Friday, September 25, 2015

Full Moon & Total Lunar Eclipse, "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night..."

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a Full Moon and total Lunar Eclipse in Aries.  This will happen on Sunday eve, September 27th, at 10:50 p.m. eastern time.   This is huge.  This is deep.  This is Powerful.  Prepare for changes somewhere in your life.  You probably already feel it, yes?  You know you feel, sense, know something is very, very different. It may feel uncomfortable.  It may feel transforming.  Like a butterfly shedding a cacoon, a snake shedding it's skin. You are seeing your own karma come home to you.  The effects will last a long time...

This is appropriately called the Blood Moon, or the Harvest Moon.  I take those terms symbolically. The bleeding of the toxins and the harvesting of the soul.  I'm sure most astronomers and scientists would roll their  eyes at that one and snicker, too.  But this is a very important eclipse metaphysically, as it is on the heals of Saturn leaving Scorpio, the Uranus/Pluto square, Pluto turning direct, and Mercury moving retrograde, and lest we forget, the Autumn equinox, and the Sun in Libra. 

Ahhhh.....the complications of it all. Aside from the fact that Aries is a warrior, this will be opposing Libra, challenging the status of relationships.  Any kind of relationship.   Plus. There is a challenging aspect with Neptune, Saturn, and Mars, admidst many other squares and tensions.  Of course, never to be outdone, with Pluto going direct on the 25th, it also squares Mercury.  And that sneaky femme fatale Venus is conjuncting Mars, squaring the moon, and aspecting Uranus.  They don't call it femme "fatal-e" for nothin'.

Call me crazy, but this is what I see.  A jealous lover (Venus in Leo) will blow a fuse (Uranus in Aries) agressively (Mars) over carefully concealed top secret information (Venus and the Moon).  Or something like that.  I hope I'm wrong.  

My advice is to hide out.  Purchase an invisibility cloak right now, at any cost.  I'm sure you can have one overnighted at an escalated cost (if there are any left over to sell at this point)!  :)  Take lessons from Harry Potter and just do it.  Be brave.  Find an old castle to hide out in too so NOONE finds you.  While that may be hard to do, when you do get the chance, bunker down in seclusion.  When you're out in public, say very little, or...... say very good, kind, wonderful, beautiful things (that's the Pisces/Leo in me!).   Seriously, this is not the time to plan evil, take-over-the-world, secret schemes that involve pulverizing other will definitely have a boomerang effect, and come right back atcha!

If you go to, you can read all about the scientific lunar eclipse.  Places in the USA will be able to see this.  I will be in a plane somewhere between the moon and New York City, so I feel more than a little excited.  This is a big one, not to be taken lightly...  Consider the changes you will confront.  Consider the purging and cleansing that will transpire.  Fear not the future, nor the past...  Move on toward a new world, a new you, a new dimension...

Bless the fae, the animals, the sick, elderly, abused, and underprivileged...

Stand under the stars, meditate under the moon.  Check to see where your transiting moon is in your personal chart.  I can help if you need it.  Go to my website, or send me an email at

May the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse transform you!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

New Moon & Solar Eclipse Manifest Your Dreams into Reality!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a New Moon and a Solar Eclipse on Sunday morning at 2:41 a.m., on September 13th. As usual, I am thrilled, thrilled, thrilled! And I love, love, love this one! Time to shake off the Piscean stardust from the last Pisces Full Moon and plant our souls in the safe, secure, nurturing ground of intelligent, efficient, no nonsense, multi-tasking, lets-get-down-to-business Virgo.  And not a minute too soon, or too late.  Thank you Virgo for always, always being time efficient.  And thank you so much, Virgo, for being there when we have awakened from our dreams and a year of Jupiter in Leo, partying with the fun loving aristocratic proud ruler.  We need you now.  Jupiter is now in Virgo.  We appreciate you and your clear instructions on exactly how we will make those dreams into our own zipped up, nicely organized, self-created, and most excellent reality.   You are so very, very appreciated.  (Virgo smiles in humble and smug satisfaction.)  The magical new moon and the glorious solar eclipse have arrived in perfect timing to begin the eclipse season for earthlings!  (But let's not forget, also, for the faeries, animal spirits, all elementals in the metaphysical realm, and of course, our living, breathing earthly creatures.)

