Friday, August 28, 2015

To Dream The Impossible Dream, A Pisces Full Moon

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a pretty Pisces Full Supermoon at 2:35 p.m. EDT, on August 29th, Saturday!

Can you feel it?  I bet you can. The magic is in the air. Your dreams are strange and exciting.  You may feel like doing things you usually don't feel. You want to dance on a moonbeam, swing on a star! Please don't feel like weeping, unless they are tears of joy and happiness.

This is the Piscean dream moon, the impossible dream.  You must dream the impossible dream...this is what life is all about.  Reality is not what you see before you. Your sweet dreams and your hopes 
and quests are your reality.  Listen to the song to remind you.  

Click on to see and hear Elvis sing The Impossible Dream.

Elvis Presley had a moon in Pisces, as did Martin Luther King, Jr., Michael Jackson, Frank Sinatra, Audrey Hepburn, Michelle Obama, Robin Williams, Leonardo da Vinci, Paul Newman, Paul Walker (sniff, sniff), Edgar Allan Poe.  The list is a long one as it goes on.  

The sign of Pisces usually gets an inaccurate rap sheet.  I am here to tell you.  I have lifelong experience of saturated Piscean and Neptunian birth aspects to toot my own horn of wisdom.  I am a Pisces Sun, with a strong Neptunian influence through multiple aspects between the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Pluto, and I have an 8th house natal sun which makes me extremely Scorpionic.  I have lived to tell the tale.  I am here to give you solid advice.

Many others will announce the moody, weepy, depressive, changeable reactions that you will possibly exprience during this full moon.  As the moon is beautifully conjuncting Neptune in Pisces, the warning horn blares out far and wide.  Lest we forget, the Neptunian manner of deception.  I am here to say.  There is more to Pisces than bi-polar, addictive, escapist, irrational behavior and thought process.  If you are a Pisces, you know what I mean. 

 Is it possible to become emotional, moody?   Why yes, yes it is.  As it is with many other moons.  The danger here lies in the fact that Pisces and Neptune have access to the depths and heights of spirituality, beauty, art, music, poetry, mysticism, humanitarianism, devotion, intellectualism, and yes, downright unquestionable, indisputable GENIUS! 

Is it any wonder that a Piscean soul, with all these talents and gifts bestowed upon them before birth would become confused, vulnerable, maybe depressed and emotional, and need to escape the pressures of brilliance through extraordinary means unknown to most mortals?  Of course.  However, having mastered the tendencies of the Neptunian mind, I can give you some tips.

Tips for a Pisces Full Moon 

1. For the next 3 days (or longer), avoid situations and people that may trigger any of the former negative tendencies, especially if you know for a fact that you do not have these Neptunian or Piscean qualities to begin with. 

2.  If your spouse or significant other cannot possibly understand this, then take time off from them.  Seriously.  It's not worth it.  Wait for the moon to pass.  

3.  Even if you are nowhere near emotional, moody, spiritual, sensitive, or addictive, you must realize there is a potential for these strange feelings to want to overwhelm you, quite outta-the-blue kind of thing.  

4.  Remember.  Pisces and Neptune possess magnificent attributes of....

     -Supreme artistic abilites, in any art form
     -Superior mental and intellectual abilities
     -A wide range of humanitarian interests and concerns
     -Laser sharp psychic and spiritual gifts
     -Intuition that is off the chart
     -Ability to speak to the spirits and souls on the other side.

5.  Forget about anything else this weekend unless it involves Neptunian activity...
      -Dancing, Singing, Playing, Acting, Theatre, Music
      -Writing, Poetry, Composing, Reading
      -Spiritual things, Meditation, Mysticism, Religion, Magic
      -Nature, Animals, Children

Please, Please AVOID people, places, or things that will trigger any dangerous addictions, relationship patterns, self-sabotaging behavior.  Sorry ladies, stay away from your man if you must!!

