Thursday, December 24, 2015

Happy Christmas Full Moon!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!    

Happy Christmas Full Moon.  The moon will be exactly full at 6:11 a.m. edt.  This is a perfect time to be opening those presents!  Or....enjoying a gorgeous moon morning being at home, comfortable, peaceful, and happy!  This moon is in Cancer and in a great aspect to enjoy your personal life, whether that means home, relationships, solitude, or just pampering yourself.  Cancer is the sign of home, hearth, and family, as well as personal contentment and self-love.  The moon also rules Cancer, which makes things nice and convenient for a Christmas morning.  If you don't do Christmas, take advantage of this time to enjoy a non-work day, and do something special for yourself.

Also, this is the first full moon on Christmas Day since 1977!  It's a great time to reflect on the past, and enjoy memories of days gone by.  Even if you weren't born by then, you can gather the old folks :) about and have them tell the tales of old.  Cancer moons love that stuff.

Because this is a water sign in it's ruling placement in a full moon, this is one of the most spiritual aspects that can be available to us humans. As it falls on a very special day for most people, I would take advantage of honoring relatives, friends, and animals that have long since passed over.  How perfect is this!  Visit them in the beyond, and don't be surprised if they drop in unexpectedly either, for a cup of cheer and conversation.  It's the right time to honor your religion and reflect on the the meaning of spirituality in your life.

All this makes perfect sense with a beautiful aspect between Neptune, the Moon, and Mars.  Neptune adds mystery, spirituality, fantasy, creativity, and beauty.  Mars gives all these things an extra power surge.  What a perfect time to have it all fall into place.

So what do do?

Love thyself.
Stay home.
Enjoy family, friends, and loved ones.
Honor the past.
Honor your religion.
Meditate or enjoy some astral travel.
Get creative.
Have fun.

Now for all you ambitous people who love work, work, and more work, you are lucky as well.  The moon opposes Capricorn, the sign of ambition, status, fame, career.  You can easily balance your personal and professional life with the Sun in Capricorn.  As a matter of fact, you must.  Soak up this energy for both home and work, and you will be able to reap the intensity for days to come.  Because I  like bi-quintiles (and I seem to be one of few who always look for these in a chart), I see Venus is aspecting Mars in the 10th house of career.  Don't be surprised if you get kissed by a co-worker under the mistle toe at the company Christmas party.  Or did you?  Hmmmm????  Or, don't be surprised if you get a little bonus from your boss that will work out in your favor.

With all that said, love and luck look good for a day!  Be careful when Uranus goes direct later that evening.  It may make for a crazy, zany week after.  Of course all this depends on your personal chart, and I can help you with that.  Email me at, or visit my website at  So many things depend on your personal chart.  I also have my holiday special going until January 31st, so you could take advantage of that as well.  Click on the link!magical-gift-special/nisex.  I will answer any questions and design your requests according to your wishes.

Let us not forget that, although this is a holiday full moon in many good aspects, it is still a full moon.  Because Cancer sometimes gets overly emotional and may not always experience the positive emotions, especially at a sensitive and delicate time of year, you must be cautious to activate in yourselves all things good and cheerful.  I realize some humans need to purge and release, and this is actually the perfect time to do this.  A full moon is a time to let go.  Go ahead and feel the distress or dark imaginings, then let them go.  Happiness is a must.

For tips on how to work the full moon, visit my website at, and click on the tab in the header, The Mystical Moon.  You can scroll down to download a pdf.  How wonderful the moon chose the sign of Cancer for it's home placement.  We only have one moon, our mystical and physical connection to the cosmos.  It is in a nice placement for honoring ourselves and our loved ones, as well as those dwelling in other worlds, and other dimensions.

The faeires will want to be home as well, so this is a perfect time to redo their living quarters, whether inside or out.  The angels are celebrating the time of the birth of Jesus, and the animals, of course, need special love and attention at this time.

Remember it is a day of peace, love, hope, and redemption.  Archangel Gabriel delivers the message to the world as a reminder of the sacred relationship between the spirit world and the physical world, between God and humanity.

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
Luke 2:10

Let this be a moon of good tidings and great joy!
Merry Christmas


Thursday, December 10, 2015

It's a Mixed-Up, Crazy Sagittarius Moon!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a New Moon in Sagittarius on Friday, December 11th at 5:29 a.m. edt.

Woo hoo....time to rock this Sag new moon, party your pants off.  Grab a Sag buddy, and do it.  Yes sir.  Let's do this.  Uh. But wait.  Let's just get a few things straight first.  "Boo", says good ol' boy (or girl) Sag.  Now.  We must face the facts here.

Frankly, it's a mixed bag.  There will be some tension coming from good old Neptune and Saturn.  No big surprise there.  Sag seems a little impatient with all that by now, as Saturn is in Sagittarius and squaring Neptune in Pisces.  With that Jupiter ruler hovering about, Sag is like, "OMG, let's just move on from this and force those dreams into crystalized reality, which is what Jupiter and Neptune really want anyways.  You know you really can force things."  Ok.  Good Luck and may the "force" be with you.  It could happen.  Mars (the man of action and aggression) will be a little ticked here, causing a ruckus with Uranus (sudden outta the blue suprises).  Pluto (the dark knight of the universe) is being sneaky.

The good news is....Venus, the planet of love, romance, hot stuff, and $$$ is doing rather nicely, thank you very much.  Love looks good here, people.  Especially when it's getting along well with Mercury this time around.  I see some good times, some magical times (Neptune).  The busiest place of activity on this cosmic wheel for this new moon is in the 5th house and the Midheaven.  Take advantage of fun, friends, romance, children, and yes, try your hand at the slots machines.  So Happy Holidays!  It's the most wonderful time of the year...

Notice the Sag like Diana arm movements and crowd frenzy.  Partaay!

However, once you have that bookmarked into your subconscious (seriously, watch out for "anything goes" in the area of parties, socializing, romance, boyfriend-girlfriend stuff, playing the big bad lotto, football, basketball, etc., etc.  You get my drift), know that there is also a 50/50 chance you might just win that big lotto mega-millions, nail that brand new "hottie" (yikes, sorry), have a rip-roaring time dancing on the table with a lampshade on your head!  Sag says "just do it"!  Anything big, bold, super-colossal is on the table and up for grabs.

