but it can also be jealous, possessive, and deceitful.   However, don't let this stop you from enjoying those cozy enjoyments.  Just know that the tears may fall, the heart may break. Try, oh try, not to self-medicate with harmful drink and substance.  The temptation will be there. Really, the severity or intensity of all these things depends on your personal chart and personal moon sign.

Venus doesn't look so bad, that is, if you have survived the chaos of the last year's lunar cycles. The intense energy is there with Mars, the excitement is there with Mercury, of course the heat of the Sun is there to warm up the scenario.  This is the perfect weekend to "make a baby", if I may say so.  Neptune promises dreamy poetry and bright moonbeams of secret wishes to ponder and plan with stars of hope in your eyes.

Neptune in Pisces aspects with the Moon in Cancer can really be a game changer with those magic spells that you weave with your hearts.  Oh, the poetry of it all....can you tell this author is a Piscean with a Cancer Moon?  Hmm??  Write love letters to your significant other, and send greeting cards to your dear friends and family.  Write in your journal.  Create music and poetry.   Be a champion for the needy, the lonely, the abandoned, the animals, and the faeries....

Enjoy the New Moon, the Dark Moon, the Mother Moon.  And if you're not inclined to spirituality, just give it a try.  It's wonderful and sacred!! You can set your intentions for this cycle right away at 10:30 p.m., edt, until June 25th at 6:45 p.m., when the moon goes void-of-course.  Make them spiritual.  Make them for the greater good.  Make them for your journey to enlightenment.   It's all good and it's all for the best. In the words of Romantic poet Robert Browning, "God's in his Heaven, all's  right with the world."

 Click here to visit my Facebook pages and website


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Full Moon in Sagittarius, I Just Want to Live While I'm Alive!!

 Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a sparkly Full Moon in Sagittarius, on Friday, June 9th, at 9:08 a.m., edt.

Love that Sagittarius Moon.  This is the time to enjoy your endeavors and pursue your aspirations to a higher level.

This is a nice Full Moon, as nice as one could get, with Jupiter in good aspect, and going direct at 10:03 a.m., edt., Yay!  There is also a great aspect with the Sun, Venus, and Mercury.

With Venus aligning Saturn AGAIN and STILL, love must be solid, stable, traditional, reliable, true, and honorable.  So, get the gettin'.  Saturn has been waiting a loooonnng time for this.  Also, with Venus in a little tension (just a little) with the Sun and Moon, you can make it or break it.

Back to Jupiter.  Jupiter is blessing the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, and Saturn (or rather Saturn is
PERMITTING a friendly tap)!  Adventure awaits, good times, abound.  Shoot for the Moon and land on the Stars!  Yes, I know I said that backwards, but that is what Jupiter does, land far beyond his aim.  This is a time to celebrate life, love, and dreams.  Have fun, don't miss out.  Make something happen.

Click play to hear the song...

This brings me to my next point.  Be careful what you wish for.  Try not to fly beyond our own comfortable and amazing universe.  You don't want to get lost out there, now do you?   Neptune is in a square to the Sun and the Moon, so you must be careful of those little deceptions, those fantastical dreams of smoke and mirrors.  But you know, a full moon is a full moon.  It's a spiritual and metaphysical time, a secret and mysterious time.  And Jupiter loves all this!!  Remember, Jupiter went retrograde on February 6th, so think back and know that now you will pass that way again.

The thick conjunctions with Uranus close to the Midheaven are significant, too! I wouldn't be surprised if new love partnerships form (out of the blue) that actually affect your destiny.  And because they aspect Saturn, this could be long lasting.  I'm just sayin'.  It's entirely possible.  You know these things have all been brewing for a while.  We still are riding the coat tails of the Spring eclipses, and some major planetary movement from the big guys.

I do see a healing aspect between spiritual and physical illnesses that have to do with spirit guides, angels, or those on the other side, especially with the Moon's aspect to children and animals.  The healing visions of Neptune and the transformative powers of Pluto are working together to heal through mysterious forces.  If you are sick or suffering, definitely use prayer and supplication to bring about a miraculous healing.  It really is possible.

As well, Jupiter type businesses can thrive through social media and/or communicative media.  It could be your time to shine.  Keep the faith.  Always be alert to something coming your way, and jump on it!  Sagittarius loves to jump on it.

However.  Don't Forget.  It is a full moon.  Be careful out there.

It will linger for awhile... and the wonderful aspects can bear fruit in your life.  Don't forget the underprivileged.  Don't forget the lonely, the forgotten, the little stars in your life that dimly glow but would love the spotlight.  The animals and the elderly need you....

Love the light.  Give thanks for your blessings.  Let the moon shine on your self, your soul, your spirit.


photo by
Contact Linda Wagner at:

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Full Moon in Scorpio, Moonlight Feels Right.....

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a luscious Full Moon in Scorpio on Wednesday, May 10th, 5:41 p.m., edt.

