Thursday, June 26, 2014

New Moon in June Musings

Welcome Fellow Metaphysicians! 
The New Moon is upon us....Friday morning, June 27th, in the wee hour of the eastern time zone, the moon will become anew at 4:08 a.m.  This moon is in the sign of Cancer and it looks pretty friendly!  There are a few nice aspects between Neptune in Pisces and the Moon in Cancer, and the Sun in Cancer, as well as good old little Mercury in Gemini, who is behaving himself right then.  This is a spectacular array of watery goodness with lots of shimmery glowing happening.  Just picture a sunny day over the ocean (sun and moon trine Neptune), with the seagulls and birds gliding about (Mercury in Gemini).  I can imagine right now a glimmery, shimmery sparkly scene of glowing, flowing ocean waves....(great visualization technique).  Ahhh...Lest we forget, there is that pesky Mars and  Uranus squaring and cardinal cross in the background, but with all this watery richness, I think we all can make a really nice time of it!
So, first thing's first....what is a "new moon"?

The BEST and simplest explanation I have found on a new moon is from  It's a great sight that explains all the details about the phases of the moon!
"On the day of new moon, the moon rises when the sun rises. It sets when the sun sets. It crosses the sky with the sun during the day. That’s why we can’t see the new moon in the sky. It is too close to the sun’s glare to be visible. Plus its lighted hemisphere is facing away from us.  Then a day or two later, the moon reappears, in the west after sunset. Then it’s a slim waxing crescent visible only briefly after sunset – what some call ayoung moon.  Each new lunar cycle is measured beginning at each new moon. Astronomers call one lunar cycle a lunation.   As the moon orbits Earth, it changes phase in an orderly way."
Astroloogically, the moon will go through different signs of the zodiac.  In her article "New Moon Magic", Molly Hall explains, "When the Moon is new, the Luminaries -- the  Sun and Moon -- are aligned in the same Zodiac sign.  That makes it a charged time with concentrated energies of that sign.  A New Moon is a symbolic point of attention, and a symbolic portal for new beginnings."
So, here we go.  We have a new moon in Cancer, which means it's a great time to set intentions toward dreams, goals, wishes of the heart, and receive some cosmic energy to help these things along.  Cancer is the sign of home and hearth!  It is also a sign of intense emotions, mothering and motherhood, possessiveness, and sentimentality for all things near and dear to the heart!  So far, so good.  The energy can help you hook up to your wishes on a deep, soul level.   Cancer is also a water dweller, and is a water sign.  Cancer the crab has a hard shell of protection.  What a great time to build up a wall of protection for what we hold near and dear!  
At the time of the new moon, it is a MUST to set your intentions (which will hopefully see fulfillment by the next full moon), at the right timing.  Usually we humans have a window of many hours (unless the moon is void of course).  This time the best time to set intentions for this new moon is between 4:08 a.m. Fri. morning and Saturday, 9:00 p.m.  Also, it's a good idea to check your moon sign and transit chart to see where you will be influenced in your life right now!  I can do both for you for $9.99.  Just send me an email at and I will instruct you on what I need.  I will definitely need a birth day, year, place, and time (if you know it).
There are many ways to set intentions.  You may change as time goes by, some cycles being more elaborate than others.  The first thing to do is keep the moon phases in your journal, and record your desires nicely when the times come!  I make little lists, sometimes long essays, sometimes little sketches or quotes, but I always am thoughtful and peaceful while doing so.  A more elaborate  technique is to set up a little new moon altar (just like a 3d visualization) to really charge the energy! The photo here is an "all purpose" example I designed to give you ideas to help you get started.  I placed various little things on a mirror (to magnify the energy) at the time of my intentions. Also, I put little gifts for the faeries to honor their presence at these special times! 
The candles are for illuminating, stones and crystals for energizing, oils and sprays for clearing, flowers or plants for grounding, my favorite angel tarot cards for extra power, little trinkets of things I love and would like to manifest!  Playing music and meditating adds depth, mood and concentration to your ritual.  For this particular new moon, adding elements of water would be very auspicious!  You could add little fountains of flowing water, or just bowls and cups, or pictures of water.  I know I will enjoy setting my intentions tomorrow because I have a natal moon in Cancer, with a lot of great aspects transiting through this moon!  
I wish you a happy new moon and cheerful manifesting of all your dreams and wishes!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Mystical Magic at Harmonic Journeys Holistic Fair

Greetings Fellow Metaphysicians!

Mystical Magic will be at Harmonic Journeys Holistic Fair in Wickliffe, Ohio, on the weekend of June 27th, 28th, 29th.  See the attached flyer for details, or visit for all the information you will need.