 That includes, of course,  even the traditional courses of action (Saturn, you know). You may decide to go on a marathon weeks long attendance record at church (Jupiter), or even, say, travel to the holy land and snap some shots of the town of Bethlehem (Jupiter and travel).  After all, Sag has a deeper meaning to their adventures and escapades.  They may just write a book (Jupiter and publishing) about how important it is to be philosophically and religiously inclined in one's life.  We all should take note of that.  Raising $$ for the homeless, the animals, the children, or the needy.  That's a Sagittarius "must do".  They will fight for justice, either in the courtroom as a well schooled attorney, or at a massive gathering in front of a microphone.

So, plan your new moon intentions and wishes.  Get out your crystals and faerie dust.  Shake out your shiny, shimmery party dress (if you haven't already).  It's time to celebrate!  It's also time to give.  And give back...  Donate time and $$ to the new moon cause that moves you.  Or better yet!  Throw a party for someone who will be surprised and grateful.  Set your intentions right away when you wake up Friday, until later that evening.  The moon goes void of course at a 8:15 p.m. Friday evening, until 7:17 a.m. Saturday morning!  Guess what??  That's the perfect time to throw your holiday celebration!  Party all night long.

Check out my website for a holiday gift special I have going on right now.  Go to and click on Magical Gift Special here!magical-gift-special/nisex.  Email me with any questions, and if you would like to receive my moon notifications, write MOON in the email or subject line at

Have a Happy Sagittarius New Moon!

Diana, a true Sagittarius in every way!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Somewhere over the Rainbow....

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a sensational Full Moon in Gemini on Wednesday, November 25th, at 5:44 p.m. edt.

This is a gorgeous full moon full of blazing nightlight, desire, and delight!  Yes, it's true.  Isn't that wonderful??  Why, yes it is.  We also have a little of trickery and tension from the artful dodger himself, Gemini. Yet trickery and tension are oh-so-fun.  Desire and delight are, well, you know, pretty awesome.  And the sun in good old Sagittarius is full of grandiose dreams of adventure in far away lands, somewhere, say, like over the rainbow, maybe?

The  moon in Gemini is opposite the Sun in Sagittarius.  Gemini is chatty, social, and a party boy (or girl).  He loves to find mischief around the neighborhood.   Sagittarius loves to philosophize, psychologize, and travel the world in a day! (See Sag Diana at the bottom of this page.)   These two could really teach each other a lot.  Kind of like Dorothy and the Wizard of  Oz.  This is a moon with a zany, illusional, mixed up mash of energy of trying to have a great time, while searching for neverland and blinking your eyes, only to find you just exited a wild and crazy fantastical dream.

Included in this mix is the Neptunian dilemna.  Believe me.  Every astrologer on this planet is talking about this.  Of course, currently, this is extremely challenging.  And obviously with a full moon, it makes it nearly insane. Oy.  It's astrologically complicated.

So saith Sun in Sagittarius, "Oh, somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly, and the dream that you dare to, Oh, why oh why can't I?"

Saith the moon in Gemini, "If I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own backyard.  Because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with."

See what I mean?  Crazy.  Expect something like this to happen...

However.  You can find a way to make it work.

My advice for this moon is to grab a lifeline, and latch on to a good time. Enjoy intellectual and social activity.  The love forecast is secretly built into this moon.  If you blink, you miss it.  Cast a love spell for "love at home".  Venus in the 5th (love and romance) is doing a sweet little aspect to Jupiter in the 4th (home and hearth).  Spend a few hours socializing, planning a cruise to an exotic place (say, over the rainbow), then go home with your heart's desire and watch a fantasy movie.

I'm not going to lie to you.  There is plenty of tension and drama to be had here.  But look to the secret bright side.  Because there is one.  And learn from the metaphysical world.  Tension is just energy looking for direction.  So.  You be the director.  Take a trip to fantasy land, but don't forget to click your ruby slippers together so you make it back home.

Check out my website at for some full moon tips, by clicking the link on the header for the mystical moon.  Read some great tips for everything you need to know about the full moon.  Also, you can email me at for any specific questions about this moon, or any other moon.

P.S.  Cheers to Diana!  A true blue Sagittarius, if there ever was one....

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Have a mystical, magical full moon week and weekend...I have a hunch I think you will.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

New Moon in Sultry Scorpio...

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

The New Moon in Scorpio will be exact on Wednesday, November 11th, at 12:47 p.m. edt.

Finally.  A moon the girls (and guys, too) can be excited about.  I finally get to tell all the people that this is going to be a LOVE and ROMANCE moon. After many moons of Scorpio's stealth and smackdowns, we can see the benevolent side of a formidable master. Whew.  The questions have all revolved around relationships and love for the past couple years for a lot of people.  All those moons.  All those terrifying transits.  All that adjusting.  The wait. The tears.  The hopelessness.  Now, I'm not saying it's been like that for everyone, including me, but then again, you have to know how to handle that intense energy.  So if you have been following instructions and listening to all those astrologers and mystics, now is the time to reap relief from your agony!  Finally...

Click on the song to set the tone for this new moon.
Prepare thyself!

Plan on taking the day off...or...having a nice lunch break if you live on the east coast.  Make a day, or couple days, of it.  Enjoy this beautiful scorpionic energy. With the Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Scorpio, and Jupiter and Mars in Virgo, you can have intense, deep, sultry love (Scorpio), that is perfect (Virgo), and a little aggressive (Mars).  With Venus poised to hover into the 8th house of sex, $$$ , the spiritual world, and the mysterious psyche, (notice what they all have in common),  this calls for a time of a red-hot date with the desirable one of your choice.  Start out with dinner (or lunch) in a dark room with lots of candles, present each other with taboo (Scorpio) gifts (Venus), take it to a secret hiding place in a mysterious castle in a faraway land (or your own bedroom if you jazz it up a little), lock the door, throw away the key, and have at it.....

