Thursday, September 29, 2016

New Moon in Libra, There's a star man waiting in the sky....

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a New Moon in Libra, on Friday, September 30th, at 8:10 p.m.

Now that I have your attention with the charming and attractive angel guy, it's time to get real!!

So why would I say if I'm looking for real, why would I look for an angel man?  Well, because THEY are real.  When I look at the moon and all the aspects presented, I see relationship scenarios.  After all, Libra does focus on relationships, ya know.  It seems pretty clear to me.  Venus (love and lust), Juno (who will I marry?), Lilith (hot and sexy crazy goddess), are in Scorpio.  These bodies all are in a very good aspect with spiritual Neptune.  Yes, Scorpio is physical.  Yes, Scorpio is intense.  Yes, Scorpio is carnal.  But is Scorpio spiritual?  You betcha!!  Who better to hook up with than a spiritually intense Scorpio Angel straight from Neptune and the outer cosmos?  Hence, we have the best advice I can give anyone on LOVE.  And who is better than the rest to bring all that mystical, Neptunian aura to a lusty, passionate, hot and heavy love relationship?  You guessed it!  Scorpio him/herself!!

However.  Enter the caveat.  The problem lies with the Neptunian situation with the Saturn square and/or delusional and detrimental fantasies.  Most humans are confused right now as to who really is their angel.  This moon is challenging you to choose and move on to a SPIRITUAL love relationship. A steady, solid, reliable, STABLE relationship.  The signs are crystal clear.  At the end of this important eclipse season, we have a clear message.  Choose spiritual love.

With the sun and the moon experiencing  inconjunctions with Neptune, there is a problem getting certain desires and/or obsessions off the ground.  With all the confusion going around lately, many humans are being misled by other humans.  What to do?  If something's not happening, there is a reason.  And it's a good one.  Seek reliable spiritual guidance.

 A spiritual person CAN be solid, stable, reliable, dependable, long term.  As a matter of fact, that's not such a bad idea, now is it?  Nothing wrong with the hot stuff, that's where Venus in Scorpio comes in, but honestly, how much better is that than with a stable, grounded, protective Saturnian soul? Think about it....

And these things do not apply to love only.  The message here is to stabilize your own personal spirituality, too.   Also, this is a good moon to enhance your spiritual business, your spiritual health regime, your spiritual environment, including home, office, property.  I might add that spiritual journeys, whether they be physical, or intellectual, would be blessed with this new moon.

click to play the song for the new moon

This is a moon for artists, creators, metaphysicians!!  Bottom line is get real and "Get Spiritual".   Find yourself an angel buddy or lover.  Commit to a NEW journey.  Embark on an adventure that will free you from your own frustration.  A new moon is a time for new beginnings, and this moon is clearly... all that. And it is quite packed with opportunity, so long as you don't kid yourself.

You can set your intentions right away, as there is no void-of-course moon until October 2nd in the early morning hours.  Yes.  Set good goals for relationships.  But the best relationship is with yourself.  Not only is Libra about relationships, but it's also an air sign, and it's a sign about balance.  Balance your spiritual life with your carnal life.  That's the way to figure this one.

Happy New Moon...

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, Wake me up inside

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

 Welcome to the Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on Friday, September 16th, at 3:05 p.m., edt.

During a lunar eclipse, the moon hides behind the shadow of the earth for a time.  We have a great opportunity to visit the darkness of our souls, for healing, transformation, enlightenment.  Try not to feel fear, as this is just a trick of the shadow.  As the eclipse passes, the fear is set free, as is your soul.

I usually search for songs that reflect the mood and meaning of every moon. There are times when it hits the nail on the head, so to speak.  Often the aspects of a moon are so complicated and ultra layered, it sometimes seem so counterproductive to go on and on and on, getting lost in the metaphysical realm of it all....sometimes, that is.  In this case, there is a need to conceptualize and step into the aura of a mystical moon.

 Enter Pisces.....

The Pisces energy is in full bloom here.  There is an opportunity to expand metaphysically, spiritually, artistically, creatively.  However, there are many challenging aspects.   It is a moon to remember.  With conjunctions, oppositions, and squaring  of planets in Virgo and Libra, the challenge is to restore balance, virtue, healing, and acceptance in relationships, spiritually.  Much of this is happening in a very intense, deep, spiritual, and philosophical location on the astrological wheel.    As the Sun will be moving into Libra, and Jupiter is there now, focus on finding a helper for this moon, a spiritual helper that is.  It can be a live person, your angels, your faeries, your spirit guides...the list is endless.

On the heels of a powerful Solar Eclipse in Virgo, as well as four years of heavy handed purging and transforming, this eclipse will shake you to wake you.  Mars and Uranus will jolt you whether you want it or not. You will be confronted with the deeper meaning of your existence, as it applies to your personal life, your relationships, your soul's journey, and last but not least, your contribution to the universe.  Those tender new moon intentions set so many consecutive moons ago have come full circle to reveal their unfolding.

Now is the time to assess what you must realize as the next phase on your journey.  Ironically, Pluto is in a position to assist you in the commencement of this.  The nagging squares, especially between poor old Neptune, the grandfather of ideality and beautiful illusion, is seriously trying to wake us up, much to the dismay of confused or deluded souls.  See where the Pisces moon is in your personal chart and meditate on that area of being.  Pisces is very watery, and all watery connections work very well with earthy Virgo, who needs that moisture and enrichment.

There is a secret aspect to this chart.  Somewhere, somehow, there will be hidden talents revealed.  The results of this moon will manifest geniuses, artists, seers, and mystics.  Could it be you?  Pluto will help with this, going into the shadows to search in the hidden depths.

So what is a soul to do with this Pisces moon energy?

-Nurture your soul with art, music, creativity, spirituality,  and the search for enlightenment.
-Engage in water activities.  Swim under the moonlight, take a moon bath, water the earth, walk in the rain.
-Pamper yourself with a spa treatment, reiki, meditation, water therapy.
-Pray, bless, and give thanks.
-Offer service to the disadvantaged, the downtrodden, the sick, the abandoned.
-Bless the metaphysical beings and the animals.
-Be alone, care for yourself, go within.
-Place your crystals, trinkets, photos, special things under the moonlight for cleansing and energizing.
-Heal thyself.
-Be honest with your soul.
-Rest, dream, take care.

The energy will last quite a while from this moon.  Be careful.  Be well.

Happy Full Moon.
Happy Lunar Eclipse.
Welcome to your future....


Photo by Melissa Heslep, Photographer