Instead, relish the amazing, once in a Pisces moon wonder and magic.  Do these things that I say and you will be glad you did.  The alignment of the planets will magnify the positive Piscean qualities.  It musn't be squandered.  

There is nearly a grand fire trine that will kindle the passion and action, and help to prevent waterlog on the brain and in the soul.  The Sun and Jupiter are in Virgo, and this helps the Piscean spirit keep your feet on earth, preventing you from spinning off into another realm and getting lost. 

I know all my friends are going to like this next one. There is a tight conjunction between Venus and Mars in Leo to keep the romance and passion hot and sizzling.  But be careful.  There is that Neptunian deception.  And the Mars temper.  Ouch.

Pluto is being sneaky and helping out the Sun in Virgo, keeping us earthbound.  But also slipping some covert assistance to his friend Neptune.  Watch out for secrets.  Watch out for more than what meets the eye.  Pluto likes that, and well, so does Neptune.
There are definately some challenges with the earth and water opposition. But the earth needs water for enrichment, and water needs earth for direction.  Sun and Jupiter in Virgo need Moon and Neptune in Pisces.  They complement each other.  They give each other what each one needs. Opposites attract.

Above all, have a great time.  Go out in the moonlight at night.  Cleanse yourself of fears and frustrations.  Charge your crystals under the moonlight.  Take a moontan.  Plant a moonflower.  Swing with the faeries and soar with the angels.  Talk to your deceased loved ones.  Just don't be surprised if you hear them talk back. 

Visit my website at  and click on The Mystical Moon in the menu bar to read my lessons on the full moon.  Send me an email at  Make sure you check your personal chart to see where your personal moon is located for this moon.  

And last but not least.... Dream the impossible dream...


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Grand and Glorious Leo New Moon!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

I am thrilled (Leo), and proud (Leo), to announce (Leo), the spectacular (Leo), New Moon in Leo, at 10:53 a.m. EDT, on Friday, August 14th.

And what a grand star of the show this lion truly is...this is Leo's last stand.  Jupiter is now in Virgo, but...Leo lives on, shining and lingering on in this New Moon, this current Sun, and also Mars, and Venus.  Strike up the band, go to a party, go out dancing, go see a show...or what the heck, YOU be IN the show!  You are the star of your show right now.  Lucky those (me) who have oodles of Leo in their natal charts, but ANY one can be royalty on this new moon day.  Leo is Royalty, so be Royal.

The new moon goes exact at 10:53 a.m. EDT.  And I am happy to say, you can start your intentions right away until around 12:30 a.m. EDT, the next morning, August 15th.
The Leo Sun, Moon, Venus, and Mars are all in wonderful aspect to Uranus, the planet of excitement, spontaneity, electricity, and thunderbolts! Jupiter is very, very close by in Virgo, and challenging everyone to make it right, make it good.  Mercury is in Virgo helping to guide us to make our plans down to earth and intense, deep, with Pluto.  Even good old Neptune is getting support from Pluto and Mars to sass us into some amazing creativity, spirituality, and good old Neptunian "party yourself into oblivion".  He He  :)

Who cares about the challenges in this moon?  This is the time to make it right.  Have fun.  Roll out the red carpet.  Set some outrageously lofty and ambitious goals and intentions.  Do it.  Make this one about you, you, you!!  Then you can help to make everyone else feel your happiness. And their happiness can affect you, too!

I strongly encourage you to check your personal chart to find out where this moon is, and how you can make the most of it!  Check out my website at and send me a contact,  click on my social media links at the bottom of every page on my site,  or send me an email with your questions to  Don't forget to make your Leo New Moon altar bright, bold, and beautiful.  For instructions on how to make new moon intentions and an altar, go to my website at, click on The Mystical Moon link at the top of the page, then scroll down to download a PDF of the instructions.  And P.S. Don't forget about the faeries!

This Leo moon is wonderful and exciting and musn't be ignored.

Shine on brightly like a Leo diamond and the Leo sun!