Metaphysically, you can create some lasting magic, with Saturn in a nice aspect with Mars and Jupiter.  Pluto in Capricorn in the house of hopes and dreams is well aspected with Jupiter in Virgo in the 7th house of relationships.  This calls for transformation and expansion of your relationship.  But with Capricorn and Virgo, it must be classy and perfect.  No messy, cluttered clothes, rooms, or appearances.  Call in the maid, buy the best champagne, and rent a costume, or buy a dress of the best quality and style. Because Saturn is also in good aspect with Venus and Mars, both in the 7th house for this moon, it is a good time to lay the foundation for a lasting legacy. The north node of the moon will soon leave Libra for Virgo this month.  This is a very karmic, fatalistic move that will allow us to reflect and improve on the changes that fate has blessed us with.  It has been in Libra since February of 2014, and has focused on relationships for so long that the balance must be struck. The wobbly uncertainty  must be removed or balanced.  With the moon and sun in Scorpio in the 9th house of travel, philosophy, and education, wouldn't it be great to hop on a plane and fly to an abandon castle in England or Spain? could always watch a great foreign film while you are alone and incognito with your lover.  Hmmmm???

Lest we forget, if you are more concerned with career, family, or health, this is a perfect time to focus on positive action.  The planets are auspicious for meeting with people who can make a difference in a positive direction.  Meditation, exercise, moonlighting, and starting a great health program is more than perfect for now.

Whatever area in your life you want to activate will expand and transform at this new moon and thereafter.  Focus on your journals, affirmations, the law of attraction, your vision boards, crystal therapy, and a new moon altar.  The following link from my blog 2 years ago will give you good information on preparing for a new moon. 

For this moon, focus on things that you are extremely intent on transforming and expanding in a spiritual and practical way.  After the eclipse cycle and intense past 3 years, this is one of those times you can make it happen.  Get your intentions ready on paper in your journals to activate right after the new moon is exact (and before you start your romantic escapades).  Continue manifesting until the void- of- course moon, which begins on November 12th, 9:54 a.m. until 10:14 a.m.  You will be able to revisit these intentions for the next 2 weeks on and off, but avoid void- of- course moons. Check the moon tables online to make sure.  There are frequent little ones coming up this week.

I want to remind you to remember the people, animals, metaphysical beings that would love some assistance with this new moon.  Of course, we have to take care of ourselves, but it would be a great time to donate $$$ and assistance to these needy or deserving beings.  The faeries love a good party outside near the garden and the trees, under the moonlight.  Our animals love affection and devotion. The spirits that dwell among us want to commune and converse with us.  I guarantee you can commune with the spirit world this week!

Visit my website at to see how I can help you with any questions you may have about this new moon.  Everyone needs to know their own personal moon and what is happening with these transits.  You can email me with any questions at, or to inquire about my services!

click to see

Have an exciting new moon, new life, new world!

Monday, October 26, 2015

A Full Moon to Remember...

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a brilliantly gorgeous full moon in Taurus on Tuesday, October 27th,  at 8:05 a.m. edt.  It is waxing intently, as we speak, into magnificence!  This is a moon you want to use to charge and energize all your crystals and trinkets.  Put out under the moon anything you want to see come alive with this awesome energy.  Put it right out there.  Under the moonlight.  Under the starlight.  All. Night. Long.  It's going to be a magical night.

Keep in mind the moon is in earthy Taurus. Jupiter, Venus, and Mars are in earthy Virgo. Solid, stable, rich, and comfortable.  The sun is in Scorpio.  Water.  Dark, glossy, shiny, shimmery.  Believe it or not, there is excellent potential here for some good stuff.  We have a very tight conjunction of the 3 planets in Virgo, aspecting Pluto and Neptune quite nicely.  The glamour and richness of Taurus, the solid backing and no-nonsense of Virgo, combined with the intense magnetism of Scorpio, and the dreamy fantasy of Neptune, allow for very, very  nice and enjoyable energy. There is a hidden aspect available (Mercury) to bring out some secret talents.  So.  If that is you....

It doesn't matter if you are penniless.  For a moment in time, you are richer than a king.

Think luxury.  Think rich.  Think feasting and singing.

Think Camelot.

Go out on the town.  Do it up,  And do it well.  Put aside all your troubles. Go out in the moonlight and "crush a cup" (Shakespeare).  Make a memory.  I'm not going to lie to you.  There are some tense nerves here with this one, too.  After all, it is a full moon. The sun is in Scorpio, and Pluto is activated.  Forget about all that. Seriously.  However, I definitely would not be with someone you don't want to be with.  For sure.  Don't waste a good opportunity with someone who will bring you down.

With Neptune adding to the mix, there is an element of fantasy, theatricality, imagination.  Focus on the good times...."those were the days, my friend, we thought they'd never end, we'd sing and dance forever and a day."
Click on the link and sing along to the song....

By later in the day on Tuesday, it gets even better, with some great energy forming a grand trine in the sky.  Just watch out for flying tempers, and impulsive mishaps.  No matter.  It's all good.

With the Faerie Holiday weekend coming up, Samhaim, All Hallow's Eve, and the harvest, it is time to celebrate one last time before we bunker down and burrow into the earth.  Check to see what house your personal moon is in.  If you need help, you can email me at, or visit my website at, for a personal consultation.

Have a glorious week of this stunning full moon!


Sunday, October 11, 2015

New Moon Monday, October 12th, The Road Not Taken and 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover....

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

The New Moon is in Libra on Monday, October 12th, at 8:06 p.m. edt.    

Let's get right to the point, and then I'll explain.

This new moon in Libra focuses on relationships. The good. The bad.  The ugly.  Yes, of course, there are other things, too, but with 3 planets in Virgo, 3 in Libra, all with a focus on challenges in relationships, this fact just simply cannot be denied.  As I study the sky for this moment, I am in awe of the hushing of the angels and the stillness of the faeries. I just can't quite grasp that it really doesn't seem like a new moon to me.  But it is.  So it is a time to start anew.

It is a time for forward motion.  The intensity of the last 3 years has brought us to the final waning of it all.  The release.  The regurgitation.  Pluto is out of retrograde. Saturn is now in Sagittarius. Venus will be clipping along at a steady speed. Mercury is direct. By December 25th, all planets will be direct.  We felt a sense of sttillness there for awhile, after it all, and especially since the dramatic entrance of the last Aries full moon. The eclipse, the retrogrades, the clashing of the giants, all of it has left us desperate for peace. And so it is.  Libra will desire it.  Virgo has prepared for it.