 At a solar eclipse, the moon kisses the sun, and what is mysteriously tucked away by the waning darkness has now been joined to the bright light of the magnificent sun's rays.  The dreams and wishes from your last new moon, and your last solar eclipse, are now blazing into your reality.  The last full solar eclipse was in Pisces on March 20th, 2015!  So think back, and check your new moon journal since then.  What has transpired?  You definitely have experienced much since then.  Also, the last solar eclipse in Virgo was in 2007.  Think back to that time and see how far you have come. Analyze (Virgo) what you would like to change, or modify (another big Virgo word)  since that time.

When I look at the chart for this eclipse, I see that Uranus is a big influence.  Mercury is also a big player in the game.

-Uranus is aspecting Mars and Venus, possibly bringing  a sudden display of love and/or luxury.  Actually, both of those sound good.  :)

-Of course with Mars involved, it will be a strong force indeed.

-With the sun and moon aspecting Pluto, it could unveil truthfulness that is liberating, healing, transforming, yet possible upsetting, but ultimately for the better!

-The aspect between Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Virgo, reveals a spiritual, otherworldly depth, that struggles with expansion.  But that is the beauty of manifesting.  Our dreams are meant to be.  And we must strive to make them so.

-Mercury challenges all this to come out in the open.  With a t-square in Mercury, Pluto, and Uranus, I see a bright, beautiful spotlight on all of these aspects.

-The fire and electricity of Uranus, with the heat and rumblings of Pluto, are being revealed by the fast moving air element of Mercury in it's home space.  What does that mean?  Sudden truths and knowledge will most likely be communicated that will result in death and rebirth, and the inner rumblings of transformation. Don't be afraid of this.  We have had plenty of practice when Scorpio was working overtime with Pluto and Uranus for those 2 years.  Remember?  Who can forget?

-With Neptune and Pisces in Chiron, there is definitely some healing going on.  If you feel a little soft spot or some ouchiness, not to worry.  It's all for the best.  Remember?

ALL of this with the sign of Virgo means we have got this under control.  Ultimately, anything that is a struggle is really ok.  Anything that takes effort and detail and patience (whew), is really ok. Begin anew with this eclipse.  Continue on with your journals (Virgo loves this), and double check your past new moons to make sure you are on track and task.  Virgo loves this, too!  Set your dreams, goals, and wishes to be earthbound (Virgo is an earth sign, you know). This eclipse will last from 5-6 months, so take it very seriously.

 Go out in nature, walk barefoot in the grass, meditate under a tree, take a moontan (even though you can't see it, it's there).  Wink back at the stars.  Hang out with a Virgo.  Clean your house, your soul.   Redecorate your faerie villages.  Feed the birds and walk in the woods.  Life renews itself.  So should you.

You will want to check and see what house in your natal chart is affected by this eclipse.  If you need help and advice, you can email me at  You can also go to my website,, and check out my moon tips.  Go to the menu bar and click on The Mystical Moon.  Scroll down to see the pdf, and you can download it to print it out, to read about the moon information.

Let some time pass from this powerful eclipse, and begin your intentions after Wednesday, September 16th, at 5:47 p.m., when the void-of-course moons have ended.

-Write in your journals your powerful new moon intentions.
-Set up your new moon altar and continue your rituals.
-Begin acting on your inspiration.
-Meditate daily during this time.
-Continue connecting with nature.
-Spend time outside at night.
-Build a fire to celebrate the Sun and Uranus!

Enjoy this magnificent solar eclipse and new moon.
May the lunar force be with you.
May the solar light shine on you.
May you always experience goodness and peace.