I will be giving Angel, Faerie, and Romance card readings on Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.,  (except for my workshop on Saturday at 4:15 p.m.).  The readings are 20.00 per person.  Email me at..., or visit my website,  for any specific or personal questions you may have.

I will also be giving a workshop on Saturday, June 28th at 4:15 pm to 5:15 pm on "How to successfully manifest through the magic of visualization." The fee is $25.00 per person.  I will be sharing personal success stories, my own techniques of manifesting magically, and giving a guided lesson in helping you to manifest your heart's desires!                                                          

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Simple, yet Magical steps to Creative Visualization!

Greetings fellow Metaphysicians!

Be prepared to experience a significant change in yourself and your life when you follow consistently these steps to manifesting the desires of your heart!

Steps to Creative Visualization!

1.  Meditate
     -This will prepare you to decide and express what it is you really want.  Meditation can take place any way you feel comfortable.  If you want to go yoga style, casual on the bed style, or sitting in your back yard, or the living room couch style, it doesn't matter...whatever is comfortable and seems real to you!
     -It should be reasonably quiet and still, although music or sound effects are perfectly fine.  Relax and allow your mind to be still.  If you can't stop the thoughts, then think on things you love and desire.  This is the next step in meditation anyway!  You can follow a guided recorded session, or just do it yourself.
     - I suggest  a few to 30 minutes a day, if you can, or at least 3 days a week.  The frequency is important because it's not only good for creating, but it's also good for psychological and physical health!

2.  Journal
     -Keep a journal or few to jot down, or full out write, your thoughts and feelings about what you desire. Your journal(s) can be ANYTHING you want!  I keep a little one on my smartphone.  I also have a big fancy, pretty journal book.  Sometimes I  create little cards or post-its where I place them conveniently!
     -Another great idea is to doodle or draw sketches!  I often draw little pictures, and if you are an artist, you can really benefit from this.  This technique also stimulates creativity and expands your visualization abilities.
     -I often write poems, or little quotes, or sometimes just write diary style.

3.  Seek images
     -It is important to seek out or purposely expose yourself to a visually appealing environment frequently throughout your days.  If you are limited in your environment, you can take little side trips in the car or on foot and just "pop-in" somewhere because you know you love the imagery it conveys  Also, you can watch tv or pop on the internet to seek out visually desirable images that relate to what you want!
     -Some of the BEST sources of creative imagery are on the internet.  Pinterest is wonderful!  Create a Pinterest account online and keep a visual record of all the things you love and desire, to visit often or on a daily basis!
     -Of course, MENTAL IMAGES are very important!  When you just want to create pictures in your mind, know that this is a superior method to use in creating visually.
     -The other day I was in the doctor's office, getting frustrated standing in line.  I was really annoyed and getting ready to by cranky when I decided to stare at a picture on the wall of a seascape and a boat.  That really calmed me down.  It was there MAGICALLY to soothe me, but also to help me visualize at an extra moment in my day, at something that I want and desire anyway!!

4.  Vision Boards
     -A vision board is like a poster or collage of images that relate to what you are desiring.  I have created posters for my bedroom that have cut outs from magazines or other types of clippings.  This is an old- fashioned idea in a digitally advanced world, but there is an extra element of depth by cutting out glossy, dimensional images and putting them together on a surface you can feel and touch.  I change mine as time passes, or create new ones, to add to my collections.
     -I have made "vision scrapbooks", and 3d photo frames, as well, for my visioning.  I also have created 3d displays of my wishes and desires.  I put little examples of related things on a mirror ( to add expansion) and leave it out for a time in a convenient location for me and others to enjoy,
     -I also use the above techniques to express my gratitude, on a daily basis,  for what I have already successfully manifested!
     -I include in my journals, and speak out loud frequently, my sincere and heartfelt "thank yous" for what I have successfully manifested.   It sometimes takes other people, seen or unseen, and specific energy patterns for these things to happen.  It will ALWAYS involve your angels or spirits to move things along, so saying thank you to anyone or anything is very, vey, important!

5.  Take advantage of positive energy
     -Always use the opportunity to visualize when you are feeling extra great or are extra happy!!  These are the times to take advantage of because your energy field is soooo positive and ripe for the law of attraction!
     -Use the energy of the New Moons and  avoid Void of Course moons.  You can google both these terms and find many websites to help you know when they are coming.  A New Moon is a time for setting intentions for your wishes and goals.  A void of course moon is a time to avoid certain actions, as the energy is passive and good for resting or evaluating.
     -Check your planetary transit chart for auspicious times that are extra beneficial for manifesting.  If you send me a message to, I can determine your moon sign and birth chart  w/transits for $9.99.
     -Listen to and read about true stories of people that have created a life of their dreams!!  It is real.  It does happen.  Be inspired by people, anyone, who can inspire you.