However.  You will no longer be able to pretend that some things you know that just don't seem quite right really are.  If you don't get what I'm saying, you won't. There is no other way to put it.

Within 2 minutes of the exact new moon, the sky moves quickly into a mutable grand cross.  The juggling act begins.  The balance must happen.  The Virgo preparation for the Libra balance must take place to achieve a sense of peace, completion, accomplishment.  To move forward into a lighter vibration, you must take the necessary inspired action steps to commence.  Hence, this is why we are offered this new moon.  I'm imagining that Libra is here to coax us to bring all that hard work we have been drudging through the last 2 months or so to a level of  a little bit of ease, so to speak, but only after we have come to the realization that our partnerships or relationships have morphed so unrecognizably (in most cases),  that we almost don't know who's who or what's what.

Now.  Good gracious, what do those two ideas possibly have in common?   Self growth, personal progress....vs.....friends, lovers, enemies, comrades?  Let's rethink this.  Virgo has caused us to mold our dreams and goals and necessitites into a workable machine of daily living and doing (Virgo perks up at this with satisfaction).   Rewind briefly through the last 3 years or so.  Total transformation.  I'm sure you barely recognize the people in your life, including yourself.  And through all this, you have discovered dreams and desires that you want, you must, you will see, manifested through to the end. Bravo!  Well done!  Just in the nick of time, when the journey has nearly ended, the cosmos blesses you with this incredible grand finale of an eclipse season.  With Virgo as a main player.  Yes, Virgo (who btw does not need center stage, but does find a way to get properly noticed, like the stage manager in a school play).  You know what you want, you are going for it.  With planning, determination, skill, and confidence, you set out on this new path, new journey, new life.  But wait!! Here's the rub.  With all that wonderful personal renewal, and of course, somewhat painful struggle to reinvent yourself, you have all these people you are stuck with, or more disconcerting, that are psychologically MIA.  So you see, you are left with the dilemna of  "Its a Wonderful Life" vs. "Gone With the Wind."  Hah.  Now what?  Your life partner has changed....or did you change?  Most of your relationships are unrecognizable, or non-existant.  (Oh dear, I sense Virgo is getting a little nervous and urging us to go back to the plan.  Stick to the plan.)

You. Must. Decide. Once. And. For. ALL.  Who is going with you on this incredible new journey? With whom are you going on their incredible new journey?  We are all together in this.  But.  We musn't drag along the baggage.  You must cut loose the chords.  If it's not working, if you're not inspired, if you're not inspiring them, let it go.  This applies to any relationship.  Friendship.  Love. Business.  Self.  Saying goodbye maybe doesn't mean they will disappear.  It means you are making way for healthy, new, inspiring, amazing relationships and partnerships.  

There must be 50 ways to leave your lover.

"The problem is all inside your head she said to me.  The answer is easy if you take it logically.  I'd like to help you in your struggle to be free. There must be 50 ways to leave your lover."  Paul Simon.

This time I encourage you to take some time to set your intentions.  This is not your ordinary new moon.  This is a time to appreciate how far you have come and all you are grateful for.  This is a time for what you know is about to transpire in your life in the coming months and years.  Ironically, in the complicated and extremely nervous looking placement of the planets in conjunction and aspect, the best relationships right now are the Saturnian ones.  The tried and true rock solid old traditional ones are the best. You know who you are.  The ones that at times, seem boring.  The ones that are loyal, faithful, honest, honorable.  The ones that seem old fashioned.  The ones that are true blue.

Even though our lives have seemed "gone with the wind" it is still "a wonderful life".  Embrace your new life and honor the past.  It's not a contradiction.  Take the road less traveled, yet respect how the path led you there to begin with.  That is how you move into your new life and honor the past.

Visit my website at and click on The Mystical Moon for information on how to manifest during the new and full moons.  But I have a sneaking suspicion that this one will take on a life of it's own.  Surprises are in store.  And life goes on.

May the mystery of the new moon be with you...

Friday, September 25, 2015

Full Moon & Total Lunar Eclipse, "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night..."

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a Full Moon and total Lunar Eclipse in Aries.  This will happen on Sunday eve, September 27th, at 10:50 p.m. eastern time.   This is huge.  This is deep.  This is Powerful.  Prepare for changes somewhere in your life.  You probably already feel it, yes?  You know you feel, sense, know something is very, very different. It may feel uncomfortable.  It may feel transforming.  Like a butterfly shedding a cacoon, a snake shedding it's skin. You are seeing your own karma come home to you.  The effects will last a long time...

This is appropriately called the Blood Moon, or the Harvest Moon.  I take those terms symbolically. The bleeding of the toxins and the harvesting of the soul.  I'm sure most astronomers and scientists would roll their  eyes at that one and snicker, too.  But this is a very important eclipse metaphysically, as it is on the heals of Saturn leaving Scorpio, the Uranus/Pluto square, Pluto turning direct, and Mercury moving retrograde, and lest we forget, the Autumn equinox, and the Sun in Libra. 

Ahhhh.....the complications of it all. Aside from the fact that Aries is a warrior, this will be opposing Libra, challenging the status of relationships.  Any kind of relationship.   Plus. There is a challenging aspect with Neptune, Saturn, and Mars, admidst many other squares and tensions.  Of course, never to be outdone, with Pluto going direct on the 25th, it also squares Mercury.  And that sneaky femme fatale Venus is conjuncting Mars, squaring the moon, and aspecting Uranus.  They don't call it femme "fatal-e" for nothin'.

Call me crazy, but this is what I see.  A jealous lover (Venus in Leo) will blow a fuse (Uranus in Aries) agressively (Mars) over carefully concealed top secret information (Venus and the Moon).  Or something like that.  I hope I'm wrong.  

My advice is to hide out.  Purchase an invisibility cloak right now, at any cost.  I'm sure you can have one overnighted at an escalated cost (if there are any left over to sell at this point)!  :)  Take lessons from Harry Potter and just do it.  Be brave.  Find an old castle to hide out in too so NOONE finds you.  While that may be hard to do, when you do get the chance, bunker down in seclusion.  When you're out in public, say very little, or...... say very good, kind, wonderful, beautiful things (that's the Pisces/Leo in me!).   Seriously, this is not the time to plan evil, take-over-the-world, secret schemes that involve pulverizing other will definitely have a boomerang effect, and come right back atcha!