Oo la la....  The Scorpio moon is all about depth, intensity, drama, stealth, secrets, and massive amounts of sensuality.  It is also all about emotion, spirituality, death, and extreme metaphysicality.  Don't let that detract you from the carnal sensuality because if any sign knows how to bring the spiritual into the's definitely Scorpio.  And this is a full moon, people.  So you have a lot of intense emotions with hard to control impulsivity.  Lest we forget, Scorpio is a water sign, and the Moon of course rules the water.

The Moon makes a magnificent aspect to Neptune and Pluto.  Oh the watery magic of it all!!  Neptune is the magician, Pluto can control the dials on the magic wand, and the Moon will cause it all to ebb and flow.  Now is the time to connect with the spiritual realm.  Weave your magic.  Follow your muse.  Invite your angels.  Dance with the faeries.  Connect with your spirit animals.  Commune with your spirit guides.

Jupiter and Mars will help to propel the magic upward and onward.  The quick witted Mars in Gemini with the expansive Jupiter in Lovers' Libra can lift your love life heavenward to soar with the stars.  Just watch out for Pluto and Uranus.  They may just strike and erupt if they disapprove of a situation.  There's no telling here, really!  You are dealing with the Moon and Scorpio.  The tsunami of revenge and/or karma can hit you like a massive wave of crushing punishment.  YIKES!!  So tread lightly, y'all.  However, it can be an amazing trip through realms of unknown bliss, y'know.

                                                       Click play to hear the moon song...

Venus can be controlled, but be cautious and evasive.  The slightest edge can activate razor sharp results.  That's not only for lovers, but for relationships with women, cash flow, daily life, and indulging.  Consult your angels and feminine guides for comfort and security.  This can be a positive moon if you can control your impulses.  If you can....

-For physical healing, under the moonlight, try swimming, or water therapy.
-Activate your outdoor fountains or birdbaths.  You can also just put out containers of water with petals of flowers and sea salt.
-If you're lucky enough, go to the ocean, lake, or a pond.
-A visit to the spa for water healing would be perfect!
-Light your candles, say your prayers, leave out your crystals and special trinkets under the moonlight.
-Give thanks for your many, many blessings.
-Pray for healing for physical ailments, diseases, and/or addictions.  With Pisces and Scorpio activated, all kinds of addictions come up from the surface.
-Pray for others.
-Take care of the helpless animals, abandoned, sick, elderly, and needy.

Enjoy this exquisite Full Moon of beauty and light...

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

New Moon in Taurus, If I Were a Rich Girl.....

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

There is a New Moon in Taurus on Wednesday, April 26th, exact at 8:15 a.m., eastern time!  The Moon makes no major aspects to trip us up at this time (for now), so let's use this to our advantage. Taurus is earthy and luxurious, and, well, because I'm someone who wishes on the Moon and stars (I'm a Pisces Sun with a Cancer Moon), I try to be soooo encouraging in the wishing department.  But.  I'm also very wise, old, and realistic, having been schooled at the "School of Hard Knocks"! With that pesky Saturn and Venus square, you need to be super careful with the Venus things in life. Also, with Chiron involved, there are a lot of tender, delicate feelings floating around out there, some real and some imagined.

Venus is Taurus' planet, with all the right trimmings, not just love and romance, although that's a biggie right now, but money, luxury, business, beauty, fashion, femininity, bling, creativity, etc. You get the picture...Enjoy your life as it is, as you wish it to be, as you set your intentions, dreams, and goals, by the energy of this moon. The watery Moon will enrich the earth of your dreams, while Old Man Saturn will watch over them with a guardian's stance (as long as you bring your dreams down to earth, into reality).  If it's possible, it can happen.  With Pisces active now that Venus is direct again, be careful of "wishful thinking".  There are so many big planets retrograde it seems that time is standing still.  That's a good thing.  The Taurus Moon and Sun will want to linger.  Take it slow.  Make it last.

You can set your intentions right away, while the setting is ripe, until April 27th, Thursday, when the moon goes void-of-course.  Make a list, put it in your journal, speak it out, put it out there.....New Moons are new beginnings.  Taurus is manifesting.  Plant your seeds and watch them grow.  As a matter of fact, go out in the morning, and tend to your gardens.  Plant a New Moon flower or tree! Do something earthy, or indulgent.  Count your cash, inventory your clothes, take a visit to the cosmetic counter, visit the spa, cook a great meal, and love the one your with.  These are the best things to do with this New Moon in Taurus!!

For all the ladies out there, guess what, it's time to get your diva on!!  Crank up the song and get it out there!  In their faces, girls!  BTW, this video is not for the fainthearted or blushing babe.  You will see the perfect symbolism of a stubborn, strong, and single-minded Taurus female.  Yeah!!

On a softer note, let's all appreciate the earth and the season.  Care for the plantlife.  Care for the animals.  Do something for the environment.  Create a memorial garden for a deceased loved one. Design your faerie village under a tree.  They're already camping out, you know.  Write a song and sing it under the stars.  Feng Shui your yard with windchimes, fountains, angels, and whirligigs.  Be inspired.  Be inspiring.

Help others achieve their goals and dreams, as well, especially the old, the sick, the abandoned, the lonely, the children, and the animals.  Above all, be grateful for your blessings.  It's still a beautiful world.

Happy New Moon!!

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