     These are steps that I use on a daily basis to manifest the things I desire and love in my life.  I created them.  I have used them.  I have succeeded with them. They are real.  And I am grateful for them.

Thank you,

Remember to harm noone in thought, word, or deed.
For questions or a reading, or help with your birth and transit chart, email me at
You can visit my website at to see what I offer.  Also, scroll down on my website page to check out my pinterest, facebook, twitter, instagram, google+,  and linkedin pages!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Creative Visualization!

Greetings fellow metaphysicians!!

Today I feel the necessity of  communicating my experiences of  the ecstasies  and adventures of  "creative visualization".  I will be doing a workshop later this month on this very topic.  I thought about and thought about what I wanted to offer my guests for 1 whole hour!!   The topic that struck me the most was my experience with creative visualization.  I have tried it... and....  I have successfully experienced the euphoric results of blissful manifestation.  It works.  No doubt about it.  Some people, including me, have used it by default for many years.  Whether, by default or design, it is, I have found, the BEST way to manifest a life, or in some cases, a day, an hour, a year, or a century, of "dreaming till your dreams come true" (in the words of the Aerosomith song, "Dream On").  The quantum physics of the law of attraction simply and bluntly tells us, "thoughts are things", and "you create your own reality", "you are what you think", etc., etc.  Well, hot dog, and blow me down.  Really???  Yes, REALLY!!  Huh, who would have thought all those crazy wackos (including me, ahem!) would have coined such a simplistic cliche that has stuck like glue to all of humanity for God knows how long??  Well, guess what?  The band plays on.....

You absolutely, without a doubt, can change your life, your way of thinking, feeling, being and manifesting, by changing what you VISUALIZE!!  Call it daydreaming, call it imagining, call it meditating, call it psychotic (hee, hee, :)), call it anything you want!!  All it takes is a simple shift of thought and attitude to dream up what you really want to have and be in your daily reality.  Sometimes they are little things.  Sometimes they are big things.  I know.  I have done it.  If you LOVE it, if you WANT it, if you FEEL it, it's completely possible, no matter what the obstacles you think there are.

There is only one catch, and it's a good one.  My favorite bit of advice and what I love to tell anyone when I tell my stories is, "harm noone in thought word or deed."  And only you, in your heart, know what that means to you.  If it makes you happy, if it is good for you and your loved ones (by extension), if noone will be hurt down the line by your creation, then go for the full blown creation of exactly what you want.

I have been able to manifest things as small as a fun filled day trip shopping, and eating, and dancing, to a trip around the world to Europe on a first class level.  I have been able to manifest little trinkets and things for me or my environment, to actually the house I live in today, against seemingly insurmountable odds.  A skeptic can be as skeptical as they feel necessary.  It doesn't matter.  It is true, it is real, there are NO OBSTACLES!!  ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!  

In this era of advanced technology, which was predicted  by the astrologers long ago,  there are oodles and oodles of methods to use for visualizing.  You have instagram, pinterest, photography, digital vision boards, etc., etc.  But the AMAZING things is this.  You only need your mind.  You can close your eyes and see what you desire.  The technology is just the next step in manifesting it.  And really technology is just an extension of metaphysicality.  Putting your thoughts and mental visions into 3D form.  Amazing.

When I return I will list methods, strategies, a "to do" list to help get started on this amazing journey, that is, if you haven't already started.  First thing's first!  Ditch the pessimism.  Ditch the negativity.  Ditch the doubt. Ditch the bad experiences, especially.  Ditch the depression.  There is NO ROOM for any of that.  You don't want that anyway.  Right??

I'll be back.....


Monday, June 16, 2014

Welcome to Mystical Magic, a metaphysical potpourri of mystical and magical musings!

Greetings, fellow Metaphysicians!!

I am here to introduce Mystical Magic, a truly mystical and magical place, where I can honestly say, "the tried and true", and "practiced", really works! And it works successfully!

I am very pleased to share my many experiences and educated beliefs with you!  I would like to lovingly thank all the angels, faeries, spirit guides, deceased relatives, elementals, plant life, animals, stars, the moon,  planets, etc., etc., etc., and of course humans, for leading me into a wondrous world of truly MAGICAL awareness and living.

I am here to say, "YES", it is all TRUE and it all WORKS!!  All the wondrous entities that have guided me for many years have lead me to where I am today, a believer in an abundant, joyous, exciting, passionate life of  MYSTICAL MAGIC!   Over time, I will share my experiences and beliefs with you, and hope to help you and convince you of these same discoveries I have made.

Thank you so much for visiting me,
Lin, of Mystical Magic