If you go to, you can read all about the scientific lunar eclipse.  Places in the USA will be able to see this.  I will be in a plane somewhere between the moon and New York City, so I feel more than a little excited.  This is a big one, not to be taken lightly...  Consider the changes you will confront.  Consider the purging and cleansing that will transpire.  Fear not the future, nor the past...  Move on toward a new world, a new you, a new dimension...

Bless the fae, the animals, the sick, elderly, abused, and underprivileged...

Stand under the stars, meditate under the moon.  Check to see where your transiting moon is in your personal chart.  I can help if you need it.  Go to my website, or send me an email at

May the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse transform you!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

New Moon & Solar Eclipse Manifest Your Dreams into Reality!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a New Moon and a Solar Eclipse on Sunday morning at 2:41 a.m., on September 13th. As usual, I am thrilled, thrilled, thrilled! And I love, love, love this one! Time to shake off the Piscean stardust from the last Pisces Full Moon and plant our souls in the safe, secure, nurturing ground of intelligent, efficient, no nonsense, multi-tasking, lets-get-down-to-business Virgo.  And not a minute too soon, or too late.  Thank you Virgo for always, always being time efficient.  And thank you so much, Virgo, for being there when we have awakened from our dreams and a year of Jupiter in Leo, partying with the fun loving aristocratic proud ruler.  We need you now.  Jupiter is now in Virgo.  We appreciate you and your clear instructions on exactly how we will make those dreams into our own zipped up, nicely organized, self-created, and most excellent reality.   You are so very, very appreciated.  (Virgo smiles in humble and smug satisfaction.)  The magical new moon and the glorious solar eclipse have arrived in perfect timing to begin the eclipse season for earthlings!  (But let's not forget, also, for the faeries, animal spirits, all elementals in the metaphysical realm, and of course, our living, breathing earthly creatures.)

 At a solar eclipse, the moon kisses the sun, and what is mysteriously tucked away by the waning darkness has now been joined to the bright light of the magnificent sun's rays.  The dreams and wishes from your last new moon, and your last solar eclipse, are now blazing into your reality.  The last full solar eclipse was in Pisces on March 20th, 2015!  So think back, and check your new moon journal since then.  What has transpired?  You definitely have experienced much since then.  Also, the last solar eclipse in Virgo was in 2007.  Think back to that time and see how far you have come. Analyze (Virgo) what you would like to change, or modify (another big Virgo word)  since that time.

When I look at the chart for this eclipse, I see that Uranus is a big influence.  Mercury is also a big player in the game.

-Uranus is aspecting Mars and Venus, possibly bringing  a sudden display of love and/or luxury.  Actually, both of those sound good.  :)

-Of course with Mars involved, it will be a strong force indeed.

-With the sun and moon aspecting Pluto, it could unveil truthfulness that is liberating, healing, transforming, yet possible upsetting, but ultimately for the better!

-The aspect between Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Virgo, reveals a spiritual, otherworldly depth, that struggles with expansion.  But that is the beauty of manifesting.  Our dreams are meant to be.  And we must strive to make them so.

-Mercury challenges all this to come out in the open.  With a t-square in Mercury, Pluto, and Uranus, I see a bright, beautiful spotlight on all of these aspects.

-The fire and electricity of Uranus, with the heat and rumblings of Pluto, are being revealed by the fast moving air element of Mercury in it's home space.  What does that mean?  Sudden truths and knowledge will most likely be communicated that will result in death and rebirth, and the inner rumblings of transformation. Don't be afraid of this.  We have had plenty of practice when Scorpio was working overtime with Pluto and Uranus for those 2 years.  Remember?  Who can forget?

-With Neptune and Pisces in Chiron, there is definitely some healing going on.  If you feel a little soft spot or some ouchiness, not to worry.  It's all for the best.  Remember?

ALL of this with the sign of Virgo means we have got this under control.  Ultimately, anything that is a struggle is really ok.  Anything that takes effort and detail and patience (whew), is really ok. Begin anew with this eclipse.  Continue on with your journals (Virgo loves this), and double check your past new moons to make sure you are on track and task.  Virgo loves this, too!  Set your dreams, goals, and wishes to be earthbound (Virgo is an earth sign, you know). This eclipse will last from 5-6 months, so take it very seriously.

 Go out in nature, walk barefoot in the grass, meditate under a tree, take a moontan (even though you can't see it, it's there).  Wink back at the stars.  Hang out with a Virgo.  Clean your house, your soul.   Redecorate your faerie villages.  Feed the birds and walk in the woods.  Life renews itself.  So should you.

You will want to check and see what house in your natal chart is affected by this eclipse.  If you need help and advice, you can email me at  You can also go to my website,, and check out my moon tips.  Go to the menu bar and click on The Mystical Moon.  Scroll down to see the pdf, and you can download it to print it out, to read about the moon information.

Let some time pass from this powerful eclipse, and begin your intentions after Wednesday, September 16th, at 5:47 p.m., when the void-of-course moons have ended.

-Write in your journals your powerful new moon intentions.
-Set up your new moon altar and continue your rituals.
-Begin acting on your inspiration.
-Meditate daily during this time.
-Continue connecting with nature.
-Spend time outside at night.
-Build a fire to celebrate the Sun and Uranus!

Enjoy this magnificent solar eclipse and new moon.
May the lunar force be with you.
May the solar light shine on you.
May you always experience goodness and peace.


Friday, August 28, 2015

To Dream The Impossible Dream, A Pisces Full Moon

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a pretty Pisces Full Supermoon at 2:35 p.m. EDT, on August 29th, Saturday!

Can you feel it?  I bet you can. The magic is in the air. Your dreams are strange and exciting.  You may feel like doing things you usually don't feel. You want to dance on a moonbeam, swing on a star! Please don't feel like weeping, unless they are tears of joy and happiness.

This is the Piscean dream moon, the impossible dream.  You must dream the impossible dream...this is what life is all about.  Reality is not what you see before you. Your sweet dreams and your hopes 
and quests are your reality.  Listen to the song to remind you.  

Click on to see and hear Elvis sing The Impossible Dream.

Elvis Presley had a moon in Pisces, as did Martin Luther King, Jr., Michael Jackson, Frank Sinatra, Audrey Hepburn, Michelle Obama, Robin Williams, Leonardo da Vinci, Paul Newman, Paul Walker (sniff, sniff), Edgar Allan Poe.  The list is a long one as it goes on.  

The sign of Pisces usually gets an inaccurate rap sheet.  I am here to tell you.  I have lifelong experience of saturated Piscean and Neptunian birth aspects to toot my own horn of wisdom.  I am a Pisces Sun, with a strong Neptunian influence through multiple aspects between the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Pluto, and I have an 8th house natal sun which makes me extremely Scorpionic.  I have lived to tell the tale.  I am here to give you solid advice.

Many others will announce the moody, weepy, depressive, changeable reactions that you will possibly exprience during this full moon.  As the moon is beautifully conjuncting Neptune in Pisces, the warning horn blares out far and wide.  Lest we forget, the Neptunian manner of deception.  I am here to say.  There is more to Pisces than bi-polar, addictive, escapist, irrational behavior and thought process.  If you are a Pisces, you know what I mean. 

 Is it possible to become emotional, moody?   Why yes, yes it is.  As it is with many other moons.  The danger here lies in the fact that Pisces and Neptune have access to the depths and heights of spirituality, beauty, art, music, poetry, mysticism, humanitarianism, devotion, intellectualism, and yes, downright unquestionable, indisputable GENIUS! 

Is it any wonder that a Piscean soul, with all these talents and gifts bestowed upon them before birth would become confused, vulnerable, maybe depressed and emotional, and need to escape the pressures of brilliance through extraordinary means unknown to most mortals?  Of course.  However, having mastered the tendencies of the Neptunian mind, I can give you some tips.

Tips for a Pisces Full Moon 

1. For the next 3 days (or longer), avoid situations and people that may trigger any of the former negative tendencies, especially if you know for a fact that you do not have these Neptunian or Piscean qualities to begin with. 

2.  If your spouse or significant other cannot possibly understand this, then take time off from them.  Seriously.  It's not worth it.  Wait for the moon to pass.  

3.  Even if you are nowhere near emotional, moody, spiritual, sensitive, or addictive, you must realize there is a potential for these strange feelings to want to overwhelm you, quite outta-the-blue kind of thing.  

4.  Remember.  Pisces and Neptune possess magnificent attributes of....

     -Supreme artistic abilites, in any art form
     -Superior mental and intellectual abilities
     -A wide range of humanitarian interests and concerns
     -Laser sharp psychic and spiritual gifts
     -Intuition that is off the chart
     -Ability to speak to the spirits and souls on the other side.

5.  Forget about anything else this weekend unless it involves Neptunian activity...
      -Dancing, Singing, Playing, Acting, Theatre, Music
      -Writing, Poetry, Composing, Reading
      -Spiritual things, Meditation, Mysticism, Religion, Magic
      -Nature, Animals, Children

Please, Please AVOID people, places, or things that will trigger any dangerous addictions, relationship patterns, self-sabotaging behavior.  Sorry ladies, stay away from your man if you must!!

Instead, relish the amazing, once in a Pisces moon wonder and magic.  Do these things that I say and you will be glad you did.  The alignment of the planets will magnify the positive Piscean qualities.  It musn't be squandered.  

There is nearly a grand fire trine that will kindle the passion and action, and help to prevent waterlog on the brain and in the soul.  The Sun and Jupiter are in Virgo, and this helps the Piscean spirit keep your feet on earth, preventing you from spinning off into another realm and getting lost. 

I know all my friends are going to like this next one. There is a tight conjunction between Venus and Mars in Leo to keep the romance and passion hot and sizzling.  But be careful.  There is that Neptunian deception.  And the Mars temper.  Ouch.

Pluto is being sneaky and helping out the Sun in Virgo, keeping us earthbound.  But also slipping some covert assistance to his friend Neptune.  Watch out for secrets.  Watch out for more than what meets the eye.  Pluto likes that, and well, so does Neptune.
There are definately some challenges with the earth and water opposition. But the earth needs water for enrichment, and water needs earth for direction.  Sun and Jupiter in Virgo need Moon and Neptune in Pisces.  They complement each other.  They give each other what each one needs. Opposites attract.

Above all, have a great time.  Go out in the moonlight at night.  Cleanse yourself of fears and frustrations.  Charge your crystals under the moonlight.  Take a moontan.  Plant a moonflower.  Swing with the faeries and soar with the angels.  Talk to your deceased loved ones.  Just don't be surprised if you hear them talk back. 

Visit my website at  and click on The Mystical Moon in the menu bar to read my lessons on the full moon.  Send me an email at  Make sure you check your personal chart to see where your personal moon is located for this moon.  

And last but not least.... Dream the impossible dream...


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Grand and Glorious Leo New Moon!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

I am thrilled (Leo), and proud (Leo), to announce (Leo), the spectacular (Leo), New Moon in Leo, at 10:53 a.m. EDT, on Friday, August 14th.

And what a grand star of the show this lion truly is...this is Leo's last stand.  Jupiter is now in Virgo, but...Leo lives on, shining and lingering on in this New Moon, this current Sun, and also Mars, and Venus.  Strike up the band, go to a party, go out dancing, go see a show...or what the heck, YOU be IN the show!  You are the star of your show right now.  Lucky those (me) who have oodles of Leo in their natal charts, but ANY one can be royalty on this new moon day.  Leo is Royalty, so be Royal.

The new moon goes exact at 10:53 a.m. EDT.  And I am happy to say, you can start your intentions right away until around 12:30 a.m. EDT, the next morning, August 15th.
The Leo Sun, Moon, Venus, and Mars are all in wonderful aspect to Uranus, the planet of excitement, spontaneity, electricity, and thunderbolts! Jupiter is very, very close by in Virgo, and challenging everyone to make it right, make it good.  Mercury is in Virgo helping to guide us to make our plans down to earth and intense, deep, with Pluto.  Even good old Neptune is getting support from Pluto and Mars to sass us into some amazing creativity, spirituality, and good old Neptunian "party yourself into oblivion".  He He  :)

Who cares about the challenges in this moon?  This is the time to make it right.  Have fun.  Roll out the red carpet.  Set some outrageously lofty and ambitious goals and intentions.  Do it.  Make this one about you, you, you!!  Then you can help to make everyone else feel your happiness. And their happiness can affect you, too!

I strongly encourage you to check your personal chart to find out where this moon is, and how you can make the most of it!  Check out my website at and send me a contact,  click on my social media links at the bottom of every page on my site,  or send me an email with your questions to  Don't forget to make your Leo New Moon altar bright, bold, and beautiful.  For instructions on how to make new moon intentions and an altar, go to my website at, click on The Mystical Moon link at the top of the page, then scroll down to download a PDF of the instructions.  And P.S. Don't forget about the faeries!

This Leo moon is wonderful and exciting and musn't be ignored.

Shine on brightly like a Leo diamond and the Leo sun!


Thursday, July 30, 2015

Happy Blue Summer Full Moon!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

We have a pretty Blue Moon in Aquarius at 6:42 a.m. on Friday, July 31st.   This moon will want to focus on the talents of Neptune, and the electricity, or "shock value" of Uranus....add to this the nice aspect between Uranus and Jupiter and Mercury, and well, that's good! (In the words of Forrest Gump, who was probably Aquarius somewhere in his sun or ascendant.)  And Neptune is, of course, friends with Pluto right now.

The normally moody feeling, lovey-dovey moon is in a very cerebral, yet.... creative mood here.  I like Aquarius.  It's a nice change.  No drama of the fire signs, no moodiness of the water signs, no stubbornness of the earth signs. So. We have the moon in an air sign.  Well now. That's a welcoming change.

Aquarius is intellectual.  Very expansive.  Inventive.  Electrical.  Benevolent.  Interested.  Interesting. Visionary.  Hey, why not?  But you see what this does to the moon.  Emotions may be cooled.  Distant.  Aloof.  Unattainable.  Ouchie!  Not so good for love affairs, or if you are on the receiving end.  Don't be surprised if "what's his face" doesn't answer the phone for a couple days.  But.  The good thing about Venus this time around is it is aspecting Saturn quite nicely.  The position of stable, traditional, reliable, conservative-ish relationships.  Don't get me wrong.  With Venus, nothing is overly conservative and certainly not stuffy.  And lest we forget, it is retrograde now.  But I think this is good.  Time to settle down for a bit.  Hmm??

So back to Neptune and the Moon and Uranus.  I spotted a needle in a haystack.  When one is looking for the bright spot in a moon reading, because there are some challenging aspects with this moon and this sun, after all, it's a full moon, one can see these hidden little things.  There are 2 little biquintiles from the moon.  I say.  Use your lunar urgings, your Neptune creativity, and your uranian ingenuity to conjure up something to put yourself out there.  Let's say, I don't know, music, dance, writing, magic, and some fireworks, inventions.   And, well, the trickster moon, too.  This is also a magician's moon, with this little secret aspect to Uranus and Neptune. You can actually conjure something up with your significant other.   Even though the sun is in Leo, opposing the Moon, you should benefit from the solar attention you give to each other.

The Leo sun is blazing and glorious.  It is the royal highness of the zodiac, wanting to focus on me, me, me!!  Well, Aquarius might want to say, "them, them, them". Uh. Well.  Work it out.  It really shouldn't be tooo tooo tough.  After all, deep down inside Leo is really a nice guy, and so is Aquarius.  So, let's all just be friends.  Shall we?   Hmm??  Try not to dominate and control (Leo). Try not to be hard-to-get and snooty (Aquarius).

At the end of  a beautiful summer Leo day, we have an enchanting Aquarius blue moon!  Bring out the faeries and the spirit animals, the angels and the spirit guides, and friends and relatives that have gone before us.  Aquarius will love that!!

Email me at or visit my website at  for a detailed astro moon chart or tarot reading!

May the beautiful blue moon be with you....

Friday, June 26, 2015

Midsummer, Moons, Retrogrades, and Fae!

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

All I can say to begin wonderful and how dangerous things are and will be!

We have had a magnificent Midsummer week with the fae, elementals, and the cosmos....with World Faerie Day and week,   a wonderful quarter waxing moon, major planets going retrograde....with more to come, a glorious grand water trine, and a soon to be powerful and dangerous full moon.  Amazing!

Here are the facts.

-Fae and elementals are migrating by the legions and legions to North America, bringing with them many ancient warriors, knights, animals, Atlanteans, and mystic star people.  They are here to help, heal, protect!

-The cosmos is catapulting at vibrational light speed while Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, and Venus will all be retrograde by July 25th.  Talk about moving forward while looking back.....

-The moons have been and will be intense for months to come.

-The wonder and majesty of midsummer with the grand water trine is magnificently awakening.  It is a gift from the gods at a time of fear and trepidation.

I would say, even if you are an unbeliev  er, give the elementals a chance?  Do you like trees and gardens?  Do you like oceans and forests?  Do you like rivers and sky?  Well, then, that is all that is necessary.  Open up your mind and heart to know that there are beautiful and magical creatures that exist very, very nearby, that care deeply for earth, nature, and human life.

The retrograde planets give humans a chance to review their journeys.  Also, this gives second chances to change any karmic situations that will effect your future.   We are for sure finally full blown into the new era, since the end of the age of the mayan calendar, and the entre into the 5th dimension.  And let me tell you, that is just the beginning.....

The full moon on July 1st and 2nd will be extremely powerful.  The moon in Capricorn is conjunct Pluto in Capricorn.  This means serious power that can be ruthless if it wants to.  These are opposing the Sun in Cancer conjuncting Mars in Cancer.  Very touchy feely, with possible emotional outbursts, hostility, and hopefully not.....violence.   Capricorn is very masculine, immovable, cold, and Cancer is very feminine, emotional, mixed with Mars, hot and fiery.

 First bit of advice, don't make your momma mad!!  Secondly, and here's the good news, Venus is nicely aspected to Jupiter in Leo in the area of relationships and marriages.  Whew!!  (Wiping sweat off my forehead)  This can make for some hot, steamy, passionate LUUUVVV, or confrontations that you do NOT want to be in the middle of, least of all at the receiving end.  All this depends on your personal moon and transiting astro chart.  Contact me to get help and advice at  Or any astrologer.  At this point, I would say this is absolutely necessary.  It's a deliTcate situation and should be taken seriously.

Thankfully, Neptune is in beautiful aspects, especially with the water trine.  This can be to the glory of the mystics, poets, artists, musicians.....anything involving fantasy and beauty, benevolence and humanitarianism.  Also here is the best part.  Spirituality will  be off the chart.  You should try to have a soul talk with departed loved ones.  They will be there, waiting.  Trust me.  :)  Avoid escapism, addictions, hostility, fear, and depression.  Musn't give them power during this time.

This leaves us with the best advice.  Help others.  Especially the downtrodden, lonely, sick, and abandoned.  Including non-humans.  Light your candles, spread your faerie dust, burn your herbs, gather your crystals, and soak up that moonlight.  I bet you will see a faerie....or two.

May the mystical magic be with you....

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

New Moon Magic, Tranquility and Turbulence...

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

As the New Moon moves out of void-of-course and into Cancer, there is an interesting dynamic taking place here. Firstly, I see a lot of fire and water blending and rumbling.  Secondly, I see some interesting energy with the air element in Lilith and North Node.  Now, since Venus and Jupiter are playing nice with each other, I see this as a good sign for lovers....maybe.  Don't get too, too comfortable as we have little old Mercury kinda playing tricks on us as it coagulates with Venus and squares off with Neptune and Uranus.  It's like the artful dodger (Mercury), playing smoke and mirrors (Neptune), while trying to act all lovey dovey (Cancer), but secretly enjoying some underhanded secret mission (lilith), that leaves one reeling from the magicians trick of "now you see it, now you don't".  Wo.  It's almost like Mercury thinks it's still retrograde.  Call me crazy but I smell a "player".  Or heck.  You could turn the tables and be the player yourself. Neptunian and Mercurial would that be?   Hmmm??

Ok, enough of that.  I always sense these underlying things things coming to the surface when I look at the moon charts.  Must be the exalted moon in me.  Now.  Where were we?  Back to Thirdly.  There is a huge awakening, with a sideways glance, with the major planets gone retrograde.  The newest retro is dear old Neptune.  Hence, you have the ebb and flow of confusion, uncomfortableness, maybe fear, with a little drop of nirvana, dreaminess, and existentialism (woo,woo for fancy words)!  It does seem a little confusing now, hmmmm??  In your personal chart many issues will back up and retread some worn ground.  You know the poem by Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken.  "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.....and sorry I could not travel both...."  look it up, great poem for this new moon.  This may very well be your chance to travel both ways, as "way leads on to way."

Well I'm definitely going off on a tangent, but not getting off track, if you know what I mean.  That's what this new moon phase will do to you.  You'll go back and forth.  Feeling good, feeling strange.   Just stay away from the tricksters.

Finally, this moon has very strong energy with ambitious, energetic, foreceful Mars, riding right alongside the moon and the sun.  I would set some very powerful intentions.  Once you get over the shock of the rocking back and forth, that is.  Look to where your moon is in your personal chart and think of things that you want to devote your energy to  for another month.  I see this phase as a very personal mission.  You know what you're up against.  And you know what supports you.  You should actually be very successful.  After all, it's a very good moon.  A very wonderful new moon.  Aren't they all.....



Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Full Moon in Sag, Cheers to Diana! Dream Big, but carefully....

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!
Full moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday, June 2nd at 12:19 p.m. edt.

I, for one, am super excited about this moon.  I feel lucky, I feel happy, I anticipate great, great things....but I am a Neptunian with a Solar and Uranian rising, and best friends with Jupiter. All of my ruling and acting planets are currently aligned auspiciously.  So.  It's easy for me to be optimistic under the current cosmic climate.

Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sag. It is also the ancient ruler of Pisces, and currently Jupiter is in Leo, a solar lazer beam just waiting for the moment to blaze a path of radiant glory! could not get any better than this.  Sag, Pisces, Leo, Gemini, wait.....what??  Did I say Gemini?  Well, yes I did.  That little trickster who is ruled by Mercury, who is now retrograding at a clipping speed, tripping up and hopping from sunbeam to moonbeam as we speak.  Ah, well.  With the Sun in Gemini and the moon in Sag, we have some opportunities and some challenges.  Sag wants to expand, travel beyond, visit the unknown, and the moon is emotional, earthly, maternal, cranky.  Gemini is mental, aloof, mischievious, scattered, and the sun is bold, dominant, bright.  I believe this can work, but with caution.  Because, you see, well, Uranus is involved here, and anything can happen.

So the moon here has a lot of tension this time.  The sun has a lot of tension.  But both are being friendly with Jupiter, who happens to be a major player.  Uranus is being friendly with both, including Mars. Therefore, we have a grand water trine.  Hence, my optimism.  This can be really, really good.  Just be careful with that Mercury.  And, of course, the moon.    Lest we forget, the moon is FULL!!  Ahem..... There also appears to me to be a grand square, quadruple cross thing going on. Uh.  Doesn't look pleasant.  And Neptune is definitely challenging everyone here.
Neptune seems to want to defy the cosmos, and say, "Be careful what you wish just may get it."   And here we have the icing on the cake.  My advice is to take all this beautiful Jupiterian energy and mix it up with the artistic, metaphysical, beauty of Neptune, the radiant glory of the sun, the misty, moody, mystery of the moon.

What about love, you say?  We-ell.....Venus says use caution.  Venus is aspecting Saturn, positively. I wouldn't take any chances.  Stick to caution, and remember your karma.  The nodes and chiron are touchy feely right now, so don't let that come into contact with your personal moon.

Focus on the good life!!  But be careful with crazy people. Don't be fooled by the pretenders. Easy on the drinking, the gambling, the wild parties.  Well, ok, not too easy.  Get artistic.  Get spiritual.  Blend the energy of the moon and the sun to get a star.  Get intense.  Get happy.  Dream Big.  But be careful....

Cheers to Diana, the Archer!  The ultimate Jupiterian Sag!!  :)


P.S.  See my previous posting for all my services!  Contact me for a private consultation.